Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 293 6.41 Negotiation (1)

14 days later, on the other side of the North Sea.

The backward communication methods in the medieval era made Loki completely unaware of what was happening in his hometown at this time. At this time, he had a bigger trouble to deal with.

Ivar O'Sullivan, the "reinforcement" summoned to Mercia by Dean Francis using the "Asgard Portal" as bait, was already sitting in front of him.

The invasion of the Scarlet Creator that occurred a week ago caused extensive damage to Wanghai Fortress. If Loki hadn't immediately ordered all the troops to go into battle, I'm afraid that the bloody Creator who suddenly appeared from the blood mist illusion would have caused even greater damage.

But even so, he forced open the city gate and rushed out of the castle. He still lost more than a thousand men due to the layers of traps outside the city, ballistae, and the sniping attacks of Mercian soldiers.

This was all thanks to the "saber-tooth mercenaries" who surrounded them.

The complex corridors of Wanghai Fortress slowed down the spread of blood mist. When the night wind blew, the spreading blood mist was still not enough to support the entire body of the Bloody Creator emerging from the illusion of blood mist.

If this god breaks the time and space barrier and appears intact in Wanghai Fortress. Loki couldn't even imagine what the Kingdom of Mercia would look like now.


Princess Elizabeth Elam of Mercia sat not far from the two of them.

Through that reckless assassination, she already understood what kind of mistake she had committed. However, what surprised her was that even so, Loki did not forget her in the blood mist.

When the blood dripped and the blood mist began to disperse, his first reaction was to push himself out of the room and let himself save his father.

When all the Viking warriors opened the city gate and charged outside, this lord was the last to protect himself and his father and successfully escape.

Many Vikings died outside the city from ballistae and traps.

And all this was because I used the "miracle spell" to open a wound on his body.

When the blood mist finally dissipated and the Viking King's troops rushed into the city, instead of imprisoning her, Loki granted her full freedom. There was only a verbal agreement between the two.

"I know that I am a bad person in your eyes. You want to kill me, and I completely understand."

“But eradicating evil also has priorities.”

"Now, a group of real villains are about to appear in front of us. If we can work together to deal with this big trouble, I can ensure peace in Mercia for 10 years! You can have 10 years of free time to think about how to kill me!"

In the confused eyes of Princess Mercia, he gently patted her white palm, and the two of them high-fived each other.

From this day on, Elizabeth was no longer a prisoner of the Vikings.

Wearing a long linen skirt belonging to a servant girl. She could enter any room at will, and even leave the castle without anyone stopping her.

Therefore, when Loki and Ivar met again, she disguised herself as a bartender and was holding a bottle of red wine, standing about 5 meters away from the two of them.

As for Loki himself, he naturally didn't care. He wasn't lying when he told Ulysses Elam, "From now on, you and I are on the same team."

If he wanted to acquire a piece of land in the English Isles and prosper, he would need the help of the Mercian royal family in every aspect.

If Ivar can be killed with the help of the seven-nation coalition, this will be the most perfect surrender certificate he can hand over.

Unfortunately, the combat abilities displayed by the "Sabertooth Mercenaries" were still far beyond his imagination.

After landing on the shoals of the Kingdom of Northumbria, they burned, killed and looted all the way, fighting in succession.

Loki wanted to huddle all his troops in the sea-watching fortress and use the intensive defense offensive built by Mercian craftsmen around the castle to consume the Viking king's troops. However, Elizabeth's sudden attack disrupted this plan, and he could only pretend to go out of the city to meet the enemy.

At this time, the two armies will meet. There were obvious differences between the two regarding the next battle plan.


"Brother Loki, you became a duke at a young age. I admire your luck and your courage."

"Young people in their twenties always feel that they can chop down all obstacles in the world with the big ax in their hands. Little do they know what kind of dangers are hidden outside the dark sky!"

Reaching out and snapping his fingers, Ivar pointed to the wine glass in front of him. Elizabeth came over obediently and poured the wine in her hand from the bottle.

"You live and grow up in Scandinavia. You don't know how powerful the kings of England's seven countries are, and you don't understand how terrifying 'Wessex' is."

"Otherwise, you would never have made such a childish proposal to attack Southampton!"

Narrowing his eyes, Loki looked at Ivar, who was taking a sip of wine. Ever since he received his troops and entered the city, he behaved like a king.

Although this was indeed the case, Loki never thought of truly seeing him as an emperor. Clearing his throat, he was just about to speak.

However, Ivar put down his glass and interrupted him again.

"There is an old saying among the people of the Eastern Land: 'Shoot the horse first before shooting the man'."

"The seven countries in England seem to be in an alliance now, but in fact the seven countries are not united. We have so many different goals to choose from, why do we have to gnaw on the hardest nut?"

"To kill a person, you don't have to wedge an ax into his head. You just need to cut off his limbs. This person will also have no chance of survival!

What we should do now is to concentrate our superior forces and turn around to capture Oxford City! After capturing the city, we massacred the city for three days to give our brothers a good time.

On the other hand, all the property in the city was swept away.

Then, we turned around and headed to East Anglia, and then to East Saxony, burning all the fields and plundering all the nobles along the way! I'm going to make these English people wet their pants whenever they mention the word Viking.

In this way, even if there is only one Kingdom of Wessex left, he will definitely not cause too much trouble first! "

Ivar, who was talking eloquently, seemed extremely calm, but at this time, only he understood the doubts in his heart.

Compared with "old salty dogs" like Duke Bernard and Mr. Hummel who were born and raised in the Viking land, Ivar, who was born in Constantinople, is an outstanding talent who has received formal military training in the Western Continent.

His ability is far beyond what these illiterate Viking natives can match.

During the combat operations this spring, from the moment he learned that Loki was willing to go to England, he knew that he would inevitably be involved in this war.

Therefore, he used his intelligence network to contact Hummel Blood Pigeon who was far away in the 'Free City State of Visigoth'.

In his battle plan, as long as Mr. Hummel floats across the North Sea in the opposite direction at the right time and digs out Loki's lair in the river valley, this group of seemingly powerful enemies will instantly collapse.

And by that time, I'm afraid I won't reach out to him for the portal key.

He had to stretch out his hands to give himself the Asgard portal, and he might be able to spare his life because of his outstanding strategic talents.

As early as half a month ago, he had learned through Raven that Hummel Blood Pigeon set sail with 3,000 troops.

Such a number of troops crushed the old, weak, sick and disabled people left behind in the river valley. It would be an exaggeration to describe it as devastating.

However, half a month later, Hummel's troops seemed to have melted into the sea, and there was no news at all.

Therefore, he had to passively think about the next step.

How to incorporate this unruly Viking lord like a wild wolf into his own army was the first task he had to complete at this time.

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