Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 306 6.54 Mistcaller

Loki couldn't control the Viking pirates under Duke Mokrash and Duke Phoenix.

Therefore, he could only lead the soldiers brought from the river valley to the watchtower to look at the troops that might appear on the horizon at any time.

However, a whole day passed, and until dusk fell in the evening, no one appeared from the official road.

All that appeared was a thick fog as thick as clouds.

Due to the influence of ocean currents and monsoons, the English Islands are already foggy places. Especially in early spring, the water on the sea surface is still cold, but the land has experienced a day of sunlight and the plants under the soil have begun to sprout and wake up, accumulating heat energy.

When the moist cold air encounters the warming land, it will inevitably condense into floating water droplets.

Frequent thick fog at night is a common natural phenomenon in the four islands.

The sudden appearance of the thick fog did not arouse Loki's alertness. It was not until the evening that the blinding white fog completely covered the entire city, when he heard the first scream from the thick fog.

He was keenly aware of the approaching danger.


"Lord Mist Caller, long time no see."

Outside the Stone Helm Fortress, Ecbert was commanding all the troops under his command to surround the Stone Helm Fortress.

During this march, he sent out all his troops without hesitation. A total of 40,000 well-equipped heavy infantry and cavalry, as well as 10,000 free pirates that he spent a huge sum of money to urgently transport from the Visigoth Free City-State. These guys are essentially the same type of soldiers as the Vikings, except that their ranks are more tolerant and their tactics are more varied.

Individuals of various skin colors and using various powers can often be seen in the ranks of free pirates.

Among them were registered disciples from the Eastern Tang Dynasty who had practiced for a long time but had not achieved anything famous.

There are barbaric believers from cannibal tribes in the New World, and black slaves from the Northern Continent who drive hyenas and vultures to hunt in the black desert. In the chaotic free city-state, all pirates who can survive are generally somewhat genuine.

As long as they are given enough money, they will turn into mercenaries to help the lords of the Western Continent solve their problems.

10,000 Visigothic pirates were not enough to reassure Eckbott. He even recruited 50,000 saint bishop militiamen from the five major provinces, vowing to gather a hundred thousand troops to fight Loki to the death.

However, we just planned to send troops to stay at Stonehelm Fortress. A mysterious figure entered his bedroom in the foggy night.

He recognized this man.

The kings on the Western Continent called him the "Mist Caller".

The Mists only look human in appearance.

But his true nature has absolutely nothing to do with human beings.

This is a living god who has long walked the English Isles!


It is different from the vast majority of "true gods" who want to open altars and accept people's beliefs and worship.

Mistcallers have no interest in sharing their power with others.

Just like some individuals among human beings will abandon fame, wealth, desire, and the concept of community, and find a remote barren mountain and a herd of animals to survive.

"The Summoner" is also such a slightly lonely alien god.

No one in this land knows how old he is, and no one knows where he comes from. According to the records of ancient animal skin scrolls, "Mistcallers" have been living here for a long time since the Celts ruled these remote floating islands.

His body is similar to that of a human, but he has no limbs. The two arms are two tentacles, and the way they move is to stretch out a group of soft tentacles similar to molluscs at the bottom of the robe.

As for the face, it is almost always hidden under the thick hood, with only a chin that looks like a sea creature exposed. Always wet and dripping with water.

"The Mist Caller" disdains interaction with humans at all, because he knows that compared with his own long and almost infinite life, the life cycle of fragile humans only lasts for fifty or sixty years, and is no different from flying insects that are born in the morning and die in the evening. .

On this continent, he only interacted with a few "outer gods" who also had nearly infinite lifespans like him.

Mutu, the "King of Earth and Sea", is one of the 12 sect leaders of the Illuminati.

As long as any living thing survives, it will inevitably interact with the same kind around it. The same goes for the Mist Caller. Surviving on an earth where spiritual energy is becoming increasingly rare, he will inevitably encounter various accidents and need to rely on the "Illuminati" that secretly controls the world.

As the only ally among the living gods who permanently resides in the English Isles.

When the maverick "Loki" appears, the "Mistcaller" is naturally summoned by the Illuminati.

At this time, the thick fog floating in the Stone Helmet Fortress was transformed by him.


Having managed the country to the extent of Wessex, Ecbert naturally knew about the existence of the Illuminati. When they found out that Loki had alerted the Illuminati, in order to kill him, the Illuminati bosses did not hesitate to send out their powerful gods.

The word "shocked" was no longer enough to describe the shock in his heart.

In his eyes, the 20-year-old Viking lord was already a dead man.

Just as humans don’t stare at the flies around them. Faced with Ecbert's polite words, "Mist Caller" did not answer, and did not even look back at him.

A faint white mist appeared around everyone. In the vast twilight, Ecbert could see the torches lit by his troops, but the Stonehelm Fortress a little further away had been completely engulfed in the thick fog.

In the thin fog, you can occasionally see a few huge figures passing through. Each of these strange creatures hidden in the thick fog is more than 10 meters tall. Their figures cannot be seen clearly in the thick fog, but their deep breathing and heavy footsteps can be heard.

When Ecbert was young, he had gone deep into the city of the Scarlet Creator and had seen the terrifying ancient gods hidden in human civilization.

But at this time, all the generals, knights and soldiers who followed him on the expedition had never seen such a terrifying scene.

In the vast twilight, there were terrifying howls and looming strange monsters. They could not imagine that the Vikings who were trapped in the fortress and unable to reach their fingers had any possibility of escaping.

However, at this moment, as a hard spear flew out of the thick fog, a miserable line of blood exploded in the white fog.

Waves of roaring sounds came from the darkness, and the sound sometimes came closer and sometimes moved away until a terrifying monster with bone wings was kicked out of the thick fog.

Lightning, hurricanes, and charging berserkers rushed out of the thick fog like rushing tides!

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