Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 285 6.33 The Scarlet Creator Appears

This was the first time Loki witnessed a miraculous spell that could "create things out of thin air."

As a time traveler, it would be false to say that I am not surprised.

He watched helplessly as the ball of light in his hand stabbed at him with all its strength. He had no time to dodge or block.

The light of holiness is hot and warm.

However, the thunder piercing his skin made him feel cold and real!

Red blood rushed out from the broken blood vessels, pooled on Loki's body, and fell to the ground silently.

At this moment, his eyes were red, and then——

——Light red blood mist suddenly appeared around the two people!

Loki secretly said something bad.

After drinking the golden potion and successfully awakening the blood of the ancestors of the Starrag family, the power of the "Crimson Apostle" in his body was greatly suppressed. Even so, this body forged by the "Scarlet Creator" still retains some of the functions of the "Crimson Apostle".

Even if he is injured or dripping with blood, he can still create the terrifying "Blood Mist Illusion". Once in the blood mist illusion, the three "King Rafael", "Fire Sui Emperor" and "Shadow Demon" will The powerful Bloody Creator has a way to break the time and space barriers and pull him back to the petri dish.

Once you return to the 'petri dish', everything is over.

I'm afraid that by then, even "seeking death" will be a luxury.

Bits of blood dripped onto the ground and evaporated into a light red mist. Loki's first reaction was not to deal with the girl beside him. He clenched his right fist hard and smashed it against the window sill next to him with an angry roar.

The delicate glass windows from Byzantium shattered into pieces, and the cold air from the windows began to pour into the room.

As early as two years ago in the battle to defend Hanshui Village, Swain Gonk had already found a way to fight against the Crimson Apostle, which was to smash the walls and let the cold wind blow away the blood mist.

Without the blessing of the blood mist, the chosen ones under the Bloody Creator will lose 90% of their skills.

However, Loki ultimately underestimated the ability of the Mercian princess.

With one successful blow, the dagger condensed by the holy light quickly turned into a long-handled sword as the girl chanted the prayer! He watched helplessly as a ball of scorching holy light suddenly exploded in the center of the room, and Loki had no time to dodge.

The long-handled machete struck him on the shoulder!

More blood began to pour out!

"My day!"

Loki could understand that the Mercian princess wanted to kill herself, but now was really not a good time to comfort the grieving girl.

With a roar, he snatched the long knife from the princess's hand, then hugged Princess Mercia's soft waist and pushed her out of the room.

"Run to the roof immediately and find your father!"

"Use your superpower to break open the door and run for your life!"

After saying the last two sentences, he slammed the door and reached out to take down the blood ax hanging on the wall.

The penetrating wound cut by the light blade could not be healed quickly, and the rushing blood hit the ground uncontrollably.

The blood mist began to spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the scarlet mist, a huge palm suddenly appeared!

The "Blood Creator" has come to this world through the illusion of blood mist!

The coverage area of ​​the blood mist was not very wide, so only one hand appeared in front of Loki at this time.

But this is a huge hand!

Five huge fingers with a diameter of about half a meter ruthlessly crushed the rubble and furniture in the room before reaching out to grab him.

Facing the giant palm, Loki showed no fear. He roared angrily, then raised his blood ax and struck at the big hand!

This is the first time Loki has faced off against the powerful Bloody Creator since his rebirth! The indestructible blood ax in the blood mist illusion struck those huge fingers and cut them off smoothly!

However, what I didn't expect was that blood-colored mist spurted out from the broken part of the finger like a waterfall!

The thin blood mist in the room immediately became almost invisible! At the same time, the skyrocketing spiritual energy in the illusion is enough to support another part of the Bloody Creator's body!

Loki could feel the originally simple giant hand quickly spread from the wrist to the arm and chest. The body of the bloody Creator appeared out of thin air and shattered the wall of the Overlook Sea Fortress. Large pieces of rubble began to collapse from the top of the city wall.

The Viking warriors walked out of the bedrooms one after another, but what they saw at this time was the half-length body of the ancient god hanging outside the city wall.

It was a terrifying giant over a hundred meters tall!

"Order the entire army to open the city gates!"

"All warriors from the river valley, break out from the city gate!"

In the blood mist, Loki roared loudly.

According to the prepared tactics, the Viking pirates in the river valley should wait for the "Sabertooth Mercenaries" to help them clear the encirclement outside Wanghai Fortress.

But things have come to this, Wanghai Fortress can no longer stay.

He knew that if he attacked rashly, many of his companions would die under the layers of trenches and crossbows, but compared with the blood mist spreading in the city at this time, and the blood-colored Creator who was about to appear in his complete form within the blood mist illusion.

Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire outside the city, it is much safer than inside the city.

The area covered by the blood mist is still not wide enough. This allowed the Scarlet Creator, who was nearly a hundred meters tall, to only expose his chest and one arm.

Even so, the powerful ancient god was still not something Loki could defeat at this time.

He wielded his ax and rushed left and right, cutting through the wall as much as possible while carving a bloody path, so that the bloody mist, if it had any substance, could be blown away by the night wind.

However, the house leaked and it rained all night.

Tonight, there is no wind or waves on the beach.

Inside the castle, Loki ran towards the penthouse suite with a big ax in hand.

While running, he could feel the huge palm of the Bloody Creator behind him! As the giant palm advances, the hard stones used to build the fortress break like tofu at the first touch.

As the blood mist continues to spread and spread, the lower body and half of the thigh of the Bloody Creator have emerged from the blood mist.

Oh shit!

When fighting against the lineage of the Bloody Creator, we simply cannot let these beasts bleed!

I have been a Crimson Apostle for so long!

I should know!

As long as a mortal body is not on the battlefield, no matter how much blood it sheds, it will be limited.

At the beginning of the battle, Loki's biggest mistake was to cut off one of the giant's fingers with his blood axe. A waterfall-like blood mist spurted out, almost filling half of the castle.

Putting away the axe, Loki, who was running, did not dare to inflict another wound on the giant hand behind him. After the bloodline of the "Crimson Apostle" was suppressed, he had lost the ability to enter the "state of nothingness" while running. In the desperate rush, the solid castle was quickly shattered by giant hands.

With a loud "bang", he jumped outside the city wall like a cannonball smashing into glass.


"Get out of this castle right now!"

Loki roared and said, he didn't dare to stay or even look back. Although the blood mist cannot be blown away on a windless night, the blood mist cannot spread beyond Wanghai Fortress.

The top priority is to get everyone out of the fortress immediately!

As long as there are no corpses inside the fortress, the Blood Mist Fantasy Realm will lose the "raw materials" for continued expansion.

Once the blood mist illusion expands again, when the entire body of the Bloody Creator descends into the human world

Not to mention destroying 6,000 Viking warriors, if the scope of the Blood Mist Illusion is wide enough, they can easily do it even if they flatten the entire Kingdom of Mercia.

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