Rebirth of the Valkyrie Anchor

Chapter 371: : Kill as a nurse, and fight until the end!


"Evil God!"

He asked and answered, Nie Hailong frowned, and asked, "What's the difference?"


Zhong Li shook his head and chuckled and said, "God is a broad concept. In order to distinguish, there are ghosts, demon gods, demon gods, and gods of heaven. There is essentially no difference. This evil **** is the same. You can put him Seen as a high-level, high-latitude, high-level living body, which possesses powers that ordinary people cannot reach or even understand, it is called God. "


Nie Hailong was silent for a moment, and finally said, "So what is the meaning of this evil god?"

Zhong Li smiled and said, "In order to distinguish and identify, God is His nature, evil is His nature, He does not belong to this world, and the power that he possesses in this world is absolutely negative. It will be eroded, polluted, alienated and become the product of its power rules, so it is called evil! "

Hearing this, Nie Hailong also became interested, and asked, "Does the **** of our world or other powerful beings also have such power, like you?"


Zhong Li nodded and said, "Our practice can actually be seen as a kind of alienation and pollution, but this has a positive effect on us, so it is called practice, and after the practice reaches a certain level, It also has the power of a god, like the conversion of the Buddhism and Taoism, and the fall of the demon Tao. There is no difference in its essence, but the role of nature and the expression of form are different. "

Hearing this, Nie Hailong also understood, and asked with a strange expression: "Are we just talking nonsense?"


Zhong Li smiled, staring at the dark shrouded house, and said, "The level of pollution of the evil god's power is not high, there are probably two possibilities. One is that the power of the evil **** is too weak to achieve strong pollution and erosion. The second is that the Essence of the Evil God is not here, only one force remains. "


Nie Hailong groaned, and then asked very simply: "That kind of possibility is relatively high."

"not sure!"

Zhong Li shook his head and said with a chuckle: "But it doesn't matter. Whether it is the evil god's body or the avatar, I will solve it. Your task is to deal with the dependents alienated by the evil god's power. Of course, if you are in trouble, It's okay to bring the South Fleet over and cover it with naval guns. Now they can't resist this level of fire strike. "

"Ship cover?"

Nie Hailong twitched for a moment, then chuckled: "It's better that you do it, and the students in the college also need to practice it."

At this point, Zhong Li did n’t feel surprised. The ship ’s gun coverage was really unnecessary. After all, this Lantau Island is also one of the signs of the Xiangjiang River. If it comes to the last round of fire coverage, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble. Do this. What is struggling?


Only when the two stopped talking, they saw Chen Zhao running over and said, "The team is assembled, please instruct!"


Nie Hailong nodded and turned to Zhong Li and said, "Your student is here."

"Let's go, this battle assessment is over, you can go back!"

"How does this sound a little unlucky?"


After a while, Zhong Li and Nie Hailong joined together in front of the assembled team, making the already nervous people even more nervous.

Seeing this, Zhong Li also did not sell Guanzi, saying, "I'm very glad to see you here. This time I have come to Xiangjiang. It is both a trial and a re-evaluation. During this time, you have experienced anger and experienced fear. I have also experienced confusion and helplessness. What is the final result? You must be clearer than me, so I will not say much. After returning to the college, I will submit a report. This report will determine your future direction and road. ,understand?"

"I understand!"

Although 不是 is not very clear about Zhong Li's thoughts, but after the college's recruit training and this month's grind, obedience to orders has long been an instinct, and he gave a loud sigh and gave the most powerful answer.

In comparison, the salted fish in the live broadcast room ...

"What do you understand?"

"I don't understand anything!"

"I did not expect that martial arts practitioners will also write report papers!"

"The teachers who set up homework are all devil, and you are no exception!"

"Suddenly glad I was not elected, hum hum o (╥﹏╥) o !!!"

In the live broadcast room, everyone's discussions were left alone. Looking at the people who responded loudly, Zhong Li nodded and reiterated: "In addition to this report, there is another review, that is, actual combat, and the battlefield is in this residential area. There are many monsters polluted and alienated by special forces. Your next task is to kill them with your own hands! "




After listening to Zhong Li's words, everyone who just relaxed became tense again, especially ordinary students like Li Wuyi who had not experienced much blood and killing at all.

This month ~ ~ Although they have encountered many obstacles, they are mostly psychological, and there is almost no real fighting. After all, they belong to Guoan and face only some gang societies. The probability of a life or death crisis is really too low.

So, except for military and martial arts like Gao Dazhuang, most of them have no experience, and it is natural to be scared at this moment.

"I know you are nervous and even scared. At the beginning, I was just like you, even more unbearable, but there are some things you have no choice, you have to face it!"

"The monsters here are not much stronger than you, nor do they have powerful weapons. The skills are all based on chaotic rationality and physical instincts. Therefore, you are on the same starting line, and you are even fully armed and occupy With advantage, what you lack is only courage, just a blood pouring and killing experience! "

Zhong Li's discourse was calm. If there was magic, he calmed the restlessness in the hearts of everyone, and then said, "Although this is not something worth looking forward to, and it is not pleasant, but sometimes we must guard with killing Something you want to protect, I believe every one of you has, and I also believe that you absolutely do not want to see it destroyed, destroyed, so-remember my words! "

"Kill as a nurse!"

"Stop fighting!"


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