Rebirth of the Valkyrie Anchor

Chapter 374: :The right choice

Although he set off in the end, Zhong Li was the first to enter the depths of the residential area. The dark and dense fog reflected by the pollution of the evil **** powers did not constitute a hindrance at all for him, even if it was only visual, Tianyan Shenguang This supernatural power has also improved the power of the five senses. Even if you don't use the real element to promote it, you can see some of the evil charms.

"This place is so dark."

"I can't see anything clearly."

"The anchor turns into a glowing light."

"The anchor doesn't have a gift option here."

就是 "That's why he said he could give a reward, why not here?"

"Nonsense, this is an incentive to help students, the anchor is the dean, what do you want this money for?"

Although the field of vision is dark and shrouded in fog, after the light and shadow processing of the intellectual brain, the live broadcast picture is still very clear. After everyone habitually voiced, they turned their attention to the live broadcast and incentive system just launched. Ignore it.

No wonder, compared to Zhong Li's experience in the demon world before now, this dark and foggy scene is nothing at all, and everyone will not be so nervous.

Wu Zhongli had no words, walked through the darkness and fog, and walked to the Zheng's house in the center of the residential area.

Suddenly ...


There was a scream, and a huge black shadow came down from above. Zhongli, who had long understood the situation, had no surprises. He stopped, leaned sideways, avoided, and the clouds flashed through the attack.

Dodge, not because of how powerful this attacker is, but Zhong Li needs it to "go out" to show the audience in the live room to improve the effect of the show, or it will explode without showing up, and the ghost will know what it is.


The assailant's movements were very fast, but in the end he still couldn't keep up with Zhongli. The inevitable killing was flashed aside, and he hit the ground because he couldn't keep up.

"So stupid ..."

"No wonder it is used as a practical textbook!"

"This guy looks like a grandfather, but unfortunately it's a battle."

"Fight the five scums, just kidding. How dare you call it the five scums?"

"Yes, that is, the anchor, you have to change people, give it a flutter, and you will be half disabled if you don't die!"

内 In the live broadcast room, watching the attacker who perfectly fell out of a dog poop, everyone also became interested, and began to observe carefully along the shifting camera angle.


At this time, the attacker who had hit the ground also recovered, screamed, jumped up, turned to face Zhong Li, and let everyone see what it looked like, suddenly ...


"Live ... slot!"

"What the **** is this?"

"Jennima is Licking Grandpa!"

The shape of this attacker is very similar to that of a monster in a certain game. It is deformed by the human body. Some signs are retained on the body, but the skin is completely ulcerated, showing scarlet muscles and white bones. The lines and texture can be seen. People shuddered and had the worst brain ulcers, but the skull did not come off, and they still dutifully protected the slightly twitching brain tissue.

The flesh of the mind is festering, and the lips and tongue cannot be spared. Only the teeth are still intact, and it seems to have been strengthened by some power. It has become extremely sharp and uneven. It seems that only a bite can be used to tear a large piece of flesh. Come.

It lies on the ground, like a beast. The fingers of both hands have evolved into sharp claws. Blood and minced meat residues can be seen on it. The cement floor below is traced with traces, showing the sharpness and sharpness of the double claws. Its muscular strength.


Although the flesh and blood of the eyes have ulcerated, and the pupils no longer exist, it seems to be able to perceive the presence of Zhongli, hoarse and low-pitched roars in the mouth, and the exposed muscles in the skin ulcerated and tense, like the same hunting head Cheetah is about to come out ...


There was a loud noise, the gunfire roared, the blue light bloomed, and a dazzling flare burst, and the mutant lying on the ground wailed, the head flesh burst into pieces, and it turned into a sickening **** place. No more noise.


"Don't do this, anchor!"

"Tian Ye: I don't want to lose face?"

"Okay, let's get started, you have to pull a gun, shameless!"

I looked at the mutant who was shot with a headshot, and then looked at the blue rose that Zhongli hadn't seen for a long time. Everyone stayed for a while, and then they returned to God and vomited.

