Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 213 5.5 Night Talk (Part 2)

Having been a human being for two lifetimes, Loki has an almost instinctive intuition about danger. England's 7 countries are indeed troublesome, but after all, this trouble will not destroy them immediately.

There are still thousands of Viking pirates in the river valley. Even if they are invaded, it will not be a problem to carry these troops for ten or eight years.

Although it is inevitable to be slowly cannibalized after all, this is not a problem of the elbows and armpits.

In his opinion, the real danger that could immediately affect life and death lay in the god they had killed!

The portal administrator who is dressed in golden armor and is one with the transparent man!

For the time being, Loki cannot speculate on why Asgard's indigenous "Aesir" would arrange for a separate "god" to guard the doorway from the human world to the outside world.

But the conclusion that can be drawn now is that this person must not have received too much supervision from within the Protoss.

He could even be bribed by the lizardmen and the O'Sullivan family to "deliberately" not let any human into the elevator to the seven outer lands.

In this way, the O'Sullivan family has completely "monopolized" the potions of the 8th channel of the Hall of Valor. Even a few old Vikings still remember the recipe. Without being able to enter Asgard at all, he couldn't prepare the potion privately.

Why put an "administrator" to guard the portal?

Loki doesn't know the reason yet, but it can be expected that the current administrator has died in the hands of him and Buchan Bush. Sometime in the future, the masters of this plane, the Asa Protoss, will definitely know that this person is dead.

How they will act next makes Loki quite worried.


In Loki's eyes, all human behavior is not difficult to predict. But gods are completely different creatures from humans, and humans have no way of judging their behavior.

But imagine if you raised a circle of Mianyang. Suddenly one day, the shepherd was killed by a sheep for no apparent reason. If something like this really happened, the farmer might not have the leisure to investigate the case to see if the shepherd bullied Mianyang and was killed.

What is most likely to happen is that he kills all the sheep immediately, stews a pot of mutton in the evening, and sips the mutton soup while thinking about what new animals to raise next year.

Two full months had passed since he killed the portal administrator, and Loki couldn't sleep well every day.

He didn't know how the gods calculated time. When will the Aesir know that their administrator is dead? But he knew that during this rare gap period, he must arm his people immediately.

Because once the Asa Protoss discovers that one of their people is dead, they may not be an ancient god when they come back.

But a group!

If this happens, only if all the Vikings unite can they defend this hard-won portal. Obtain the permission to continue hunting in the 7 worlds of gods.

This is even more difficult than resisting the invasion of England's seven countries!


"The basic situation is like this. For the time being, we are facing these three major problems. So without hesitation, we seem to be safe now, but to be honest, all of us have been pushed to the edge of the cliff. One wrong step will lead to What’s coming is the annihilation of the clan!”

"In this case, if we want to survive, there is only one possibility: unite all the forces that can be united!"

"The divine power given to the Vikings by Odin can certainly give birth to the most powerful warriors, but is there no need for the existence of the holy bishop who has a very weak fighting ability?

Not so.

Holy bishop monks can strengthen the medical treatment of the village, educate the residents about the law, and educate their children and future generations. These people have their own value.

In the same way, the lycanthropic warriors of the Temple of Hahoran can help us hunt in Asgard.

Without this group of Slavs, just relying on the three of us, haha, we would only be afraid that we would not be able to even get a bottle of magic potion when we enter Asgard! "

The two Dukes nodded again. During this not-so-short period of time, like Loki, they tried various methods to capture powerful monsters on the planet, but none of them could easily gain anything.

"I know that we and the Slavs have hatred for each other, but what is the result of killing and satisfying for a short time?"

"In the end, not all of us will be defeated by England's national power. In another hundred or two hundred years, no one will even know the word "Viking". Later people will only be able to learn from a few ships and ships unearthed from the soil. Proof that Ax knew we existed.

My Lords, I ask you to remember that we are a group of people standing together on the edge of a cliff. If any one of the three of us falls, the other two will not be able to survive this disaster alone!

So, listen to my words, let’s work together first to overcome the current difficulties!

This winter, we will do our best to strengthen our respective tribesmen! In the spring of next year, we took a long boat across the North Sea and fought against the English.

After solving the huge problem of England, we and the Slavic families can sit down and take revenge and complain. Even if you go and rip off Bakanbusi's head and use it as a ball, I will never stop him.

Because by that time, we must have had the capital to be arrogant.

But right now, we don't have that yet! "


After the two Dukes of He finished talking about all the concerns in their hearts, it was already past midnight.

From the perspective of a time traveler, the biggest problem of the Vikings is that they have no concept of family and country.

Because the seven warlords live relatively close to each other, they "temporarily" formed an alliance like seven neighbors. One of the smarter warlords, the "O'Sullivan family", went out to work in the civilized world for a few years. When he returned to the valley, he immediately transformed into a civilized man and started the dual business of "selling people" and "selling medicine." The business of drawing the blood of Vikings.

Externally, he sold powerful Viking warriors like livestock in exchange for gold coins.

Internally, he cut off their access to Asgard and used inferior potions to transform them into the Chosen Ones in batches.

This kind of king is a perfect example of "businessman rule". Over more than a hundred years, the O'Sullivan family has accumulated wealth that rivals that of the rest of the world. But how can such a leader bring cohesion to his followers?

Loki didn't know how much he and the two of them could listen to his words. If they still thought about going to Buchan Bushi to die next spring, then he would have done his best, and at least he had tried hard.

It was already getting late, and snoring could be heard everywhere in the camp. Loki also walked to the tent and tried to grab some time to sleep. Tomorrow we will go to "Jotunheim", which is more dangerous than "Asgard".

As expected, they will face another bloody battle.

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