Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 101 3.23 The Giant Beast's Viscera

At the same time as a strange whisper sounded in Loki's ears, he suddenly straightened his back, opened the black book with his right hand, and turned the pages quickly with his left hand!

After turning to a page in the middle, he pointed a finger at a hand-drawn illustration in the book.

And at this moment, a whisper sounded in his ear again:

"Enter Obsidian's Night City, I'll wait for you here."

After saying this, Loki's muscles all over his body relaxed, and control of the body returned to his own hands.

? ? ?


What happened again? !

"Did you hear something just now?" Loki asked the people around him. Gore, Emma and Lawrence shook their heads in confusion.

Looking at the sleeping sacrifice "You Zhu", the strange whisper echoing in his mind was obviously not from him.

Because the sentence that suddenly appeared in my mind was in Chinese!

Looking at his finger, he was pointing to an illustration in the black book. The illustration depicts a red "package", with a light yellow bird's head emerging from the gap in the center of the red package, looking left and right.

What does this mean?

Is a baby bird born? ?

Loki handed the book to Emma. Emma carefully recognized this simple illustration, hesitated for a long time and then spoke slowly.

"I once saw this symbol in a secret document"

"Once upon a time, the "Crescent Scholars" from Jerusalem secretly invited archaeologists from the Royal Academy of Sciences to go to the Egyptian province of the Arab Empire. But this matter is the top secret of the Royal Academy of Sciences!"

"You know, the province of Egypt was a territory that the Arab Empire seized from Byzantium more than 200 years ago. If Byzantine King Mikhail III finds out about this, the entire Royal Academy of Sciences will be buried with him!"

Loki nodded. In the Middle Ages, even the trade on which Mediterranean civilization relied for survival had to be put aside for war, because it was difficult for anyone to accept the charge of collaboration with the enemy.

"One time when I sneaked into my tutor's study to look for books, I undoubtedly found a secret letter from an ancient scroll between the 'Crescent Scholar' and my tutor. There was a sphinx drawn in the letter. Monster, the instructor circled a hieroglyph and marked it on the side, it was this word! "

"The meaning of this hieroglyph should be "the entrails of the giant beast"."

"Don't you recognize the rest of the text?" Loki asked.

Emma carefully flipped through the front and back pages. It was found that many pages in the black book had traces of flames on the corners. Some pages have scorch marks that will crumble to pieces even with the slightest touch. Asked Old Gore, he said that the book was found in the wreckage of the ship that was blown up by gunpowder.

If it weren't for the fact that the gold on the leather cover couldn't be removed, he wouldn't have returned to the ship with the tattered book stuck to the back.

Shaking her head helplessly, Emma returned the book with Egyptian writing to Loki. She was a practical person, and an unrecognizable book would not be of much use to her.

(What does the person in the beast's bowels who suddenly communicated with me secretly want to say?)

Next to this hieroglyph, there is another glyph drawn. This picture is of a black stepped pyramid. Loki had seen it in Xiao Lu's handbook.

What the Tang Dynasty calls "the country that destroys the country" is what Leviathan carries on its back.

But he still didn't know what the relationship between this toy and the "viscera of the giant beast" was.

What made him feel even more weird was the sudden loss of control of his body just now. In two lifetimes, Loki had never encountered such a situation. At this time, I thought of the three companions who tied themselves up inexplicably on the frozen sea. They all claimed to have heard the call of the gods.

He involuntarily tensed up all the nerves in his body. It is now almost certain that a terrifying and powerful creature is waiting for them in the city on this island.

"Obsidian's Kingdom of Night"

Those were the words that were whispered in my ears.

Not only can this thing speak fluent Chinese, but what's even weirder is that he can also identify his own sequence level!

You must know that the "Scarlet Creator" is different from the Holy Bishop, the Hall of Valor, or the Vulcan Cult, which are widely spread churches. This city hidden at the bottom of the North Sea has been silent for hundreds of years.

But this powerful man not only recognized his sequence level, but also accurately said "The Crimson Apostle above the Red Moon"!

(Is Red Moon the hometown of the Bloody Creator?)

If the first two points only made Loki fearful, this last point made him truly feel fear.

(How does this thing know that I am a person who thinks in Chinese?)

The first language that all humans learn after birth is called their mother tongue. When thoughts are running in the brain, the signals generated in the brain are all encoded in one's own mother tongue.

Although Loki has lived as a Viking for 20 years in this life, the signals echoing in his mind are still habitually composed of Chinese. Translate into Viking when you need to speak Viking, and translate into English when you need to speak English.

(My appearance now has no connection with those Tang people wearing feather fans and silk turbans. It’s just that this terrifying master who lives on the island saw my appearance in some unexpected way.)

(How did he “see” my thoughts?!)

Old Gore and the others were awakened by the noise made by Loki after he woke up in the middle of their sleep. Seeing that he had woken up safely, they drank a few sips of hot water, turned over and continued to fall asleep.

The leader has woken up. Tomorrow they will set off to explore this island full of black peaks, and they need to seize the time to replenish their energy. Snoring was everywhere, but Loki, who had slept for more than twenty days, sat on the edge of the bed with a frown.

A ray of worry arose in his heart.

According to the original plan, his purpose was to go deep into an empty and deserted city similar to a submerged city and pick up the equipment left behind by the Qi refiners of the pre-Qin period.

It would be even better if we could catch a few more unmanned building ships.

"Picking up trash" was the original purpose of this trip.

However, the actual experience of this trip completely exceeded his expectations. The ships do exist, but they are all frozen beneath the surface of the sea. This place is hundreds of kilometers away from the "slow freezing zone".

There is no way these huge ships can transport it.

And then there’s this weird whisper in my ear

His intuition told him that the terrifying creature on the island was probably as ancient and mysterious as the three giants on the Red Sea.

He is not a dead god, he is alive!

Moreover, he is not like those three giants, living in a distant alien world.

It was near him, most likely in the city that Xiao Lu wanted to find.

Loki only has 4 people on hand. Although three of them are chosen by God, the behavior of these four trying to challenge an ancient god is no different from committing suicide.

But having said that, after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, we have reached this point. At this time, everyone is recharging their energy and morale is high after picking up a wave of garbage. Don't talk about them, I'm afraid I won't be willing to just go back home.

The embers in the furnace are about to be extinguished in the confusion of thoughts. The fire in the house was dim, but suddenly a pair of orange eyes widened from the darkness. Loki subconsciously pulled out the axe, and then gently put it aside after seeing the figure clearly.

It was a living sacrifice.

It woke up.

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