Zhong Li ignored it and looked at the corpse of the mutant, saying: "This is an alien creature, which is mutated by humans polluted by the power of evil gods. The physical strength, endurance, and vitality have been greatly improved, and the speed and power are far beyond ordinary people. It ’s just that there is no wisdom. It is based on instinct to fight, and the activity consumes a lot. Every time, you need to eat a lot to supplement energy, otherwise you will fall into weakness or even die. "

After all, Zhong Li didn't know where to find a pack of white powder and said softly: "Most of them eat flesh and blood, but flesh and blood don't add much energy. It is best to use drugs. The negative forces contained in drugs have a strong influence on them. In terms of being a nutrient, it can replenish a lot of energy, even if it is dead. "

Speaking of Zhong Li, he squatted down, shook off the pack of white powder, and sprinkled it on the mutant. He said, "Most of the drugs mentioned before contain a negative effect that cannot be resolved by current technology. Power, you can think of it as a very special virus. This virus can enter the living body and grow with the flesh and blood of the living body. In the end, there are two results. The first is the lack of activity of the virus. The life body is silent after death. Going on, the second is being stimulated by some kind of force. The virus breaks out of the inert state, causing alienation to the living body, as it is now. "

镜头 Between the words, the camera suddenly shifted, giving a large close-up of the ordinary broadcast variant that had to be played with at least eighteen layers of mosaic.

"Live ... slot!"

In this scene, the crowd watching the live broadcast almost did not spit out the dinner, and was about to gag, and saw that the mutant who had been crushed to the head and was paralyzed had a sudden movement.

特写 Under the close-up, everyone can clearly see that the white powder quickly melts on the bright red muscles of the mutant, as if the fine salt was in the water.

After the white powder ablated, the mutant's muscles trembled. Although the smashed head did not regenerate as a result, the limbs rejuvenated, and the sharp claws were swept instinctively towards Zhongli.


The cricket was another roar, the scarlet flesh burst, and the spine was broken. The mutant who just got up collapsed to the ground, but his muscles continued to twitch.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, looking at the struggling mutants in the **** ground, and didn't know what to say.

Zhong Li shook his head and said, "The power of the evil **** is precious. It is impossible to spend too much on these insignificant mutants. Therefore, there are basically two processes to make these mutants. First, they are fed a lot of drugs first. , Accumulate enough inert viruses in their bodies, and then use a part of the power of the evil **** as a stimulus to turn the virus from inert to active again, thereby obtaining the dual effects of alienation and strengthening. "

Having said that, Zhong Li took another look at the mutant at his feet and explained: "This is why, this mutant is much more powerful than the blood relative who attacked Ikezawa Maru at first. The blood relative is only a product of alienation of a single evil **** power. , And this alienation has also been strengthened by a large number of viruses, equivalent to the elite. "


"Does anyone understand?"

"Evil god, virus, what's this about?"

"What evil gods exist in this world, and can they make such monsters?"

"Yeah, isn't there any biochemical virus leaking out, this kind of **** is too ridiculous!"

"God is a broad and relative concept. To be precise, it should be a living body with powerful power in the eyes, just like the crayfish that was anchored by the anchor and ready to be taken back for soup. It can also be called What ’s so great about being an evil god? "

"If the anchor said that so many drug addicts around the world are likely to be transformed into such monsters, lying down, I seem to be living next to a drug addict, what should I do, should I move?"

I still use that sentence. It's not strange to see it. Although this information revealed by Zhong Li is appalling, compared to the experience of the demon world before, it is nothing, and everyone quickly accepted it.

Of course, accepting and accepting, panic is still unavoidable ~ ~ I wo n’t say it in ordinary places. The most serious thing is that some drugs are prevalent, even the countries and regions with signature characteristics, and they are close to them Neighbor.

"Emergency meeting will be held immediately, Mexico's problems must be resolved!"

"Hua Guo is too far ahead. With the action of Xiangjiang this time as a benchmark, they will soon clear the drug groups in the country!"

"Those **** poisonous mice will never give up the huge profits of the drug trade. Once China blocks all drug channels, they will definitely turn to our country for sales, and then ..."

"Let ’s go all in. From today on, I do n’t matter if he is a mafia, a mafia, Mexico or Colombia. There is another drug in circulation, and I hang his family!"

"It ’s not enough just to ban the circulation of drugs. We ca n’t bury all of them hundreds of millions of drug users all over the world. Contact China immediately. No matter what the price is, we must get the anti-drug vaccine they introduced to clean the drug. . "

A few months ago, no one could have thought that the world would be in panic and chaos because of a live webcast of one person. All countries and countless people took action. The oppression of death has inspired unprecedented efficiency. The constant call also eased the tight hearts of everyone in Hua Guojing.

Fortunately, they made the right choice!

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