Lying down in the grass, Loki held his breath and continued to approach the prey in front of him.

When he was about fifty meters away, he raised his left hand. After the complex runes in his palm absorbed the spiritual energy floating in the air, a shining golden figure flew out of the portal.

That was after Loki chopped down the golden-armored giant with a big ax, the three bloody creators once again upgraded "Qinghe Zhenren".

After the upgrade, the "puppet" on Qinghe's body has grown to a full circle, and it is shining with golden light and has extremely strong defense.

"Little brother, grab this net!"

What Loki held in his hand was a fishing net commonly used by Viking seamen.

After more than a dozen failures, he summed up a crucial experience: the "lasso" used by ordinary hunters to lasso horses is not easy to use against this kind of golden deer with wings on its back.

If you want to catch this creature, the most effective thing is the fishing net used by sea dwellers!

At this time, Qinghe was already flying high into the sky holding a fishing net. He and Loki formed a huge grid between heaven and earth, and the two of them quickly ran towards the golden deer.

The elk sensed the danger and spread its wings, preparing to escape.

"Damn it! Don't let it run away anymore, throw it to me!"

Let Yuanyingqi sword cultivator take a fishing net with him to catch an escaped deer. Such a magical scene is really the countermeasure that Loki racked his brains to come up with because he was forced to do nothing.

The most bizarre thing about Asgard is the abundance of psychic energy in its air.

Standing on the land of Asgard, Loki can directly open the portal in the palm of his left hand to summon Master Qinghe without going through the blood mist illusion. Moreover, the blood ax does not need to absorb the spiritual energy in the blood mist to become sharp.

The pure spiritual energy floating in the air is enough.

However, in the first week after entering, Loki discovered that the creatures here could not rely on hunting, but all needed to be captured alive.

Once a wound appears on the running prey, their flesh and blood will evaporate quickly under the sunlight, and the "mass" of the whole body will be immediately converted into energy through the sunlight and dispersed into the air.

After a week of exploration, the Slavic Chosen Ones in the Haholan Temple discovered the pattern. They found a bear-like creature living in a cave in the distant mountains.

The hunting mode of this carnivorous creature is to capture the prey alive, then carry it under the shoulder into the cave, wait until the sun sets at night, and then bleed it for food.

On Earth, after organisms die and wither, microorganisms in the soil naturally decompose them.

The spiritual energy contained in the biological body will return to the land. Therefore, the soil on the earth is very precious.

Plant seeds are thrown into the soil. They only need rainwater and no nutrients to survive, grow, and finally bear fruit.

In just a few decades, a plant's seeds can grow a thousand or even ten thousand times their own size. All wars that took place in the Dark Middle Ages were basically for the purpose of "competing for fertile land."

Whoever controls the fertile land has the qualifications to compete for hegemony.

However, Asgard is completely different.

In this different world created by the "Aesir Protoss", what decomposes living things is actually the twin scorching suns hanging overhead. Under the scorching sun, any living thing exposed to the sun will be decomposed into the air at an extremely fast speed.

The most precious thing here is air.

Even the "native creatures" that have survived in the outer world for tens of thousands of years need to be captured alive to obtain food. The hunting team led by Loki had no other options.

At this time, he understood better why the O'Sullivan family would use dungeons to raise rotten monsters.

This is a completely different world from Earth. Businessmen who advocate immediate profits will never use the time-consuming and laborious method of artificial hunting.


In the past week, hundreds of practices have made the cooperation between Loki and Qinghe almost adept. Throwing it high into the sky, the large net spread out in the wind is nearly 100 meters wide.

When such a big king came over like a golden deer, this dexterous animal sensed the danger, and its limbs moved psionicly, and its running speed tripled in just an instant!

In a matter of seconds, the golden deer ran out of the reach of the fishing net, spread its wings and flew high into the sky!

"Damn, is he really unlucky!"

However, at this moment, a black shadow suddenly flew up from the middle of the grass not far away! Accompanied by a burst of unbridled laughter, a slender black figure rose into the sky!

In mid-air, he stretched out his huge wolf claws and punched the golden deer that had just taken off from the air. He neatly tied his limbs with a noose and carried them easily behind his back.

Looking speechlessly at the slender black wolf in front of him, Loki shook his head gently.

This is the new host he appointed for the Hahoran Temple after "Oleg" left.

This man's name is "Greedy Wolf" Gulaul.

"Hey, my Lord Duke! Use your fists to fight. We Slavs are indeed a bit weaker, but compared to hunting, it seems you are not up to par, haha!"

"Damn you, you bunch of stinking beasts have to sleep with all kinds of wild animals every day. Who the hell can beat you in hunting, and you still have the nerve to lick your face and show off your power?"

"Hurry up and get out of here with your broken deer!"

After tracking his prey all day and ending up like this, Loki couldn't say a single good word. Especially when he saw behind Gulaul, the Slavic hunters from the "Hahoran Temple" were returning with their loads.

He was even more furious.

Since entering Asgard, for a long time, the Slavic hunting team was the only team that made gains.

The Vikings saw it in their eyes and were anxious in their hearts, but they were weak and helpless.

In just one summer, all nine towns in the Dragon's Breath Plateau and Frostfree Ridge were burned to rubble by the furious Slavic slave workers. The Vikings who had nowhere to live in the two major provinces could only stay in Loki's "river valley" for the winter.

More than 9,000 Vikings flooded into the four cities instantly, and food problems began to arise again.

However, what Loki didn't expect was that "Mistduck Town", which almost avoided the entire Slavic invasion, played a crucial role.

"The Greedy Wolf" Guraul led the hunters in the Hahoran Temple to hunt in the mountains day and night, accumulating a large amount of prey. For a long time, the Vikings who took refuge ate food hunted by "Slavic hunting parties".

Although this group of angry Viking warriors harbored deep hostility towards all Slavs. But people are short-tongued. In the end, almost no one went to the "Hahoran" temple to cause trouble.

"Haha, my village chief, why don't we make a deal."

"You Vikings are really not good at catching such dexterous animals, but you are good at killing giants."

"How about I bother you to go to Niflheim tomorrow, kill some trolls, get some 'Troll Eyeballs' and let's exchange resources?"

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