Rebirth of the Valkyrie Anchor

Chapter 464: : Ambition

The Aion, as the control center and energy core of Atlantis, is located in the center of the entire city. The left and right are the residences of the Aran Knights and the Aran Mage, and the five elf kings are stationed in rotation. Still on top of several royal palaces.

It is this high tower that lifts up the sky of Atlantis. The eternal light covers the entire city. As long as you look up at the dome, you can see the tower that is shining brightly and leads directly to the sky. It left many indelible marks on its body, but it still couldn't hide its grandeur.

This is the most sacred place of Atlantis. Legend has it that all evil is invisible here. The new emperor must climb to the top of it and be crowned under the attention of all people, in order to get the recognition and allegiance of all the elves. The noble parliament must also be carried out here, so that the passed bill is truly effective.

In addition, it is the library with the longest history of Atlantis. Numerous elven mages have dreamed of further studies. It is said that there are elven sages and the mysterious heritage of the **** of Arcane. The winner will have Beside the great power of the gods.

It is unknown if this legend is true or false, but Atlantis did control the Tower of Eternity extremely tightly. Even if the royal family wants to enter, they must submit an application first, and the application can be passed. The time limit can be said to be extremely severe.

Suddenly, a golden horse-drawn carriage rushed from the sky. Four white horses and horses dragged gold-made carts, indulged in the sky, stepped out of a colorful bridge, and more than ten The knights crowded around, followed closely, leaving no gaps.

"The law!"

The team rushed to the tower, and after a violent sizzling of taunting, the indulgent steed just returned to peace. The headed knight took off his helmet, exposing a dazzling blond hair, enough to make the girl's screaming face hang on. A gentle smile like morning light, a confident and calm attitude, all exudes the charm of the king.

"His Royal Highness!"

The knight turned over and dismounted, walked to the carriage, unveiled the curtain, and greeted a woman, a woman who could only be described as beautiful.

Dazzling blond hair, snow-white skin, blue eyes like jewels, she stood on the carriage, her delicate young girl's posture, revealing an indescribable manner and majesty, depriving all colors of the past, Keep her in focus and center.

She glanced around, without saying a word, she put her hand in the palm of the knight, calmly stepped out of the carriage, and walked towards the eternal tower with shining stars.

"His Highness Eve!"

For her arrival, the two elf knights guarding the tower bowed slightly. As guardians of the eternal tower, they did not have to and could not salute anyone except the elf emperor. Bowing was already the greatest respect.


As the daughter of the Elven Emperor, who was the most promising candidate for the new emperor crown, Eve naturally knew this, nodded slightly in response, and then entered the tower.


No, the two guards stopped in front of her, and said calmly, "His Highness Eve, only you can enter the Tower of Eternity, and Captain Arthur is not allowed, we cannot pass it."


Eve stared at her, watching the two guards in front of her. After a moment, she turned her head and said to the knight around, "Arthur, you stay here."

"As you wish, my Highness!"

The knight nodded, and the smile on his face still showed confidence and calmness. He could not see the anger and embarrassment, and smiled slightly.

Seeing this, Eve's indifferent expression also eased a little, nodded to him, and then turned to walk inside the tower. The two guards also gave way with interest.

Penetrating into the bright starlight, the space suddenly became unbalanced, and the surrounding scene was even more distorted. When it returned to normal, Eve had arrived in a brilliant room.

The elf is a natural caster. As the pinnacle of ancient elves, the eternal tower can be described as using the power of magic to the extreme, and it is natural to change a small space.


A deafening roar came, hearing Eve's frown, looking up, but in the room, a person leaned arrogantly on the seat, and the virtual three-dimensional image in front of him was staged a grand and shocking battle. It was the recent battle of Gao Tianyuan.

Seeing this, the words that Eve wanted to export also stopped in his mouth, standing behind the man without speaking, watching the shocking battle presented by the image.

The two remained silent, only the sound of intense battles. After a moment, the shocking battle came to an end, and the image exploded at the last minute from Dan Yuan.

"It is interesting!"

Looking at the fixed frame, for a long time, the person on the seat gave a chuckle, looked up and looked at Eve, and smiled: "It seems that your dear sister has found a very special human being like you. "

This is a young man who, like Arthur before, has a dazzling blond hair and a handsome face that is enough to make a girl scream ~ ~ It is just different from the gentleness of Arthur's fairy prince With the sun, he seemed like a lion in the afternoon, and showed lazy wildness in his laziness. The eyes that were chosen and swallowed, even when he faced Eve, he did not see convergence, but an extremely strong burst broke out. Desire to possess.

This desire-filled gaze and frivolous words made Eve unhappy, her eyebrows frowned tightly, and she said coldly, "Aum, your arrogance will always make people feel so disgusted."


Listening to this, Aum leaned on the sofa without anger and smile, saying disdainfully, "My dear wife, the knight and princess have played games for too long, have you forgotten your identity and bloodline, right? You are an elf, a distinguished royal elf, how can my future queen be considered as a humble human being? "


Eve snorted, his expression even more disdainful: "Aum, if your power is one tenth of your arrogance, then you don't need to hide here anymore, that human being has come, but you have no courage to talk to him In World War I will just hide here, covering up the fact that I fear, to maintain that sad and ridiculous pride. "


In the face of Eve's relentless words, Aum was still lazy and said with a smirk: "I admit that the human force is very powerful, even more than I imagined, but this does not Not worth my fear. "

In the words, his expression suddenly became serious, and he stood up to face this Eve, with flames burning in his eyes, and ambitious: "Soon, I will have a stronger power than him, leading the elves and Ya Trentis is on the rise, the sea, the land, the sky, the whole world must be subdued at my feet, you-no exception! "

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