Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 250 5.43 You are from space (2)

In his last life, Loki had seen such a sentence in a world-famous book.

"Losing humanity, losing a lot."

"Losing your bestiality, losing everything!"

At this time, the frost giant group with relaxed smiles on everyone's faces looked like a cartoon on the early childhood education channel in his eyes.

Everyone is affable.

But this sight didn't make him feel any relief, only deep fear.

Perhaps, the only person he can turn to now is the worried-looking frost giant king on the city wall. This was the only person he saw without a smile on his face after entering the other world.

In just ten minutes, he was already standing in front of him.

While wandering around the surface world, he once came to the "Throne Hall" in the Frost Giant Castle. He saw 5 thrones erected there.

However, at this time, the thrones in the middle and on the right were empty. Only a withered king sat on the throne on the far left.

He is very old. He wears a rusty golden crown on his head, and wears a piece of armor riddled with holes that has been corroded by time over the years.

In appearance, this is the only frost giant in the other world that looks somewhat similar to the "Exile".

Loki stood at his feet, level with his calves. Perhaps he felt that he was too tired to raise his head to talk, so the frost giant behind him gently held him and placed him on a round table made of blue slate.

Standing on the round table, he saw the face of the Giant King for the first time.

This is an old man who is almost inhuman form.

When he saw this man's face, Loki already knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to complete his biggest goal of entering the other world. However, now that it's here, he plans to give it a try.

He untied the strap on his shoulder and put down the red stone sculpture slung on his shoulder.

That was the "bloody stone statue" he found in the Sunken City.

"My respected king, you once lived in my hometown, so we speak the same language." Loki said straight to the point, "This time I entered Jotunheim through the rift created by my tribe, in order to give you Send me a door to escape!”

Hearing the word "escape", the old giant pricked up his ears, and then put his face in front of Loki. His massive head was almost as long as Loki was tall.

Loki stood up straight and took out the Blood Sacrifice Seal from "Feng Huzi" from his coat pocket!

In Leviathan's belly, Feng Huzi once told him that this was the seal of blood sacrifice to enter another bloody city of the Creator!

And in that city, there is a surviving Bloody Creator clan!

When he heard these words, Loki immediately thought of the corpse of the mythical beast he saw when he fell from mid-air after swallowing the inner elixir of the ancient god.

After landing, at the end of the canyon, he saw the three gods standing on the sea of ​​blood, and a huge city on the endless sea of ​​blood behind them.

Gu Changqing once mentioned that the rulers in the Blood Creator lineage would not go out to do odd jobs. They were only afraid of living in the huge city above the sea of ​​blood.

Loki felt that the way to enter this city was most likely the "Seal of Blood Sacrifice" given to him by Feng Huzi.

In his imagination, the frost giants who were imprisoned in the other world recalled the vicious thugs in the prison in their previous life, and they would spare no effort to break out of the prison whenever they got the chance.

If this is the case, he can open the portal into this city and let the frost giants in this group with surging fighting spirit have a battle with the "Blood Creator" on the other side!

If the frost giants win, they can solve the problem called the "Scarlet Creator" for themselves and free themselves from the control of these ancient gods forever.

And if the Bloody Creator lineage wins. That's okay too.

All resources in the cage, including the golden potions they possess, will be theirs.

It has to be said that many things in life may not evolve according to one's plan.

Even though he had made a very careful plan in the early stage, Loki did not expect that the frost giant clan in the other world would now become like this.

Simply put - they are dead.

Now, let alone the Scarlet Creator, Loki quite doubted that even his own hunting team could easily massacre them.

There is no essential difference between these people and the fattened pigs that live in cowsheds in the cold winter months.

"Human, you also saw the answer you wanted, didn't you?"

"The era of the frost giants is over. We have been imprisoned in this cage for nearly ten thousand years. Through 10 generations of continuous degradation and decay, all of us have silently transformed into something we cannot even imagine."

"If you humans will be our final destination, come on!"

"They won't resist"

Hearing these words, Loki felt a sadness coming from the depths of his soul. The winners and losers in human society are sparse and common, but when zoomed in on the ethnic groups in the universe, cruel extermination activities are carried out all the time in this dark and profound void.

Imprisoning the enemy and raising them like pigs is perhaps the most brutal of all methods of extermination.

Because this method is the most efficient for gods who can escape between galaxies and stars.

"Human, you are one of the few smart people in the tribe. I felt the aura of the Crimson Apostle in your body, but you drank aqua regia and washed away most of that blood."

I felt the frightening smell again.

"Old man, have you ever met the Viking ancestors?"

“Were the frost giants who once ruled Scandinavia really driven away by the Viking ancestors?”

The old giant king nodded slowly, "Scandinavia means 'warm place' in the giant language."

"I really didn't expect that we would be defeated by a group of short alien gods. We would lose our home, and then everything!"

(Outer God??)

(Could it be that humans also did not originate from the earth?)

(Could it be that the Lizardmen and Leviathan are the masters of this world?)

Like a thunderbolt suddenly flashing through his mind, Loki began to quickly integrate all the knowledge in his mind.

First of all, through the large number of dinosaur bones buried under the earth, we can know that 200 million years ago, the rulers of the earth were these huge beasts.

This is a definite fact.

If the murals painted by the lizard men in the Obsidian Pyramid are not artificial conjectures, then the light giants used the blood of dinosaurs and the light giants themselves to transform them into a "new species".

This "new species" is the lizard people.

Lizardmen and Leviathan do indeed have much longer survival times than humans.

This brings up a question that humans have been studying for thousands of years and have never found an answer-where did humans come from.

Countless scholars have tried to interpret it from the perspective of evolution, mutation theory, and even theology and science fiction.

And today, in this throne room under the Western light, there is finally a giant who has survived long enough to tell an answer that he has experienced personally.

"You guys come from outer space!"

Humans, who are also Outer Gods, are actually able to eliminate powerful gods and dragons from the earth.

The ancestors certainly did not rely on "gods" to bestow them with divine power.

Because they were killing the gods who lived here!

What have they experienced?

Did it become what it is today?

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