Rebirth of the Valkyrie Anchor

Chapter 425: : Wrath of the Dawn

"(? `? Д? ′) !!"

In the live broadcast room, before everyone recovered from the thrill brought by the white female body, they were calmed down again by Tina's powerful and powerful kick, and stunned in front of the screen, and for a moment did not know what to say.

Everyone was wrong, but Tina didn't hesitate. After a kick, she immediately stepped forward and rushed out, and the dazzling light broke out. A set of silver-white knight plate was revealed on her. It is thick and clever, and the surface is also engraved with exquisite thunder runes, which are as gorgeous as art.

After this set of armor was added, Tina's movements became more rapid, stepping down with a thunder, and pulling up the spear nailed to the ground at the same time, the violent thunder and lightning immediately gathered from all parts of the body, A steady stream of guns penetrated into the gun body, instantly turning this spear into a shining spear of thunder, and throwing it at the still trash can.


Afterwards, I only heard a roar, centered on the spear that was thrown, and there was a big earthquake, thunder raging, and flying ash was everywhere. The screams that were screaming like magic sounds were covered immediately, no more sound.




After the deafening roar, there was only a dead silence, and everyone stared at the figure surrounded by thunder, wondering what to say.

I did n’t say anything in the silent live broadcast room, and look at where the shot fell, and now there is only a huge round pit, except for a spear standing in it, there is nothing else, not even the blood stain, let alone What a pale female body.

Tina stepped forward, pulled up the spear, and looked at the ray of black gas on the tip of the silver-white lance. She raised her eyebrows and drew a burst of energy in her body. Under the thunder, the entangled ray Heqi just completely disappeared.

Subsequently, she did not disperse this gorgeous and even more powerful armed force, and she turned around and said to Zhong Li, "This is not the source!"

In the words, with deep anxiety, the pale female body was not just as simple as an evil spirit. The extremely evil breath and power were very similar to some existence in her impression, even if it was not the same source. It must be at the same level.

She knew how powerful and terrible such beings were, so she was so excited before. Even the inheritance artifacts of the Roth family were used. It was an unreserved blow, hoping to destroy the source of evil.

Artifacts are also the legacy of ancient elves. A thousand years ago, a group of sea elves first recovered the power of blood and found the main city of ancient elves, Atlantis, hidden in the sea!

This group of elves and their descendants became the masters of Atlantis with the power of bloodlines, which is now the royal family. After the royal family took control of Atlantis, the blood power of the remaining elves gradually gradually Recovered, and under the influence of blood power, came to Atlantis and became a noble following the royal family.

Among these nobles, there are several special existences. The blood in the body is no less powerful than the royals. They can also control the artifacts left by Atlantis and the ancient elves. In order to appease them and ensure their own rule, the royals and the nobles have concluded. After the contract, the royal family guaranteed the rights of the nobles, and gave some of the artifacts to the powerful ones. The nobles swore allegiance to the royal families and formed a council to help govern Atlantis.

The Ross family was one of the nobles who had received artifacts at the beginning. The owner took control of the artifacts and served as the elven king for generations. The authority status is equivalent to the royal family. Only under the elven emperor is a special class that has not been publicly announced, but actually exists-the royal family!

Tina is the only daughter of the elven king, the purest blood of the Ross family, has long been designated as the heir of the elven king, and even this set of inheritance artifact "Dawn of the Dawn" was delivered to her early.

That's right, the artifacts of the elves are basically complete sets of weapons. The spirit of Xihai in the hands of Ino is like this, and the wrath of the morning light owned by the Ross family is no exception.

Needless to say, the power of a set of artifacts, even if it is not the highest artifact of the Xihai Spirit or even above the soldiers, the power is extremely terrifying, even on the immortal artifacts, because of the artifacts of the elves , All use the unique talent technology of the elves: natural creation, spiritual talent.

This is a natural craft born of elves. They can "create" by the power of the world, instead of "forging" like ordinary craftsmen. The level is naturally higher, and the power is more powerful.

Therefore, the artifacts created by the elves, whether or not they step into the ranks of the holy soldiers, can have spirituality, and some can even give birth to artifacts.

This is why only the Elven Blood Artifact can be used. This spiritual artifact only recognizes the Elven Blood Vessel.

With such a set of artifacts in hand, Tina's strength should not be underestimated even if the power is not fully exerted, and it is naturally not a problem to kill this pale female body.

