Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 274 6.22 The Crossroads of Destiny

Elizabeth Allan, nicknamed the "Beggar Princess", was a complete alien in the eyes of the vast majority of English nobles. However, she was not the only one who was out of place in this teahouse.

Father Francis, who was standing next to the curtain on the other side, was looking out the window absentmindedly with his tea cup in hand, unaware that the originally scalding milk tea in the cup had now become cold and greasy.

Looking out the window at Wanghai Fortress, the Viking pirates were already like turtles in a urn, surrounded by circles of trenches, carriages, and heavy ballistae.

If he had not witnessed Loki's magic with his own eyes and still had illusions about his fighting ability, Dean Francis would not have believed that the Viking raiders would have any possibility of a comeback.

But he knows that now the most critical part of whether the Vikings can turn defeat into victory seems to fall into his own hands.

Do you want to implement tactics according to the established plan?

Father Francis has been pondering this question for several days. If there is a crossroads in everyone's life that determines their future destiny, there is no doubt that he is standing in the middle of the two forks at this time.

Three full days have passed, and a fierce ideological battle is still going on in his brain.

Am I loyal to England and to the Holy Bishop?

Or will you completely turn against me and become loyal to my new lord Loki?

Both options come with many benefits, but equally, there are huge risks hidden behind them.

If you are loyal to England, you can just reveal to these English monarchs some of the information you saw in Storm's End, whether it is the division of labor of the Duke of Riverdale, the composition of the troops, the mysterious Asgard portal, or Giant footsteps heard in the night

Any piece of news dedicated to the king will immediately become a hot favorite.

Father Francis is much more sensitive to the surrounding environment and gossip than ordinary holy bishops and monks. In just three days after landing, he already learned that the "Vulcan Cult" originally hidden in the river valley had been uprooted by Loki at some point.

At this time, all the kings were confused about the new Viking Duke, and they had no idea what kind of power he had.

But Father Francis knows this information very well!

After all, he had been living in Storm's End during the long six months of winter.

However, if he rebels and surrenders to England, he will inevitably have to answer a question - how did Loki land on the English Islands?

Alone, he rowed the famous longship from the North Sea to approach the fleet. As soon as the Mercian fleet had brought him ashore, a large group of Vikings appeared that night and captured the fortress of Lookout Sea.

Isn't this timing a bit too coincidental?

Even if the English nobles did not think about this, after the war, as long as they caught a Viking alive, they could reveal the portal landing plan.

As a core part of the plan, he must be responsible for the dead English soldiers.

The risk of surrendering to England is too great.

But on the other hand, if you are stubborn, isn't it risky to follow Loki all the way to the dark side?

Father Francis walked outside the manor, looked at the farmers sowing seeds in the fields, and fell into deep thought.

Frankly speaking, he is by no means a devout Catholic. He does not care about "spreading the glory of the Holy Lord", nor does he care about the life and death of the Viking people and the people of Mercia.

In Duke Loki's words, he is an "egoist" who is only loyal to himself.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this label is not perfect, but when formulating tactics before going to sea, the reason why he was willing to put the fateful part of the tactics in the hands of Dean Francis.

It was precisely because he knew that the old dean was a very smart man.

"If the English forces were victorious, there would be no doubt that someone would discover that the Viking invasion began with me."

"After all, I am the dean of Lindisfar Monastery. This position is quite lucrative. Even if it is just to squeeze me out of the position of dean, someone will definitely target me."

"On the other hand, if Duke Loki follows up"

"If he can really conquer a piece of territory on English soil, I will be the biggest contributor to the Vikings!"

“What do I want that I can’t get?”

"Even if he is really defeated, at worst I can find a way to return to Storm's End, and I can live a happy life with the three ladies for a few years before I die!"

Many days of hesitation finally turned into decision at this moment. Father Francis drank the herbal tea in his cup in one gulp, found an unsupervised space, slipped into the stable and pulled out two tall horses.

"Master Immortal, are you going out?"

The guard watching the door saw that he was wearing a pure white robe belonging to a high-ranking monk, and did not ask any other questions. Francis rode out of the manor. Before leaving, he turned back for the last time and forgot to take a look at the brightly lit mountain top.

He knew that his departure would completely establish him as a traitor to the English people. If Loki is defeated, later generations of bards in England will say that he will be forever nailed to the pillar of shame as a villain who betrayed his tribe and faith.

Despite this, Father Francis still rode away without looking back.

For an egoist, looking forward and looking back is never the answer in his dictionary. The moment he left the house, he had decided to risk his life to Duke Loki and dedicate himself to the Viking invasion.

"History is always written by the victors!"

"As long as I help the Duke win victory, from now on, the history of this continent will be written by me."

"I will change from a traitor to a saint who lights up the lamp to save the Vikings!"

Priest Francis, who was running wildly, exploding all the energy in his body. The two horses took turns running wildly all night, and he crossed the border along the long coastline of Mercia and returned to the Kingdom of Northumbria and the territory of Chessey County.

However, he did not return to Lindisfar Abbey, but went straight to the "Two Rivers", the castle of "Duke Falcao" in Chessey County.

When the sun rose, he rushed into the castle gate, jumped off the wet horse, and then hid in a corner at the back of a house. Here, he skillfully took off his monk's robe and put on an extremely low-key farmer's coat.

He grabbed two handfuls of moss from the stone wall in early spring and smeared it on his face. At this point, the old patriarch had basically confirmed that no one in the city could recognize him.

Skillfully walked into a semi-underground warehouse.

He stretched out his hand and clicked the iron ring according to the secret code of three short and one long. Three seconds later, a black man whose entire body was as black as an iron tower opened the door for him.

He grinned his thick lips, revealing his white teeth, "Hey, my respected Reverend Francis."

"You don't know how anxiously we have been waiting for you this whole winter!"

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