Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 265 6.13 First Battle (2)

"Duke Moklash, lead your men and charge towards the dock!"

"I estimate that their fleet should have two squadrons, one during the day and one at night! There should be many sleeping navy soldiers in the cabins at the dock!

I don’t need to teach you how to do it! "

"Don't worry, Duke Loki! I will lead several brothers who are on the path of Thunder God to burn the ship to nothing!"

After breaking into Wanghai Fortress, the old Duke, who was only 40 years old, had an excited smile on his face. Beside him, the Lord of Prancing Magang, "Andur Moklash", had transformed into a giant and was holding a long weapon. The nearly 2-meter-high ax looked towards the seaside and chuckled.

After experiencing the golden potion to cleanse the marrow and drinking the potion made by their own hunting, this was the first battle they experienced.

The target of the battle was the English, who were "weak as dogs" in the eyes of the Vikings.

The enemy is in the open and we are in the dark. No one will despise the hard work of this almost one-sided massacre.

"Duke Phoenix, you led the Frostmen to capture the city wall! Among all the Vikings, only your people have developed good eyesight due to their long-term hunting of whales and seals!"

"Your mission is to control the 'Dragon Ballista' after occupying the city wall! That thing is similar to the ejection harpoon you installed on the whaling ship, so it's not that difficult!

Your task is to defend the sky. Everyone, please open your eyes wide and keep an eye on the clouds. When you see the giant dragon appearing, risk your life and say hello to me! I ask everyone to turn their eyes to the sky! The troops on the ground do not need your consideration.

I'll help you figure it out!

Understand? ! "

The young Duke of Phoenix nodded vigorously. Although he returned not long ago, when the tribe was in turmoil, he quickly changed his mind and successfully turned himself into a qualified warrior during 6 months of hunting in other worlds.

The battle to capture the city wall is relatively not too difficult. Based on Loki's understanding of Ecbert, when there are only 7 dragon knights left in the kingdom, he may not necessarily order the dragon to set off urgently in the darkness and fly to Wanghai Fortress.

Last year, he had lost three giant dragons in Scandinavia for no apparent reason. For Ecbert, these dragon knights are his last trump card in his fight for domination of the Western Continent.

He couldn't bear it.

The relatively simple combat tasks have been assigned, and all the rest are the difficult parts.

"Graul, you lead the Slavic hunters into the fortress."

"This task is the most difficult, so I give it to you!"

"Remember the diagram of the "Holy Army Ranks" I asked Reverend Francis to draw for you before departure!"

Although Guraul was cynical, Loki had forced all the Slavs to study the drawings for two months.

Even if they learned it by rote, they can remember it now.

"Remember, only officers, knights and nobles are eligible to live in the fortress. All other minions must sleep in tents! Therefore, your task is to try to capture their commanders and lords alive for me!

I don’t care about little guys like the ‘Centurion of Ten’. Anyone with a military rank higher than that of a Centurion should be captured alive by me! "

"As for the captain, or even the commander-in-chief, please don't let me go, you must capture him alive!

One by one of these people, they all have money! They are all bargaining chips on the negotiation table! "

"If you complete this battle well, when we occupy the land, I will give you the opportunity to choose the territory first!"

"When Master Wentsov retires in a few years, you will be the new lord of the Slavs!"

Hearing these words, Gulaur's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Don't worry, boss! We may not be able to defeat you in a tough battle, but if we compete in hunting, no one knows how to kidnap people better than us!"

Nearly two hundred Slavic hunters, covered by dozens of Viking shield and axemen, stormed into the castle. The remaining nearly 2,000 people were Loki's own private army. Among them, most of them are the chosen ones who naturally awakened their divine power, or went into Asgard to hunt and drank the magic potion.

"Alright brothers, our mission is to capture the barracks!"

This is the most difficult task, but the difficulty is only compared to capturing the dock and capturing the city wall.

The main reason why the O'Sullivan family was able to mass-produce "Sabertooth Mercenaries" using inferior potions and sell them well in the Western Continent was because the Holy Bishop's combat capabilities were too mediocre.

This mediocrity is not only reflected in individual combat capabilities, but also in their various "knightly principles".

Civilized society has a series of complicated etiquette, such as "when two countries are at war, they must first submit a letter of war."

"Treat prisoners of war in a civilized manner, etc."

Compared with the Vikings who risk their lives just by pulling out their axes, they are inherently at a huge disadvantage. It goes without saying that Loki has entered "Asgard" at this time and harvested a large amount of "original potions".

The Viking warriors under his command are simply not something that this group of fragile "war path" chosen ones can resist.

Mr. Hummel's bloodbath in Mercia last year only brought 500 Vikings, and quite a few of them were not the Chosen Ones.

And this time Rocky brought a total of 6,000 people!


The battle in Wanghai Fortress did not last too long. Even roughly estimated, it did not last until dawn and was already coming to an end!

The English devoted all their defensive forces to the sea. The seven countries assembled nearly 200 ramming warships and divided all the ships into three shifts to patrol the sea throughout the day.

In their understanding, the Vikings had no air force at all. They wanted to land in the English Islands, and there was only one way to do it: sea.

The monarchs of the seven countries originally thought that they could sit back and relax by using all their strength to defend the sea.

Therefore, when Loki led 6,000 Viking warriors to appear outside the gate of Wanghai Fortress without any warning, the English, who had not taken any precautions on the ground, immediately suffered a devastating blow!

The first one to bear the brunt is the ramming warship docked in the dock!

The fusiform "rammer" commonly used by the English was a vessel specially designed to combat thin hulls. The entire base of this vessel is forged from steel. When it smashes into thin wooden ships with its huge size and hard ramming horn, the fuel in the tanks on both sides of the ramming horn warship will spill onto the sea, burning the wreckage of the ship and the enemy soldiers who fell into the water.

These ships from the Kingdom of Mercia are indeed powerful on the sea, but when they dock quietly in the dock, the "Thunder Path" Chosen Ones under Duke Mokrash will become their nightmare!

As thick thunderbolts fell from the sky one after another, the oil tanks filled with fuel were immediately detonated! One after another, the ramming warships arranged as closely as sardines exploded into clouds of sparks. Before the large group of soldiers could even open their eyes in their sleep, they were thrown high into the sky by the blasting air waves!

In an instant, the dock of Wanghai Fortress was plunged into a sea of ​​fire!

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