Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 237 5.29 The Truth (3)

At the negotiation table, if one of the parties wants to take complete control of the situation, he needs to make a big move.

It's like charging up and then delivering a punch. Although this may expose one's own flaws at the same time. But many times, if you want to defeat your opponent quickly, you must use this punch.

Loki is an out-and-out gambler. In his previous life, almost all of his income came from gambling.

And in this life, every step he takes is a risk. It was this adventure after adventure that allowed him to turn the enemies in front of him from living people into corpses.

Now, it's time to take risks again.

Loki quickly integrated all the information he had learned now in Brain Red.

1. The old lizard in front of me and the one seen at the bottom of the Holy Mountain also belong to the "scholar" of the lizard people.

Their skin is hard and they cherish life very much.

2. This man knew the "janitor" of the "Izumo Trading Company" in York County, knew Old Ward, and also found out his identity.

3. He is a "rift scholar".

4. They don't seem to know that their lair "Leviathan" has been blown up by themselves at this time.

(In other words, given the level of this group of 'scholars', even they themselves may not know where the 'Leviathan' is. After all, the 'collections' piled up like a mountain of gold are worth a fortune to anyone. reward.)

"Ahem." He looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "Why do you think Walder is dead?"

"Ha, do you think I'm stupid?!"

"Ward, this old guy is greedy and cunning, and he's also good at acting! If he was still alive, how could he let you enter Asgard and cause trouble?"

Loki shook his head, deliberately pretending to hate iron. He glanced at the old lizard in front of him with a look like a fool, and then waved to Sartre outside the door again, asking them to retreat further.

The Viking warriors who surrounded the camp had retreated nearly 20 meters away, leaving a fairly empty space. Seeing that the old lizard seemed to be a little more relaxed, Loki slowly put his right hand into his arms and took out a red mark and placed it in his palm.

This was the second "Seal of Blood Sacrifice" given to Leviathan by Feng Huzi, who had lived for thousands of years!

When he saw the Seal of Blood Sacrifice, Sullivan's pupils dilated instantly, and he murmured to himself: "It's impossible."

"I'm surprised you discovered the second city! The legendary one"

Seeing his reaction, Loki immediately put away the Seal of Blood Sacrifice.

The core of "killing chickens to scare monkeys" is that when killing chickens, monkeys must understand. If the chicken dies and the "monkey" remains confused, the shrewd calculation will turn into a farce.

Fortunately, this old lizard, which had lived for thousands of years, recognized the "Seal of Blood Sacrifice".

This gave him the possibility to continue performing.

"Don't think that you don't understand anything about Walder! When he turns into the Bloody Creator, you will be begging for him one day!"

This sentence is a gamble. When the dice goes out, no one can tell whether the dice is big or small.

However, Loki's move was not without purpose.

He still remembered that when the "gatekeeper" in Yorkshire mentioned old Ward, he used such an disrespectful name as "that bitch Ward".

At the same time, seeing Loki appear, he also threw out a "Wordless Book" in an attempt to exchange it for the "Sinking City Volume" in Ward's hands.

This is obviously a bullying move.

Not only the humans in the "Illuminati", but also the lizard man just mentioned Old Walder as "greedy, cunning, and good at acting."

Based on these two reasons, Loki boldly made his own judgment: "Old Walder is not very popular among the Illuminati."

Based on this judgment, he first took out the second "Seal of Blood Sacrifice", and then revealed that Wade was still alive at this time, and his brain had a bone defect. This was the prerequisite for being able to frighten the old lizard.

Sure enough, Loki was right again.

The top scientific researchers in the human race have very high IQs, but their emotional intelligence is generally very average. The same is true among the lizardfolk.

After a series of deceptions, this old lizard who specializes in "time and space rifts" has gradually changed from holding it high to putting down the golden potion in his hand. He murmured to himself: "Hmph, that devil Walder! I could already tell during the last sect leaders' meeting that there is something evil in this man's heart!"

"The sect master shouldn't have given him the Seal of Blood Sacrifice! Now it's better, this inferior human being has been promoted to a high-level ancient god!

No, this news is too important! I need to report this news to the sect leader\

,"Loki nodded. At this point, the first step of the entire negotiation plan has been successfully completed.

The name of this step is "Convince the Old Lizard that Ward is still alive."

As long as he believed that Ward was alive, he would have something to rely on for his next temptation.

Loki stretched out a finger and pointed at the golden mixture in the old lizard's hand and said, "So now we have entered a very delicate situation."

"Master Walder needs the magic potion in your hand, and you can see it. There are only three bottles of magic potion."

"The production efficiency of these frost giants is so low! It took so long to make something like this. Haha, I thought how powerful these 'gods' would be!"

Sullivan's eyes widened again.

"There's no way Walder even told you this?! That's not right! How does he know the information about the 'Water of the Gods'?!

How could the ‘sect master’ leak this information to humans?”

"Is it possible that there are traitors among the 12 sect leaders?"

Seeing the old lizard's confused face and self-doubt, Loki knew that he had completely taken the initiative in this negotiation at this time.

Regarding potions, frost giants, rifts, etc., everything is based on guesses in the brain, but as long as the old lizard believes that Ward is still alive, he can test various guesses in his brain at will.

If he guessed wrong, he could instantly point it to Old Wade: "I don't know if it's true or not, but that's what he taught me anyway."

A simple sentence can guarantee that you won't get into trouble at all.

However, he never expected that the old lizard would give such a reaction. Loki can no longer slump lazily in his chair

Everything I guessed turned out to be true!

After hundreds of years of occupation of Asgard, the Illuminati actually developed a way to break through the rift in time and space!

They dug caves in Jotunheim and stored supplies on the city walls. Their essence was to drive the frost giants in the "other world" to serve them!

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