Rebirth of the Valkyrie Anchor

Chapter 466: : Flower of Eternal Night

"His Highness Ino, please forgive me, it is not appropriate for you to leave the horoscope now, and the dark elves who sneaked into Atlantis have not been completely cleared, and they may attack again at any time."

On the streets, innocent and Zhongli walked slowly, with Tina and Mary next to each other. A group of four people seemed to be inconspicuous in this quiet street, and the pedestrians were also passing by. Did not realize the identity of several people.

This is not that pedestrians are blind, and even so obvious characteristics of several people are invisible, but Yinuo applied a little magic, just like in the original Izezawa Maru, greatly reducing the existence of four people This didn't attract attention.

Even so, Tina did not dare to be taken lightly. Recently, the activities of the dark elves have become more frequent and more rampant. They sneaked into the city without saying, and repeatedly launched the tide of darkness to attack the elven dwellings outside the city. Wang left in a hurry because a very important star mine was under siege and he must go to support immediately.

The world is bustling, all for good. Although the dark elves and the orthodox elves are deadly enemies, such a fierce war is also a heavy burden for them, so they are so crazy, needless to say, there must be something behind conspiracy.

Although Tina knows that the target of the Dark Elf is Ino, what the specific plan is is not clear. The enemy is dark and the situation is passive. Even the heavily guarded Royal Star Palace may not be able to guarantee security, let alone this has been heavily What about infiltrates?

Tina's worry was not unreasonable, but instead of thinking of returning, Ino shook her head and murmured, "Elf and human, need to understand!"

Today, she is still in the same dress as Zhong Li at the first sight. The snow-white dress is filled with the banned spirit of Xihai, and her long purple hair falls like a waterfall, until the soft waist and the corona between hair shine. With the soft glory, the dignity reveals the majesty of the emperor, making the original young girl faded a lot, showing more wisdom and maturity.

Back to Atlantis, she went through a lot and grew up a lot. She was no longer the little girl who was a little naive.

Of course, this refers to the psychology. In terms of appearance, she has not changed much from the previous. It seems that she is still 13 or 14 years old. This is the advantage of the elves, but also the defects of the elves. The long life span allows them to have Longer time, more powerful, but also limited their growth and reproduction, a hundred years, mortals have long gone through their lives, children and grandchildren worship, smiled Jiuquan, and she is a little older girl.

Listening to her words, Zhong Li also smiled and said, "Yes, you can understand each other so you can accept each other."


Ino nodded, and walked forward. Zhong Li was aside, and saw Tina's helplessness. On the surface, the two were easy-going and weak, but actually acted exceptionally strong and decided things. , The others can't be shaken at all.

To this day, there is no point in persuading. Fortunately, Zhongli's strength is worthy of convincing. The existence of the spirit of Xihai can also ensure the safety of Yinuo, so Tina has not been stubborn. With Mary, she silently followed the two. Human footsteps.

Atlantis, divided into three areas, the outer city where civilians live, the inner city where nobles live, and the royal star palace and the tower of eternity.

Among them, the outer city and inner city are divided into two parts, one is the war zone, and the other is the urban area.

The theater, as the name suggests, is the battle area. The outer city theater is based on the first wall of Atlantis and is equipped with numerous defensive weapons. It is stationed by major legions. Civilians are strictly forbidden. If you want to enter or exit the city, you can only pass Colorful bridge.

After the Outer City Theater, there is now the Outer City area where Zhong Li and others are located. This area accounts for only 50% of Atlantis's population, but it is populated by Atlantis's total population. Ninety civilians, although not so dangerous and chaotic, must be inevitable, and the dark elves often lurk here and wait for the opportunity to penetrate the inner city center.

This is also the reason why Tina does not approve of Ino's travel. The penetration of the dark elves is too serious. The inner city area is okay, with heavy checks and strict guards. The outer city area is not acceptable. The lack of population makes the elves even Atlantis. It ca n’t be filled. In order to ensure the safety of the inner city and the unavoidable relaxation of the outer city, many places are not even inhabited. Naturally, the dark elves penetrate the latent void.

Such a city was originally depressed, but now it is affected by the tide of darkness and the dark elves. It is conceivable that, except for the hurried patrol guards, there are not many pedestrians on the streets, and many shops are also in Out of business, the dark clouds of war and depression are ubiquitous, condensing into an invisible hand, choking everyone's throat, and making uncomfortable people breathless.

This is war, the forms may be different, but the essence is the same. The fear of death and the desire for survival are the instincts of all life, and will not change due to gorgeous magic or extraordinary technology.

