Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 347 7.1 Clint Fuyuki

Autumn turns to winter, time passes, and the first winter after the war passes silently.

Five months have passed since Duke Rocky's wedding.

A lot has happened in these five months.


On the wedding day, after Loki and Bakanbusch set up a trap to kill Ivar, the true identity of the Illuminati was ruthlessly exposed, and all the monarchs in the Western Continent were in danger.

At the same time, the Vikings were leaderless.

In times of crisis, Loki, who had the trust of all the dukes, did not take over the burden of the Viking king.

The "Normandy Region" had just stabilized, and a lot of construction, trade, and planting bills were all put on the agenda. He had too many state affairs to deal with.

Not to mention, he was in a land that was still hostile to him. It is an extremely difficult task to control the 200,000 English people in the territory with 20,000 Viking people.

He had no time to deal with matters on the other side of the North Sea.

In this case, "Mehlantin O'Sullivan", who was recognized by the vast majority of dukes, sat on the throne of "Viking King".

The first "Viking Queen" of Scandinavia was born.


Apart from that, Rocky and Elizabeth's newlywed life was going quite smoothly. It didn't take too long for them to go from strangers to each other, thanks to the sudden appearance of four children who acted as buffers in the middle. .

Especially the adopted son "Alfred".

You can tell whether a sword is sharp the moment you pull it out of its scabbard. In the same way, all great men quickly reveal their good qualities when they are young.

Alfred has lived with Ecbert since he was a child, and he received the highest education in the Western Continent.

When he was 5 years old, he entered Constantinople, was personally blessed by Pope Gregory III, and was sent to the "Pantheon".

The "Pantheon" was inherited from ancient Rome. When "God King Zeus" and the "Twelve Main Gods of Rome" ruled this continent, the gods gave power to mortals.

However, thousands of years have passed, and the gods of the Pantheon have long been far away from this starry sky. The Byzantine Empire, which was born out of ancient Rome, preserved this school.

Now, it is a training center for kings.

The rulers of Byzantium intended that all the kings of this continent should live together and establish friendship when they were young. When you reach adulthood, whether it is a marriage or an alliance, it will be much smoother than if you were a complete stranger.

Alfred lived in the "Pantheon" for 9 years. Between the ages of 5 and 14, he learned almost all the languages ​​​​in human civilization and made friends with most of the children of powerful people on this continent.

Not to mention, he also developed outstanding martial arts skills.

The intelligence inherited from Ecbert made him successful in school. However, every flower in the greenhouse lacks a bit of blood that comes from a life-and-death struggle.

At the age of 15, he began hanging out with a group of Viking and Slavic teenagers.

This completely solves the problem.

The English youth was quickly affected by the surrounding environment, and he quickly changed from fine iron to a sharp knife.

Loki saw the growth of his "adopted son", so he gave him the potion to be promoted to the Chosen One of the Berserker Path early. In one winter, this young man drank three bottles in a row, and by this time he had been upgraded to Sequence 7.

In the winter, he followed the Slavic King "Bakanbusi" into Asgard for two months. Two months later, he escaped unharmed and was recognized by the Slavic King.

This is proof of strength.


In addition, relying on the war reparations collected from the six countries, Duke Fenix ​​of "Salt County" once again organized a large-scale whaling fleet; the elderly "Duke Mocklash" was unable to adapt to the too warm environment of England. climate, choose to return to the Dales and inherit Storm's End Castle.

Since then, the "Valley" has become a buffer zone between "Normandy" and "Scandinavia". Although Loki and Mohlantin both belong to the Vikings and are close allies, the two countries have not yet been unified.

There is a buffer zone that can alleviate the power of both parties and resolve disputes. This is a beneficial choice for both parties.

Five months passed slowly, and Loki saw that his territory was happy and harmonious. After experiencing a series of deadly battles, an emerging country was about to grow up as he had imagined. People in Beijing can finally enjoy a stable life for a few years

However, at this moment, a cotton manor with a battlefield area of ​​only 10 hectares, 350 kilometers away from Wanghai Fortress, became the first piece to break this peaceful life.


"This damn winter, it's as hot as midsummer"

"After 62 years of living, this is the first time I haven't spent the winter with the livestock. I feel uncomfortable."

Seeing that winter was about to pass, Clint Fuyuki put down the horse brush in his hand and gently opened a gap in the sheepskin jacket wrapping his body. It was only the end of February, and the snow outside had actually begun to thaw. Stepping on the wet snow felt like stepping into a small puddle.

Although there are still snowflakes in the sky, the earth has begun to warm up.

Winter is coming to an end.

As a 62-year-old man, there are only a handful of Vikings who can live to his age.

Gently patting the horse at hand, the old man covered it with a blanket and walked out of the stable.

Clint Manor is a cotton plantation with an area of ​​approximately 10 hectares. Last spring, when Ivar led the "Sabertooth Mercenaries" successfully landed in Northumbria, they set fire to the manor and killed all the residents living there.

After the war was won, all the 2,000 surviving Viking pirates received their due rewards. Most became pirates who owned ships, merchants who owned horse teams, or farmers who owned land.

Clint is getting older, and he can no longer travel across the continent like a high-spirited young man. This old man just wanted to find a secluded place to rest for a while, waiting for the next sign from the lord, and ascending to the Hall of Valor in a battle wielding an axe.

All his friends were there waiting for him with wine in hand.

After brushing the horses, his next stop was a simple stone gatehouse.

After pushing open the door and walking into the cave, the old man lit the brazier one by one. The firelight reflected two short axes, a large axe, a broken cloth cannon and a charred shield hanging on the wall.

"Old friends, I'm here again to see you!"

Pulling over a bottle of distilled ale, Clint took out four wooden bowls and poured them into them one after another.

Buried here are five of his friends.

Two hatchets belonged to the woodcutter of Foggy Duck, a pair of Slavic brothers.

The big ax comes from his sworn brother.

The tattered robe came from his dead wife, a Chosen One of the Valkyrie Path.

The last shattered shield came from his captain, a Sea Giant Path Chosen One.

Among the 5 people, 2 died in the battle to defend Hanshui Village, 1 died in the "Blood Night", and 1 died in the encounter with the Wessex army outside Stone Forest County.

The captain died in the final battle.

He was hit by the dragon's breath and his whole body was burned into pitch black charcoal.

In the poor Hanshui Village, six people are like intertwined weeds, growing wantonly and living together. This kind of friendship between comrades transcends everything. But now, five people are dead, and only Clint survives to enjoy the fruits of victory.

The property he now owns is a huge amount of wealth that an ordinary Viking would not be able to acquire in 10 lifetimes.

But living in this empty manor every day, he did not feel that his soul was at peace.


There is still a bit of winter cold under the grotto. After taking a big gulp of wine, Clint bent slightly and sat by the stone wall.

"I can't believe that the life of a southern gentleman that we once yearned for so much has turned out to be so boring!"

"The housekeeper will arrange everything for me. I don't need to work in the fields or go hunting. Even when I get up and get dressed in the morning, the maid will do it for me."


You can make do with it for two or three days, but you can live like this for a whole winter.

It’s so boring! "

Clint spent his life mainly following Loki's father, "Mangus Starrag".

At that time, his life was far from rich.

The "Fuyuki family" are the standard Viking poor. Clint's father passed away early and left him no property except for a house with drafts on all sides and two younger brothers who were waiting for food.

It was under this circumstance that 12-year-old Clint became the head of the Fuyuki family.

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