Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 316 6.64 Battle of Stonehelm Fortress (5)

Three hours later.

The Viking warriors who fought all night pulled the bodies of their companions from the rubble, piled them together, and set them on fire.

They gathered around the soaring flames and sang ancient Viking songs while watching their former companions turn into smoke and rise into the sky. After the Hall of Valor was set on fire by Loki, the Viking pirates who died in a foreign land had no place to return.

He took the opportunity to abolish the time-consuming and laborious Viking ancestral motto that "the corpse of the deceased must be carried back to his hometown by his companions."

In the rising smoke, large flocks of crows circled in the sky. They were regarded as Odin's messengers, guiding the dead souls into the Hall of Valor.

After working all night, when the sky was dim, Loki opened the blood-colored stone statue again. After a night of hard killing, they needed to rest. At this time, the ruins of Stonehelm Fortress had disappeared without even a roof that could protect them from the wind and rain.

After putting all his men into the submerged city, the ruined city returned to deathly silence again.

Loki carried the bloody stone statue behind his back. The blood of his Viking ancestors allows him to resist long periods of sleeplessness.

He can't rest yet,

Because the next wave of offensive is very likely to be around the corner.


Just like soldiers armed with clubs, no matter how many there are, it is impossible to win against a tank with a machine gun.

In the confrontation between mortals and gods, "large numbers" also brings no advantage.

After careful consideration, Loki left himself alone in the empty city.

He put his left ear close to the ground, trying to find the sound of the giant insect moving underground.

The Illuminati can command powerful alien gods and monsters to fight on their behalf. This didn't seem strange to Loki.

Whether it was the first meeting, Old Walder who was searching for the "Sinking City" with all his strength, or Leviathan existing in the form of "Ark", or even Sali who was conducting "scientific research" in Asgard in the later period. Wan and Gurez, this group of creatures from ancient times are the group with the deepest understanding of "gods" in this era.

If they don't have a few powerful monsters in their hands to control.

On the contrary, this will make people feel that something is wrong.

But everything has two sides.

Although several battles with the Illuminati allowed Loki to narrowly escape death, he also discovered a crucial truth during these battles: the gods are by no means invincible.

Thousands of years ago, Nuwa Mended the Sky was able to completely block the passage for outside gods to enter the human world.

Thousands of years ago, the First Emperor could even use them as alchemy materials and eliminate almost all foreign gods from the land of Kyushu.

And just last year, Loki, who was in desperate situation, also thought of blasting the methane accumulated in Leviathan's body to completely destroy the old ruler.

Now, facing this earth-burrowing worm, he also had a way to win in his mind.

"bring it on"

"After living for more than 200 million years, you have to give me some brains to evolve!"

"Since you know how to 'attack unprepared and take things by surprise'

Naturally, you will also understand that ‘it is better to use your remaining courage to chase the poor bandits, and not to use your reputation as an academic overlord’!”

Translated, this sentence simply means "taking advantage of his illness to kill him." The Illuminati attacker must have seen that this was the time when the Vikings were at their most fatigued and weak.

His offensive will not go too far.

Loki was certain that the leader of the Illuminati who was playing chess with him must be a smart person. As long as he was a smart person, it meant that both sides of the chess game were playing under the same set of rules and had a high probability of guessing the opponent's routine.

Just three minutes later, when a rumble like fine rolling thunder came from the ground,

He knew that his guess was correct.


The sound of trembling underground was still weak, which meant that the giant insect was still moving underground. Loki carefully discerned the direction of travel, and then stood up gently. He followed the direction of the ground vibration and knew that the giant insect underground was getting closer and closer to the surface.

When the continuous shaking gradually stopped, he knew that the giant insect was about to break out of the map.

Standing calmly in the ruins of the city, Loki pulled out the ax behind his back.

The soil beneath his feet was like an ever-rising hill, and pieces of rubble from broken buildings collapsed.

At this moment, a bottomless black hole suddenly appeared under his feet.

He knew that this was the mouth of the giant insect.

Falling into the black hole, Loki was not in a hurry. At this moment, time was like wisps of transparent threads, slowing down everything that happened around him.

After falling into the mouth of the giant insect, when his eyes adjusted to the darkness around him, he could see countless dark figures densely climbing on the giant insect's intestines. These figures were large and small, although he could not see what they were exactly. biology.

But their quantity is extremely terrifying.

"Damn it! I bet right and I bet wrong."

Only a small part of Loki's tactics were correct. He was sure that the Illuminati would once again use the burrowing worms to transport troops.

But his mistake was that he overestimated the Illuminati's capabilities!

The second wave of monsters brought here turned out to be not the elite group of Cyclops, but a miscellaneous army trying to win with numbers!

The arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

In the darkness, Loki raised his arm and gently stroked the ax blade.

Blood bursts out!

In the moist abdominal cavity of the giant insect, the blood touched enough spiritual energy and instantly rose into a rich crimson color!

In this scarlet mist, a big hand quickly condensed from nothingness into reality!

Before the earth-boring worm could spit out the various monsters in its abdomen, it suddenly felt that its soft intestines were expanding rapidly!

It screamed in pain, but this didn't stop a huge hand from stretching out from its mouthparts!

The huge red hand held a person.

That person is Loki!

"Come out, I know you want to come out"

The psionic belly of the burrowing worm provides all the necessary conditions for the existence of the "Blood Mist Fantasy". The body of the Bloody Creator is breaking through the barriers of time and space and rapidly projecting towards the earth.

The size of the soft insect body grew larger and larger.

In the end, it finally burst like a balloon!

Among the pieces of flesh and blood flying in the sky, a tall giant nearly a hundred meters tall and wearing a pointed helmet was half-kneeling in a scarlet weapon. It opened its eyes, looked at the group of monsters beside it that had also fallen to the ground, and let out a low laugh!

The bloody creator "King Rafasal" finally came to this land through the illusion of blood mist!

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