Rebirth of the Valkyrie Anchor

Chapter 479: : Collapse!

Red blood flames, such as the red lotus blooming, swallowing ten squares, instantly, but only momentarily, this dark tide that almost filled the bottom of the sea, was emptied, and the sea water boiled, but did not evaporate, but with the blood flame, melted Hell-like lava expands in this tide of darkness.


The flames of red blood burst out, sorrowful and sorrowful, there were not many dark creatures that moved the space, and they could only watch as the flames of red blood swallowed up themselves. Siren, monsters, and dependents could not resist the flames of red blood. The expansion of the corpse died in that red blood flame, and only two figures could barely support it, and flew back in astonishment.

It is exactly two bloodline heirs!

Red blood is an elf conceived by the natural **** beast and the fire of the earth's heart. The body is filled with the purest flames. It belongs to the first-level existence of the elementary power. Except for a few special cases, there is almost nothing that can withstand the red flames that burst out.

This is the strength of the born beast. From the beginning, you can use the third level of Yuanyuan power as the starting point of your practice. In the future, you can promote the Holy Order without hindrance, turning the Yuanyuan power into a more powerful Taoyuan force. Unlike ordinary creatures, if you want to practice, you can only start with the most basic Fanyuanli, and then ascend step by step.

何 How difficult is this?

Human element Fanyuan, elementary elementary element, heaven elementary element, sacred element element, heaven element origin, element element of fifth order, spiritual practice of five realms, looking at the world, billions of souls, able to step through the first three stages, the first three states It's all out of nothing, let alone the later heavenly path.

The sacred beast starts from the realm, and is born above billions of souls. Therefore, the level can fight against the heavenly order, the heavenly order can fight against the sacred order, and it is truly unique and mortal.

In contrast, blood-successor heirs born from the source of divine power, although they can also be called divine beasts, are far from being rivals of red blood, because their "divine beasts" have too much water, which gave birth to their alien gods. Alas, they are basically in a weak state after breaking the seal. How many sources can be used to conceive them, at most they will be 20% or 30%, or even Chengdu may not.

The congenital deficiency has put these bloodline heirs at a disadvantage, coupled with the restraint of the beast power against alien **** powers, this bloodline heir has actually hit the nemesis against the red blood, the two weaker ones, Directly transformed into the fly ash in that red flame, only the two stronger ones remained, and they were able to save their lives and fled.


The blood lotus bloomed, the red flames were soaring, the two bloodline heirs escaped, and had no time to breathe. The body collapsed due to collapse and fell straight to the bottom of the sea. Fortunately, two alienated giant whales came in time to use the undercurrent. Moving, the rune's shining spine carried their bodies.

However, the flames of red blood attached to them were not completely extinguished, but continued to spread and burn, and even fell on the two alienated giant whales. The fierce fire of red blood was in contact with the alienated body of the alien god. Immediately, a large hollow was dissolved, and two alienated giant whales wailed, and then issued a frantic swinging body, knocking away all the surrounding dark creatures and escaping to a distance.


Soon after escaping, there was another sorrow. Two alienated giant whales suddenly lost their power and crashed into the bottom of the sea. The runes above the spine had collapsed. The undercurrent flesh and blood was also incinerated into ashes, leaving only the pale white bones and a A heart being burned by the red flames.


The two bloodline heirs got up hard, their bodies were black and dark, and even in the deep ocean, there was smoke rolling out. The original template form could not be distinguished, and only a rough body frame remained, which looked miserable.

He supported the weak body and looked back at Atlantis. The red blood flame was still expanding. Even if the tide of darkness turned the spear and filled it continuously, it could not completely stop its spread.

"This power ...!"

The two bloodline heirs looked at each other and felt the dignity in each other's eyes.


Then, the two did not say much, and launched the last force to stand up, and turned away without looking back, regardless of the form of the tide of darkness.

In fact, there is no way to control it. In the case that the alien **** can not enter the battlefield in person, the bloodline heirs are the strongest combat power of the current tide of darkness. The quantitative advantage of the game cannot be used in the face of the flame of red blood. What else can they do?

Since there is nothing we can do, we might as well retreat. Anyway, the plan of the Dark Elves is half done, and even if they ca n’t delay, it wo n’t have much effect.

Two bloodline heirs fled, the tide of darkness also stopped the meaningless consumption, and countless dark creatures twisted their bodies, like a rushing tide, pouring into the dark and deep ocean.

The dark tide collapsed, and Zhong Li did not stay. The red blood hissed, turning into a dazzling streamer, breaking through the scattered tide of darkness, and running straight to the distance.

"This ... is it over?"

The undercurrent collapsed, and the clock left, but the lens did not move with it, still staying in front of Atlantis, watching the suddenly emptied deep sea. In the live broadcast room, everyone woke up like a dream ~ ~ looking blank , 怔怔 silent.

如此 Everyone in the live broadcast room is like this. Why is the elves in Atlantis the same? Looking at the sudden receding tide of darkness, Kyle stands on the wall like a sculpture, with a confused face, wondering what to do.


After a short while, the lieutenant around him woke up and looked at him carefully, saying, "The tide of darkness seems to recede."

"Yeah, back off!"

Kyle came back to God, glanced deeply at the direction in which the clock was leaving, and said, "What is this human ... what is going to do?"

After saying that, Kyle took a deep breath and turned to the lieutenant next to him, saying, "Order it, strengthen your alert, and ask the Tower of Eternity, don't close the Arcane Net for now!"


Listening to this, the lieutenant was hesitant, saying, "Head of the army, maintaining the net of Austrian law requires a lot of energy, and now the tide of darkness has dissipated. Without a proper reason, the Aion will be difficult to pass our request. . "


Kyle glanced at him and said, "Is this human enough?"


Suddenly, Lieutenant Suddenly said, "He will come back?"

"I do not know either!"

Kyle shook his head and sighed, "But I have a hunch that everything now may be just the beginning, and what we are going to face next is the real horror!"

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