Rebirth of the Valkyrie Anchor

Chapter 444: : Ziqi Donglai

"How could this be?"

"How could this be!"

The joint army, the headquarters, looked at the black tide that was rushing towards the city. Ichizawa Goro opened his eyes, clutched the collar of a middle-aged officer with both hands, and growled, "Tell me what's going on. What about the guards of the Yuanling Pagoda, and the nearby combat units, why aren't they alone? Are they all dead? "

In the face of the raging Goro Ichisawa, the officer did not know how to answer, but he stuttered and said: "Chi, Mr. Ikezawa, calm down first, I, I will immediately order the nearby troops to support, and I must take this The gap is plugged. "


Hearing this, not only did Ichiro calm down, but he became even more angry and snarled loudly: "Tell me, what do you use to stop, as a commander, you do n’t even know where your soldiers are, you What to stop! "

"All right!"

When Ikeza Goro was furious and at a loss, Nie Hailong, who had been silent, interrupted and said, "Now is not the time for accountability. If this gap cannot be closed immediately, we must consider evacuating. Something wrong! "


At this point, Gosawa Ichizawa just woke up, panicked and helpless, and said, "There are 1.5 million residents in the city. If the army evacuates, who will protect them, we must not do so. Kita, gather your soldiers right away and close the gap for me no matter what the price! "

Looking at the hysteria Ichisawa Goro and the East Commander with no confidence at all, Nie Hailong shook his head and said Shen Sheng: "The artillery of the army cannot be launched inside the city. We will be incalculable! "


Listening to this, the British and American commanders on the side also stood up and said, "This is a mistake made by your own people. There is no reason to ask us to bear it together. Our soldiers cannot pay for a doomed city. Precious life. "

Having said that, the two ignored the reaction of Ichizawa Goro, turned around and walked out of the headquarters, apparently making up their minds to evacuate.

In this case, it is no wonder that two people. The biggest advantage of the army in the face of ghosts is the intensive and powerful artillery fire. Depending on the artillery, the ghosts can be eliminated from a long distance to avoid contact damage. It is even more difficult to strike the target accurately and effectively. How can the army with no superiority fight against thousands of ghosts?

Therefore, retreat is inevitable. Do not say that the United Kingdom and the United States, which have little to do with this city, are the troops of the East Coast. At this time, they should also evacuate to preserve their vitality.

But Ichizawa Goro couldn't accept such a result. He couldn't bear the blame for the death of one and a half million people. When he watched them leave, he felt dizzy, his eyes were despairing, and he suddenly thought of something and turned to Nie Hailong asked with both fear and hope: "You already knew this would happen?"

This question put Nie Hailong into silence, and after a moment, he nodded and said, "Yes!"


The conjecture in his heart was confirmed, but Ichiro Goro couldn't accept it, and asked Nie Hailong repeatedly: "Why not remind me, why not stop them !!!"

Looking at his somewhat broken appearance, Nie Hailong shook his head and asked, "Can you stop it?"


This made Goro Ikezawa, who was willing to argue, instantly fall down, fell into a chair, and said disastrously, "You speak well, you can't stop it!"

There aren't many stupid people in this world. At least Ichizawa Goro isn't. To this day, how can he not understand the truth of the matter.

After the Yuanling Tower was established, the forces of the Four Kingdoms did not immediately evacuate, but instead stationed in the originally designated defense zone, took over the Yuanling Tower in the zone, and assumed control and defense tasks of the Yuanling Tower.

This is both a reward and a test. After taking over the Yuanling Tower, countries can directly conduct research experiments on the Yuanling Tower and obtain the technology of the Yuanling Tower in advance. However, they must also bear the defense of the Yuanling Tower and ensure the Yuanling Tower and protection. The absolute security of the barrier.

The barriers are often broken first from the inside. There are primal towers and defensive barriers. The external ghosts do not need to worry. The hidden dangers inside are the real threats. The results also prove this. There is something wrong with Dongjun ’s army. They were penetrated too deep and too deep, and they should have guarded the rigorous Yuanling Pagoda, and directly removed all defenses, like a lamb to be slaughtered, and were quickly broken.

At this point, Zhong Li had long noticed, but did not remind Chize Goro and did not let Nie Hailong take action to stop it, because this could not be stopped at all. Chize Goro could not control the army. Even if they were transferred away, they would eventually go out of their way. By then, the losses will be made even worse.

This is like a poison sore that has long been ingrained. If you can't bear the pain and dig it out, you just take the medicine to stop the pain. One day, it will worsen into a fatal poison.

Now, it is the pain that must be experienced to remove this sore!

