Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 296 6.44 The Border of Wessex (1)

May is the most beautiful time of year in the English Isles.

In the green mountains, unknown flowers of various colors bloom. Heading south along Mercia, the temperature gets higher and higher as the dimension decreases.

Loki became increasingly aware of the natural fertility of this land.

Near the Wessex border, the seeds sown by Mercian farmers have even grown into green seedlings more than one foot tall. At the same time, the land in Scandinavia in May has not yet thawed.

To plant seeds, Viking peasant women have to wait at least another month. In this way, crops that mature for two or three seasons a year in the English Isles can only survive for one season in Scandinavia.

This also requires regular cultivation of frozen soil in spring. At the same time, the first snow in autumn should not fall too early.

If the situation changes slightly, several acres of thin fields will immediately yield no harvest.

Along the way, the shadow of war did not dampen the farmers' enthusiasm for farming. Although the Kingdom of Mercia is already very wealthy compared to the Vikings, for the farmers living at the bottom of society, civilians who cannot go out to sea to plunder like Viking pirates are still in the situation of "if you don't work, you will starve to death" .

Although everyone has received the news that the saber-toothed mercenaries of the O'Sullivan family have landed in Northumbria, they are still drooling and hungry in the fields, sowing the seeds they have saved so hard into the fields.

Then he clasped his hands and prayed that the devil from Scandinavia would not trample on his land.

Loki, who planned to stay in the Kingdom of Mercia, would certainly not do such a thing. Along the way, he led his 5,000 soldiers and baggage vehicles to stay day and night, choosing to walk in woodlands and canyons as much as possible.

On the one hand, he can hide his marching route as much as possible.

On the other hand, it was to avoid the fire-breathing dragon flying in the air.

At this time, everyone could see that the young lord really planned to invade Wessex, and Ecbert would definitely go all out to deal with this war.

He would no longer just take matters into his own hands and send a few flying dragons to spin around in the air for a few meaningless moments. At this stage of the war, he will send all his elite troops to prevent Loki from going further south.

All this was seen by Ulysses Elam. In the past few days, he had gotten rid of his prisoner status and was able to ride a horse and walk beside Loki. Like real monarchs and ministers, the two of them followed the troops and walked at the forefront.

"Young man, I don't understand."

"If you just want to acquire land, you have already imprisoned nearly half of the nobles in the seven countries in Wanghai Fortress. At the same time, you also have a powerful army."

"If you think the Viking king is your enemy, as long as you turn your back to the kings of the English Islands, they will be grateful to cooperate with you!

On our land, you can defeat the Viking King's army without any worries if you occupy the right time and place! "

"In this case, not to mention the land in the English Islands, even the entire Scandinavia Peninsula will be yours. And the only thing you need to do is to pay tribute to Ecbert of Wessex like us. Just take the oath of allegiance.

Wouldn't this be safer and result in less losses? "

Ulysses lived for most of his life and deeply understood that "war" has huge uncertainties. In his long 70-year-old life, he witnessed too many young people who were born as calves and were not afraid of tigers going off in high spirits——

——Then lead the army to destruction!

In his eyes, Loki had already held half of Tianhu's cards in his hands. With such a hostage in his hands, he has a thousand ways to achieve his goal.

However, he chose the most difficult one - a head-on war with Wessex!

In the warm firelight of the campsite, Loki looked at the old man beside him and shook his head gently.

"The old man is gentle. Compromise and low-key development are indeed a way to strive for hegemony. After experiencing the siege of Wanghai Fortress, I have to admit that you are a talent who 'keeps his business'."

"You were able to develop Mercia to this area by using such a weak force. With all due respect, I simply can't imagine how you did it."

"However, we are in troubled times. Whether you want to face it or not, the shadow of war has completely shrouded each of us. In this case, killing is the first need for survival."

At this moment, Elizabeth settled the horses and came over. Ulysses looked at his young daughter with concern. When disaster struck, his eldest son and second son, whom he devoted a lot of resources to cultivate, never appeared in front of him.

Only Elizabeth, who lived with the poor, farmers, and orphans all day long, never left her and took good care of her all the way.

He also saw the giant that suddenly appeared and almost destroyed the Watching Sea Fortress. Although both Loki and Elizabeth kept silent about this matter, the father's intuition still told him that it must be related to his daughter at this time.

Elizabeth is not a pure human being.

At this time, he was the only one who knew the secret.

"With my current strength, I can have a head-on battle with the Viking King. But I can't do that."

Because I need him to cut off the neighboring countries entrenched around Mercia for us! Countries such as Northumbria, East Anglia, East Saxons, Essex, and Kent are all stumbling blocks on our road to hegemony.

If we use the power of saber-tooth mercenaries to weaken their army, it will do us no harm at all.

As for Wessex

This is the biggest cancer that is oppressing Mercia. But Ecbert has become so powerful that even the Viking King is unwilling to face him.

We can only get rid of this kind of enemy with our own hands. "

After thinking briefly, the 70-year-old Ulysses Elan opened his old eyes wide and looked at Loki in disbelief.

If his plan works. He will lay waste to all the seven kingdoms of England in one year, and will also greatly consume the Viking King's troops.

If he succeeds in this gamble, he can build a huge empire spanning Scandinavia and the English Islands in just a few years of development!

In this empire, all countries will be forced to become his vassals, and he will transform into an emerging emperor with a land area that can compete with the Principality of France!

This son's ambition is really not easy for the world to understand.

"A person's life may seem long, but in fact it is only a few decades like meteors breaking through the sky. In this life, there will always be mountains that must be climbed and killings that must be faced.

Only by facing up to difficulties and overcoming inner demons can we usher in a short period of smooth journey. And if you blindly escape, you will end up lingering in the shadow of the strong.

The better ones are reduced to pawns in the hands of others.

Those who are not strong enough will be completely eliminated by time. "

"Old man, ask yourself, I don't have the innate business skills you have. I simply can't imagine how you turned a fat sheep in Mercia into what it is today with six jackals looking around.

I only know how to fight.

Therefore, I can only show my fangs and fight them to the end.


They are already here! "

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