Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 263 6.11 Bloodline of the Ancestors

What Ecbert said is indeed true - the only people who know the Vikings best are the Vikings!

All of Loki's actions were perfectly guessed by Mr. Hummel.

When Bishop Francis was driving the longship alone on the sea, he was carrying a blood-colored stone statue, lurking at the bottom of the longship, holding a tough grass pipe from "Asgard" in his mouth.

The water in early spring was still cold, not to mention that Father Francis had never rowed a boat in his life. His rowing skills could not be described as bad, but as "a disaster".

Loki soaked in the cold sea for seven days.

During these seven days, he could only eat one meal during the very short nights, and he had to continue to soak in the cold seawater for the rest of the time. The human body simply cannot withstand such cold water. Even the vast majority of the Chosen Ones would find it difficult to accomplish such an achievement.

But Loki persisted.

And what he relied on was the bloodline of the "Viking Ancestors" who had fully awakened at this time.

According to the words of the Frost Giant King, the "Viking Ancestors", like the Scarlet Creator, the Giants, and the "Aesir Tribe" are also alien gods who landed on this planet from outside Kyushu.

"Ancestor humans" are not weak compared to other gods on earth, but are extremely powerful. Otherwise, they would not be able to survive in a dangerous environment surrounded by powerful enemies.

Tens of thousands of years passed. Nowadays, "Viking ancestors" only exist in the oldest Viking legends, such as "Olav the Bloody Conqueror" fighting the frost giants and successfully driving them away from this land.

Then began to reproduce.

At that time, the Vikings did not yet know "Odin", "Frey" and "Thor". They rely only on the purest human bloodline belonging to the "ancestors".

But at some point, Odin arrived.

According to Loki's guess, after the frost giants fled to Asgard and were defeated by the Asgard, Odin, the god king who controlled the Asgard, learned about the earth and the "Viking ancestors" by interrogating the frost giants. exist.

He came to this land and lured the ancestors into Asgard to hunt, and then made them drink magic potions to be promoted to the "Chosen Ones" under the Hall of Valor sequence.

As thousands of years passed, the magical medicine continued to erode the bloodline of the ancestors, and the bloodline belonging to the "ancestors" became increasingly thinner. Ancestors like Loki, who could turn red in rage and still eject steam from their bodies, were the only ones left.

Two months ago, when he drank the golden potion prepared by the "Aesir Protoss" for the frost giants in Asgard, the only remaining trace of ancestor blood in his blood was activated. From then on, he completely escaped from the clutches of the Scarlet Creator and successfully awakened the bloodline that had been dormant for thousands of years.

What the Frost Giant King said was correct.

The bloodline of the "ancestors" is indeed very powerful. It can be said to enhance all aspects of the fragile mortal body in terms of strength, endurance, physical strength, and explosive power.

This raises a huge question——

——Why did the Vikings abandon this powerful bloodline thousands of years ago and join Odin's sect?

Loki doesn't know the answer to this question yet.


Late at night, after a week of soaking, Rocky finally stepped on land and wanted to lie down on the fine sandy beach and have a good sleep.

But now, it's not time to let down our guard yet.

Looking at the harbor in the distance, he was only 1 kilometer away from where the English fleet was docked. If he encounters soldiers who are out on patrol, he is still at risk of being exposed.

To be on the safe side, he could only squeeze out the remaining strength of this body again and walk away into the distance carrying the blood-colored stone statue.

I have to admit that if the ancestors thousands of years ago had this kind of physique, would they have wandering alien gods? Surviving on the crisis-ridden earth does not seem to be a myth.

Whether this body is able to withstand hunger, resist blows, or have muscle firepower, it is no less powerful than the body "built" by the Scarlet Creator. On the contrary, it is much stronger in terms of explosive power, strength, and bone toughness.

In Asgard, he could catch up with the flying golden deer on foot, and after entering Jotunheim, he could fight the mindless giants with his bare hands.

After several months of careful exploration, Loki has basically summarized how this "new body" works.

First of all, the new body forged by the Bloody Creator still has the ability to generate blood mist after bleeding.

However, he originally bleeds and generates blood mist, hiding in it to fight. However, now the blood mist has changed from a beneficial skill to a complete danger.

As long as he is in the illusion of blood mist, the three bloody creators who transformed his body can temporarily break through time and space to avoid obstacles and approach him infinitely! During the experiment, if he hadn't tried his best to escape from the blood mist illusion, he might even have been caught on the spot!

Through this test, Loki came to an important conclusion: his "combat mechanism" was now very different from before.

In the past, he had to find ways to shed blood to create the illusion of blood mist, but now, he has to do everything possible to avoid bleeding.

Because the three bloody creators "King Rafasal", "Huo Sui Emperor" and "Shadow Demon" are not enemies that he can fight against at all.

However, because the bloodline of the Crimson Apostle was too thin, he could no longer use the portal used to summon the fallen titan in his left hand. Running in a spiritual environment, he will no longer enter that air-like state of nothingness.

All in all, he looks more and more like a "fragile" human being.

But Loki didn't care.

Compared with these losses, escaping from the petri dish of these three powerful gods is a cause for celebration.

What's more, the "bloodline of the ancestors" he awakened at this time is not weak in terms of actual combat capabilities.


Carrying the blood-colored stone statue and stepping on the starlight, Loki walked nearly 2 kilometers and put down the portal on his shoulder in the dense forest outside the dock. He gasped for breath and squeezed out the last bit of strength to connect the Seal of Blood Sacrifice to the portal.

A huge light door opened, and fully armed Viking warriors walked out of it one by one.

The number is close to 6,000 people!

The three Dukes Loki, Moklash and Fenix ​​have already used all their forces in the "River Valley".

"Brothers, I have survived for seven days in the underground world. Thank you so much for your hard work! Thank you very much for your willingness to believe in me and your willingness to enter the submerged city in advance!"

He said this from the bottom of his heart, without any falsehood.

Hiding under the longships into the English bay was a dangerous tactic. However, for the Vikings at this time, this was the only option.

Because Loki knew that it was simply unrealistic to use a flimsy longship to fight the English to the death at sea!

We need a navy but not a navy, we need an air force but not an air force. This is the true portrayal of Viking. The awakened English would not give him any time to farm and develop. With only a strong army, he could only use the trick of "smuggling under the boat" to set foot on British land.

Everyone knows that this is a risky move.

If anything happens to Priest Francis and Loki on the sea, the Viking warriors hiding in the "Sinking City" who cannot open the portal will soon run out of food and collectively starve to death!

It wasn't until this moment that he realized how important it was to have a group of subordinates who were willing to risk their lives to follow him!

Now they were on English soil.

The most difficult part of the journey has passed, and now it's time for the British to pay the price!

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