In this regard, although Ichizawa Goro was unacceptable, he also understood the reason, so he soon recovered and asked Nie Hailong with his last hope: "Mr. Will this matter be resolved?"

Nie Hailong smiled and said without a word: "Look at it!"


"So many evil spirits!"

"Well, magic road is such a good thing!"

"Where are you? Don't you bother?"

"This Dongpu ghost is also fierce, even a city with millions of souls!"

"They all succeeded. What else do we foreigners care about? Go!"

A Yuanling Tower collapsed, causing the protective barrier to partially dissipate. Looking at the gap in the empty door, everyone said nothing, immediately turned away, and more than a hundred streamers burst into the air, rushing towards the city.

If you do n’t have three points and three, you dare to go to Liangshan. Today, the one who wins the Dan is the worst. You may not have the ability to be close to the end of the earth. Thousands of ghosts rushing into the sky, flew into the sky, and wanted to miss them.

Don't want to ...


A roar started, hundreds of undercurrents flew out, swept up into the sky, and intercepted everyone. It was the ghosts and ghosts who were all on the same level among the ghosts.


There are no more than a hundred people. Although the strength is extraordinary, it is equally difficult to break through the interception of hundreds of ghosts and monsters who have forgotten their lives. Even the Xiaoxiao who transformed into a dragon is entangled by dozens of ghosts and monsters. .

At the same time, the raging tide of ghosts rushed into the city violently, and a **** killing, screaming, mourning, wailing, roaring, countless sounds were mixed, and it became a desperate movement. !!

The Kuroshio rolled, and in a blink of an eye, it swallowed up the marginal areas that had been migrated, covering the densely populated city centers, one street after another, and one house after another, constantly filled with mourning and blood.

"Kiko, hurry up, hurry up!"

Among the fleeing crowd, a woman was thrown away by everyone because of her physical strength, and then fell to the ground. No matter how difficult it is to move, she can only push the daughter in her arms, hoping that she can escape alone, but this is not a problem. Six- or seven-year-olds, where do they know this, holding their mother's hand and crying, they do not want to leave at all.


The girl's cry was soon covered by the shrieks coming from behind, and the hopeless woman could only hopefully hold her daughter in her arms, her eyes closed, waiting for death to come.


With a deep drink, the heat wave rolled up, swallowing up the rear tip, and the unexpected attack did not come, making the woman's eyelashes tremble, and opened her eyes in confusion, only to find out when there was one more in front of me Youth and a teenage girl.

The young man was dressed in white, dressed as a yin and yang teacher, and the girl was dressed in white and a red dress. She appeared to be a witch serving the gods. She stood in front of her and said with a smile, "It's all right."

"Thank you, thank you!"

Seeing this, the woman quickly stood up and hugged the girl to thank them both.

The young man dressed as the Yin Yang division smiled slightly and said, "Let's get out of here, then our battle."

After saying that, he took out another charm and gave it to the woman, and said, "This charm contains divine power. When it is in danger, put it on your heart and ask for the protection of the **** of heaven ..."


Before the words were finished, she was interrupted by a muffled sound. The woman stood on the spot, her face was covered with blood, and she was at a loss as she looked at the flesh and blood tentacles pierced from the chest of the young yin and yang teacher ~ ~ You! "

Only the witch woke up and screamed for help, but the flesh tentacle with the body of the young yin and yang division quickly contracted backwards and fell straight into the hands of a tall figure.

This person can no longer be called a person. Although there is a general human form, a large amount of flesh and tentacles are grown on the tall body. One arm becomes a huge clamp, and the other grows. It became a tentacle, and at this moment was penetrating the body of that yin and yang master, hooking himself.

In this way, the yin and yang teacher has not died yet, looking at the man with incredible eyes, and said hardly, "You, how do you ..."

"Humble life!"

Before the words were over, the man pulled out his tentacles, threw the young yin and yang master to the ground, and trampled his chest with one foot, saying, "Do you think that little power can really control millions of ghosts? They It is my will that obeys, not you or the weak God behind you! "

"Let him go!"

In the words, the witch had rushed forward, throwing hundreds of feet of charms, turned into a flying flamingo, hit the man's chest heavily, but was resisted by the twisted tentacles on the body, turned into a burst The green smoke dissipated.


In the face of this irrelevant blow, the man smiled and said, "See, how humble your power is, how weak your God is, now I give you a chance to believe in one Real deities, get really great power ... "


Before the words were finished, they were covered by a loud scream, and in the dark and dreary sky, a purple gas appeared splendidly, like a dragon!

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