"His Royal Highness!"

Looking at the depressed and depressed surroundings, Tina shook her head and said, "Let's go back. War control will soon take place here. After the threat of the dark elves is lifted and the city order returns to normal, we will visit again. "

Ino shook his head, did not stop, and continued to walk forward. Finally, when he saw it on the street, he saw a shop that was still open.

It was a flower shop. The left and right sides were full of potted plants. The light in the hall was a little dim, but it was shining with a kind of night light. It occupied a corner of the street. It was not eye-catching at the moment. There is an inexplicable taste.


Tina frowned, her heart inexplicable, and she was trying to say something, but she saw that Inno stepped forward directly, but she had no choice but to quickly follow, and Zhong Li, who was a little behind, didn't say much. Footsteps calmly at the end of the team.

The group came to the shop and found nothing special. Compared to Atlantis, this is a very traditional and ordinary flower shop. Potted plants are common types, but the pruning process is unusual. It is from the hand of the master. Each potted plant has a strong sense of personal art, but it is natural, and it is arranged to perfectly blend with the surrounding night, and can not find a flaw.

Elves, love nature, but also detached from nature. Gorgeous and delicate are their most admired art styles. Just like Chinese landscape paintings, poetry and songs, they can put a few ordinary potted plants into this natural and detached field. This accomplishment is rare in elves.


Although Tina is a knight, this does not mean that she will not appreciate it. The elf's pursuit of art is like the human's aesthetic appreciation for the opposite sex. It has been imprinted in the blood and formed an instinct.

A small shop with several potted plants, but if the world has been changed, the soul has been introduced into a vast night sky, dotted with stars and sky, the sea and the fields are unchanged, and the greatness of the world and the smallness of life are vividly displayed.

"What do you need?"

In the middle of the blur, a whisper whispered Tina back to reality, and then looked back at everything that has returned to normal. In a slightly dim shop, a man walked out slowly, with black eyes and black eyes, a rare oriental appearance. There was a gentle smile like moonlight on Yi's face, and there was a little sadness that he hadn't even noticed. There seemed to be a difficult past.

Tina stared at the man in surprise, then turned her eyes to the surrounding potted plants, and asked, "This is ...?"

"Forever night!"

The man smiled and said softly, "Born in the dark and bright, this is a work I haven't finished yet."

"Not finished?"

Tina murmured, and the surprise on her face gradually turned into regret, saying, "That's a pity. I don't know when it can be done?"

The man smiled slightly and said, "Quickly, there is still an eternal night flower that can make the world shine. I am waiting for her bloom!"


"What are these two people talking about?"

"Although there are subtitles, the meaning is completely unknown!"

"Technology is close to the road, the avenue is a rhyme. Among the aliens ... there are many masters!"

"It's so handsome, and so pretentious, it must be a villain, the anchor **** him!"

As soon as she entered the store, Tina, who was most disturbed, accepted everything first. She didn't care about this slightly unexpected development ~ ~ The previous vigilance was also missing.

No, not only her, but Mary Rose was also intoxicated in the "Eternal Night" created by these potted plants, and has yet to wake up.

Zhong Li and Ino stood aside, sitting and watching everything, without words, and looked calm, so Tina didn't feel the difference, looked at the man in puzzlement, and asked, "Why did I never hear it? ? "

"That's the fairy flower of the legend!"

The man smiled slightly, his eyes shifted, and he paused for a moment, then passed by, and finally stayed on Yinuo, saying softly: "Legend, she grew up in the dark night, no sun, no Rain dew, only the source of blood flowing out from the killing, and the hotbed of sin piled up by the corpse, but she did not fall because of it, but in the endless sin and darkness, the most brilliant light bloomed, and finally dispelled the darkness and took herself Power to change the world! "

Between words, the man's gaze became more and more condensed, as if it were the essence, staying on Ino's body, and continued: "This is the flower of eternal night, born in the dark, the flower of eternal night!"

Having said that, he looked towards Zhong Li again and smiled and said, "The light of the everlasting night blooms, all false truths, righteous sins will be lost. Are you ready?"

This meant unclear words. The audience in the live broadcast room was covered by clouds and fog. For unknown reasons, Zhong Li didn't care, and said with a smile: "Don't deceive yourself, pretend to be a ghost, you can't get on the table!"

The words were soft, but the words were like thunder, and they shook into the hearts of everyone, and a little blank Tina awakened immediately, her eyes and pupils shrinking, and she was furious: "You ... the dark elf!"

In the words, the thunder burst out ...

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