Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 332 6.80 Decisive Battle (2)

What to do with Iphitus the Red Queen

This is a question that troubles all mortals.

As a high-sequence divine choice under the "Scarlet Creator", Iphitos does not need to shed blood like the Crimson Apostle, and then generate blood mist.

As long as she is conscious, she can spray blood mist containing sufficient spiritual energy directly from her hands to create a blood mist illusion.

As long as the blood mist is thick enough, she can blend into it at any time. Mortal shackles and ropes are of no avail to her.

This is the power of the high-sequence divine choosers, and it is also the reason why all mortals in the Western Continent want to desperately please the gods.

This is the true "go to heaven and earth, omnipotent".

Simply relying on the divine power of escaping into the blood mist, Iphitos has escaped from danger countless times. She had seen countless times that humans were helpless in the face of her escape.

Therefore, when it fell into the hands of Bakanbusi, she did not show too much panic.

However, this calmness only lasted half an hour.

Half an hour later, she panicked.

Completely panicked.

Bakanbusi ordered his men to chop branches and use the branches and canvas to make a big kite.

Then Iphitus was hung up!

He ran like a 200-pound child, flying a kite 100 meters in the air!

Iphitus, who was high in the sky, instantly fell into the ice cave. She was surprised to find that after being suspended a hundred meters in the air, no matter how hard she tried, the crimson blood mist that emerged from her body was terrifyingly thin compared to the vast world.

The high-altitude cold wind blowing against his face all the time around him was like tens of thousands of knives, blowing away the thin blood mist in an instant.

At this time, she had been suspended high in the sky by this big kite for three days.

These three days have been hell for Iphitus, who grew up in a fine life! As a woman who loves beauty, she can clearly feel that she is like a piece of old bacon that dries quickly, and the moisture in her body is quickly draining away.

At the same time, no words that came out of her mouth could be transmitted to the ground.

Even though she screamed for mercy, surrendered and even begged Buchan Bush to kill her three days later.

The upright Slavic king had no intention of lowering her from the sky.

This "journey to the wind" becomes the most cruel torture in the world.


The Slavic king, who was as rough as a mountain villager, was the strongest enemy Iphitus had ever encountered in his more than ninety years of life.

none of them.

His tactics are vulgar and simple, and to some extent, it would be an understatement to describe them as "mentally retarded".

But it happens to be extremely effective!

Whether it's driving animals to poop in the "Blood Fog Fantasy" or making a big kite to hang yourself in the air, all of these "tactics" can't even be called tactics.

It's more like a mentally retarded game among children in a deserted village.

However, at this time, Iphitus really hoped that a sharp blade falling from the sky could kill him.

She is a woman who has never experienced torture or disaster since she was a child. In his 90-year-old life, no one has ever tortured himself as much as Buchan Bushi.

All her defenses had been defeated by him.

It can be imagined that when Ecbert saw Buchan Bushi appearing behind him like a child holding a kite, he was also very shocked.

The demigod-level powerful men under the command of the ancient gods were simply no match for mortals.

In the ten years since he came to power, he has witnessed Iphitus leading the Crimson Apostles to massacre mortal armies more than a dozen times, and each time he ended up with a complete victory.

The victorious Iphitus even gave him a hint of fear, and he was even thinking about how to cultivate another strength to counterbalance him.

Unexpectedly, she was hung on a big kite, crying like a baby.

"Turn around, turn around the whole army!"

"An enemy has appeared in our rear defense! The baggage team immediately withdrew from the battlefield, the cavalry turned their horses, and don't worry about those Viking bastards anymore!"

Ecbert never thought that the "Red Queen" could be defeated, so his defense was extremely weak. The consequence of the temporary change of formation was that the entire front immediately fell into panic.

At least half of the rapid-fire ballistae needed to slowly turn their muzzles to face the Slavic army charging from behind. However, in order to resist the recoil, each of this 2-ton precision weapon was deeply embedded in the soil.

While the Wessex army was hurriedly pulling out the heavy machines from the soil, the first wave of the Slavic army's offensive - the violent bear knight sitting on the back of the giant bear had already smashed into the baggage camp behind the position. Head straight towards the center where Ecbert is!

The Slav army numbered only three thousand, but even so, they were still like red-hot spears, driving straight in from the rear of the Wessex army!

You know, although the combat strength of Wessex's army is uneven, the number is close to 100,000!

In order to ensure that the encirclement of Stonehelm Fortress could be stable, Ecbert even requisitioned all reserve militiamen in the five major provinces of Wessex, vowing to trap Loki in Stonehelm Fortress.

However, the wild Slavic beast warriors turned a blind eye to the dark army around them. The Bear Knights and Warg Knights drew their machetes and chopped down all enemies who dared to approach them without fear.

For them, killing is as common as drinking water.

On the vast Slavic tundra, all the weaklings who could not adapt to cruel wars and sudden battles have all been killed by the Vikings' butcher's knives. The once-a-year Viking raids eastward have long washed away the weakness in all survivors.



"Charge in the direction of the thickest crowd, crushing all the soft English pussies along the way!"


"I'll identify those magic sticks with cross patterns on their bodies! If I see any of these magic sticks, I'll chop them all to death!"

Bakanbusi, who was still holding the kite in his hand, was not carrying any weapons. On the battlefield where tens of thousands of people were fighting with swords drawn, he was strolling around like a spring outing.

Stepping on corpses and flesh and blood residues, he slowly walked towards Ecbert's central army tent.

The giant dragon flying in the air had already abandoned the slowly advancing Vikings when they saw the enemy troops appearing in the rear. They hurriedly retreated. Naturally, their first target after returning was Bukan Bush, who was just like visiting his own garden.

When Bakanbusi saw the dragon knight, he didn't show any panic. Handing the kite string to his companion, he rolled up his sleeves and squinted his eyes, looking up into the sky.

On the cold Slavic tundra, he had seen many of these beasts that had survived since ancient times when he was young. However, every time I saw the giant dragon Bukan Bushi, I felt as excited as if it was a festival.

Over time, no dragons dared to approach Murmansk.

The weakness of the dragons is that the flames they spit out of their mouths can only extend about 30 meters at most. Therefore, to attack Bakan Bushi, they must fall to a distance of only 30 meters from the ground.

This distance is also just within his attack range.

Seeing that the dragon was about to fall, the Slav king's whole body flashed with lightning, and he jumped like a cannonball flashing with lightning!

When the dragon's breath is still brewing in the dragon's mouth

He had stepped on the dragon's back, and then punched the dragon knight's head!

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