Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 283 6.31 Powerful Saber-Tooth Mercenary

Being able to secure the throne of the "Viking King" and dominate a land and water, "Ivar O'Sullivan" is by no means a waste.

In the land battle, Mr. Hummel was able to annihilate Mercia with only 500 Viking shield axemen from Blood Dove Town. This is enough to prove how fragile the English ground troops are in front of the Chosen One in the Hall of Valor.

However, this time, the troops Ivar brought were not 500 men, but 500 long ships.

Stepping out of these longships were eight thousand saber-toothed mercenaries!

On April 10, Ivar landed on the soft sandy beaches of the Kingdom of Northumbria. That afternoon they marched to Yorkshire and captured the city in just half a day.

10,000 Viking warriors rushed into the city, Yorkshire was bleeding and drifting, and there were almost no survivors.

After plundering enough food from Yorkshire, Ivar made an immediate decision and went south to attack Mercia and besiege Loki.

However, on the border between Northumbria and Mercia, he encountered stubborn resistance from the English coalition.

The main force of the British coalition troops came out in full force. They dispatched nearly 30,000 army troops, including 3,000 heavy cavalry, 5,000 crossbowmen, 10,000 pike infantry, and a large number of reserves.

In addition to the army troops, high-flying moa knights also appeared. Wessex even sent three dragon knights to try to defeat the Viking king's troops in one battle.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is extremely cruel.

Ivar was able to sell "Sabertooth mercenaries" throughout the entire Western Continent, and the supply was in short supply for a long time. In addition to the very powerful Chosen Ones in the Hall of Valor, scientific and standardized mercenary training methods were equally important.

Ivar grew up in Constantinople, the most prosperous city in the Western Continent. He has been exposed to it since he was a child, and he knows all the armies in the world.

The biggest selling point of the Sabretooth mercenaries is that these soldiers can do anything.

Whether it's picking up a big ax for close combat, shooting with a bow, or even killing on horseback, the saber-tooth mercenaries who have trained for a long time in the Conqueror's Fortress can master the manipulation of giant crossbows.

Therefore, after selling them to the major lords, as long as it is about "killing" all tasks

Whether flying in the sky or swimming in the water, hiding behind high walls or riding on horseback.

The fearless saber-tooth mercenary never gets any negative reviews.

At this time, facing the English "gun array" holding high steel spears, the Viking warriors did not hesitate for a moment. The "Sea Giant Pathwalkers" in the front row rushed into the formation with high shields, and the berserkers in the back row stepped on their shoulders and jumped from the air!

After entering the enemy's position, he waved his arms and immediately formed hurricanes of flesh and blood.

Killing people is like cutting grass.

While the two armies were anxious, the giant crossbowmen in the back row were not idle either.

The chosen ones under the "Thunder God Path" poured the divine power given by Odin into the giant crossbows in their hands, and shot the bows and arrows shining with the power of thunder into the sky one after another. When the thunder arrows are concentrated to a certain extent, even the giant dragon must avoid them.

Not to mention the MOA Knight, which has almost no defense capabilities.

When the saber-toothed mercenaries formed a wedge-shaped impact array and launched a charge, the war lasted only one morning, and the English coalition forces fled in all directions under the impact of the "saber-toothed mercenaries".

The low combat power of the Holy Lord believers under the Holy Bishop is only on the one hand. On the other hand, it is still the old problem - the seven-nation coalition is not united.

When they saw the soldiers under their command falling one by one like wheat, the generals of the seven countries involuntarily began to lead their troops to flee.

"I don't need to run too fast, I just need to run faster than the friendly forces. In this way, when the Vikings kill the friendly forces wantonly, I can run farther."

Almost all generals leading troops thought so.

after all

The Viking invasion was temporary, and as long as the seven kingdoms of the English Islands were not unified for a day, there would always be constant friction and small wars.

If you want to survive on this land, it is absolutely impossible to live without an army. Under the gaze of the wolves, if you are not careful, you will lose the land that your ancestors have worked hard for for generations.

If you want to take it back again, you won't have to wait until any time.


The first to lead troops off the battlefield was the Dragon Knight of Wessex.

There are only 10 dragon knights in Wessex in total. After three people died last year, they can no longer afford to lose any one. In the intensive shooting of nearly 2,000 crossbowmen and a small number of Thor path sequencers, the dragon may still be able to rely on its hard scales to resist.

But in the dense arrows, the dragon knight is very vulnerable to injury.

It is not difficult to raise a giant dragon, but it is difficult to train a dragon knight who can defeat the dragon and climb on the dragon's back from the fragile holy bishop monks.

When he saw thick thunder falling from the sky, and rows of arrows began to rain from the Viking array, the leader of the dragon knights immediately gave the order to evacuate.

After the dragon withdrew, the Mercian cavalry on standby in the back immediately felt something was wrong.

Throughout the entire battle, the generals of the Kingdom of Mercia had always had considerable resentment towards the coalition forces. In every joint battle, Mercia paid the most and gained the least.

During this summer's battle, even their king fell into the hands of the Viking lords. The coalition forces were still considering polluting the water source of Wanghai Fortress, and did not regard the King of Mercia as a king who should be treated equally.

The cavalry commander who was full of resentment saw the dragon withdrawing from the battlefield and waved his hand neatly——

——5,000 Mercian heavy cavalry turned their horses and retreated immediately.

The subsequent English coalition was like a gradually collapsing pavilion. After the cavalry retreats, the next to retreat are the archers, and after that, the reserves.

In the end, even the heavy infantry phalanx, the backbone of the resistance to the giant's charge, began to flee.

The English coalition forces have inevitably shown a trend of defeat.

No one could survive without turning their backs on the Vikings.

After just one morning, the large fields that had just been sown were crowded with large groups of soldiers abandoning their armor and running for their lives. These soldiers were like runaway rats looking for any hiding place.

However, the saber-tooth mercenaries had neither time nor the mood to engage in a cat-and-mouse game with them.

Whether in the woods, on a farm or even in an orchard that has just sprouted green seedlings, the saber-tooth mercenaries have only one way to respond: pour fuel on them and then set them on fire.

Countless soldiers who hid in civilian houses, as well as innocent residents, were all burned to ashes by the saber-tooth mercenaries. However, Ivar's marching speed was not slowed down at all.

Just three days later, his troops had marched straight in, charging all the way to "Salt County" where the Gongwanghai Fortress was located.

Along the way, he had slaughtered all the English deserters and all the civilians on the marching route!

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