Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 325 6.73 Buchanbush VS East Anglia

The Kingdom of Kent is a very small country.

This country is dominated by the capital "Canterbury", with a total population of only 100,000 and an area of ​​only 39 square kilometers. Kent mainly developed the power of religion. When the Crusaders were crushed by Bakanbusi, no one in the kingdom could stop their progress.

In just one morning, the Slavic army rode on giant bears and wargs, and at the same time robbed a large number of horses along the way, running wildly in the uninhabited wilderness.

Before dusk arrived, we had already stood on the land of East Anglia, a neighboring country of the Kingdom of Kent.

Among the 7 countries, East Anglia has a very special location.

The country stands on a high plateau, the highest among the seven countries in the archipelago.

Not only that, East Anglia was surrounded by three countries: Kent, Wessex and East Saxony. The harsh and dangerous living environment forced East Anglia to develop its own armed forces.

Therefore, the MOA Knight became the best choice.

According to the normal marching route, it is extremely strenuous to climb from Kent, which is about 20-50 meters above sea level, to East Anglia, which is nearly 800 meters above sea level. If you make a slight detour, you can enter more quickly by borrowing the road from East Saxon in the neighboring kingdom. Wessex.

However, the upright Buchan Bushi did not like to turn during the march.

Encountering trees blocking the road → cut them down!

When you encounter a river → wade across it!

Encounter food → Eat!

Encounter an enemy → kill him!

“Always implement the first solution that comes to mind.”

This is Buchan Bushi's philosophy of survival throughout his life.

Therefore, when Mohlantin held the map and carefully pointed out a flat official road, the Slavic king did not even look at it and immediately scorned this "cowardly act".

"Haha, turn a corner?"

"It doesn't exist!

This mountain climbing road was very comfortable for me to walk on. If I turn the corner now, maybe the group of English yellow haired people at the top of the mountain will think that I am afraid of them! "

Speechlessly looking at Oleg beside him, Oleg also reached out his hand helplessly.

Although his position is that of Bakanbusi's chief adviser, in many cases, the suggestions made by his "adviser" do not count.

For example, last year

Bakanbusi plundered huge wealth in the two provinces of "Frost Cold Ridge" and "Dragon's Breath Plateau". According to popular rules, this amount of hundreds of thousands of gold coins is enough for him to build several castles and develop his territory at the same time.

But he didn't.

The Slav King still lives in a tent with drafts on all sides, because he lived with brown bears when he was a child wandering in the forest and has long been accustomed to the cold.

Even if his bed maids and children were shivering from the cold and their lips would turn purple, he would not build a castle for himself.

Development territory does not even exist.

Oleg even suspected that Bakanbusch himself did not know how big his province "Murmansk" was.

If he is in a good mood that day, he will run aimlessly. When I saw the "Boundary Monument", I pulled it up without hesitation, then put it on my shoulders, sang a little yellow song, and danced for a while.

Where you go after the dance is completely random.

Sometimes they would inexplicably give up large tracts of territory to the neighboring provinces.

Sometimes they will also invade other people's land at will.

As time passed, no one knew where the exact boundaries of the province were.

Hundreds of thousands of gold coins were piled in the camp for a whole winter, seriously affecting Bakan Bushi's life. Because this thing can't be eaten, it can't be played with, and it takes up a lot of space.

When spring came, he waved his hand and distributed this huge sum of money directly to his vassals.

When the vassals each returned to the castle with ten carts of gold coins, their eyes were golden.


But Oleg also discovered that after seizing the throne, the king spent his entire military life with almost no defeats.

This is probably also due to his "anti-routine".

He is an opponent who cannot be guessed at all, because many times, even he himself does not know what he is going to do and where he is going.

Such as now.

When Buchan Bush led the army to climb the vast plateau of East Anglia, he immediately discovered that

I seem to be lost.

There are towering trees around tens of meters high in front, back, left and right. The front, back, left and right sides all looked the same, and Bakanbusi squatted under a big tree and clasped his head.

After thinking for three seconds, he came up with a solution.

This method has only one word:


After the fire was thrown, the extremely high altitude of East Anglia and the dry spring monsoon turned the forest into a sea of ​​​​fire.

The East Anglian and East Saxon coalition forces that were lying in ambush in the woods to ambush the Slavic army, with a total of nearly 10,000 troops, were immediately devoured by a sea of ​​fire!

"Damn it, these Slavic bastards didn't even see us, how could they know where we were ambushing?!"

"Yes, we stayed up day and night and dug the trap for nearly seven days!

"How could the Slavs set fire to the mountain without even seeing us?!"

"What kind of lunatic does this have to be to burn every tree in sight!"

"My lords, your butts are on fire, is it even important to argue about this?"

The dry spring monsoon conditions caused the fire to spread at a terrifying speed since it started. Ten thousand troops ran non-stop through the burning forest, but they couldn't outrun the speed at which the fire and smoke spread.

They did not escape from the forest until the last person was covered in flames.

And the instigator of all this was humming a tune and eating kebabs, waiting for the flames to clear a way forward for him.

The British coalition forces could not imagine that Buchanbuchi did not know that there was an army hidden in the woodland from beginning to end.

He just got lost and wanted to burn down the big trees and burn out a path.

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