It is a pity that this horrible female body is not the source of any evil force, not even the branches, but the collateral products that inadvertently breed.

Tina also knew this, so she was so worried. Although the white woman was killed by one shot, it did not mean that the evil force was weak. On the contrary, the level of the evil force may still be To surpass the wrath of her dawn, she stepped into the supreme realm of the oracle.

This may be a bit confusing. The artifact of the elves is just a name, just like the immortals of the immortal path. It does not mean that there is a first-class existence of the immortal god. If you really want to divide the level, you must use the fourth order of the holy heaven and earth. These "fairies" and "artifacts" have a higher starting point, and they are basically the bottom of the sky.

Tina's Wrath of the Dawn is a set of top-level elven artifacts, just like the ancient seven-day sword of Tianchi Sword Gate. It has the power of the limit of the level, even a point of the paladin power, but with the highest There is still an insurmountable gap.

Tina is also worried about this now. This extremely evil force has already stepped into the highest realm of the oracle. Even if she uses the wrath of the dawn, her combat power is full, and at most she can only branch it. Destroyed, it is good to be able to protect yourself at the source.

Of course, Tina did not ignore the existence of Zhong Li, and now looking at him, she wanted to ask his views and opinions, and at the same time had some tentative thoughts. After all, the core of the dark tide was also at the same level of existence.

Although Zhong Li didn't know her mind, she could guess seven or eight points and chuckled: "Since it's not the source, what are you so nervous about?"


Tina was so angry with Zhong Li, when was this time that he still had a wry smile?

"Okay, just kidding."

In the face of this elf knight who is very serious about everything, Zhong Li also put away that little bit of fun, saying, "I'll solve the next thing, you just have to protect the others, don't do it again. Hands, these things are still useful. "

At this, Tina frowned, and said, "That power is very powerful and dangerous!"

Zhong Li smiled and said, "Relax."

Having said that, he turned around and walked to that inexplicable house.


"You stay here."

Listening to this, Ichizawa Goro and Tomimon Changming wanted to say something, but they were covered by Zhong Li's words, and they could only stand there and watch him leave.


"Bang, bang!"

Panic and hurried steps, stepping on the wood-plastic floor commonly used in Dongying's house, made a particularly clear sound, and Rica was frightened, running in a panic, daring not to turn back, or even daring to look away because she was scared and afraid of blinking , You can see the horrible twisted pale face, the pair of dark eyes filled with resentment.


Panic steps, I do not know what tripped, Li Jia screamed, fell to the ground, but could not care about the pain, and struggled again, because she had seen the porch, saw the half-closing door, just go there , You can escape and leave this place that is ten thousand times more scary than nightmare.

Survival instincts made Lijia difficult to support her weak body, exhausted all her strength, and finally rushed to the porch, grabbed the doorknob, and opened the door to escape.


There was a squeaking noise, but the door did not open. At this time, Lijia discovered that a metal anti-theft chain was still inserted on the door. The trembling hands hurriedly reached out and wanted to remove the metal chain, but somehow It just cannot be solved.


At this moment, the most terrifying voice rang again, and Li Jia's body trembled, her eyes moistened with tears were instantly filled with despair, and then hysterical broke out, holding the door and pulling frantically. , Trying to tear the door open, but the chain was constantly, blocking the only hope in front of her.

"no no……!!!"

The tear-open door let tears flow down in despair, and the approaching gurgling behind it destroyed the last force of the body. In the end, it could only squeeze the head into the seam like an ostrich, as if This way you can leave this horrible haunted house without facing the things behind you.



The sound like a nightmare sounded ~ ~ Li Jia's trembling body stiffened in place. The head that was squeezed into the gap between the entrance and the door could not help but looked up. It happened that I saw a Zhang Nianpang, a pale woman's face, with long hair moistened with blood, looked down at her from an angle that ordinary people could never do ...

Instinct made Rijia want to scream, but when she couldn't make a sound, her body seemed to lose control, and she could only look at that head and face, watching her lean down a little bit, a little bit Approaching, the **** lacquered black hair fell on her tear-stained face.

Desperate, suffocated, Li Jia has no idea what words to use to describe her emotions at the moment. That pale face has been pasted in front of her, with almost no gap, as if to knead herself into her.

Just then ...


With a crisp sound, the sawdust flipped, and Li Jiayi looked at the pale white face close by, being held by a hand that penetrated the door, and suddenly choked his neck from the back, as if the eagle was grabbing a chick, ripping. Passed.

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