Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 353 7.7 Alfred

Mr. Clint never expected that when he sent his men out to summon reinforcements, they would actually summon a "big shot" that he could not even imagine.

This is Duke Loki's 15-year-old adopted son "Alfred".

"Your Highness, why are you here?" Clint stepped forward and gave him a strong hug.

This is a common greeting among Viking pirates.

"Back to Uncle Clint, my adoptive father returned to Storm's End to handle official business. My adoptive mother was pregnant and it was difficult to travel at home. I was bored in the Rainfall Highlands, so I took the brothers from the 'Commissioned Officer School' out for a ride."

After five months, Alfred's two languages ​​improved rapidly because he hung out with Vikings and Slavs all day long. Unlike the vulgar and wild Viking youth, he always has a certain brilliance of a civilized person.

The attentive young man was already familiar with all the backbones of Hanshui Village who followed Loki. Among them, of course he also remembered the oldest Mr. Clint.

At the wedding of his adoptive father, he had seen the old butler "Venzov" call the old man "my lord". You must know that even when the old butler called Baron Sutter, he also called him "boy".

This old man must be a great man.

"Your Highness, is your horse?"

Clint was mid-sentence, but when he saw Alfred's slightly embarrassed smile in the sun, he didn't continue to ask.

Loki is not a hands-off lord like Buchan Bush. If he were in the castle, he would not be able to let this group of teenage children mount horses and run across the province or even close to the "Normandy Region" National borders.

You know, this group of children are all the descendants of the group of English centurions and centurions in Falling Rain Highlands.

If an accident occurs while out having fun, the responsibility will most likely fall on the Duke.

"King Bakan Bushi once said that young people must be beaten severely every once in a while, otherwise they will lose their lives on the battlefield!"

"This round of 'Asgard hunting season' has ended. My adoptive father did not take us with him when he went to Scandinavia, but the 'Non-Commissioned Officer School' of Falling Rain Highland Church School cannot be idle!

I led my brothers to get familiar with the horses, and at the same time, I also let them experience what it is like to fight in the wild while sleeping in the open air.

Halfway through, we saw a brother holding a bloody handprint. After asking, we found out that there was a fight at Clint's farm! Without saying a word, all 70 reserve cavalry captains from my 'youth training camp' came to add more troops!

We are waiting for your dispatch! "

Clint frowned slightly.

He recruited all skilled warriors, because he knew that without monsters such as dragons and Cyclops participating in the battle, the Viking pirates who fought hard battles one after another in Hanshui Village could be crushed. Overwhelm this group of French knights with embroidered armor.

However, at this time, Alfred led a group of childish English cavalry aged 15-18.

Most of them come from powerful families.

The noble lords who survived the war hope that this way they can make it clear to Loki that they are completely loyal to the Duke of Normandy.

Not to mention killing people, quite a few of these children who have grown up in fine clothes and fine food cannot even understand how to ride a horse. Following Secord's army all the way, nearly half of the boys were already panting under the weight of the heavy armor.

Not to mention participating in battle, whether such a soldier can ride a horse safely is a question. Not to mention what kind of trouble Duke Loki might face if they die in his own hands.


"Your Highness, the old man speaks frankly, don't be unwilling to listen!"

"Although those French sissies have very average fighting abilities, what they are holding in their hands are not toys after all! You are still a bunch of kids, and you can't get involved in adults' battles for the time being!"

After one man hacked to death 20 French knights by himself, Clint's body was still stained with blood that had not dried even though he returned home and wiped his face.

After dismissing Alfred casually, he turned around and was about to deploy combat operations with 'Wolf Eyes' Sicord.

However, this stubborn young man stood up again.

"Master Clint, I won't leave!"

"Through this winter, I saw the huge gap between the English and the Vikings!"

“In Scandinavia, eight-year-old Viking children were practicing killing pheasants as soon as they could lift a handaxe!”

"The strong ones in the tribe can even enter the sacred mountain at the age of 12 and challenge hungry wolves!"

"And what about us?"

“Our children don’t graduate from missionary schools until they are 15 years old!”

"In school, we learn mathematics, grammar, and useless 'theology'! It's because of this that the English are slaughtered like chickens on the battlefield!"

"My adoptive father is right. From the time we became a country, there has been no distinction between Englishmen and Vikings in the 'Normandy Region'. Everyone must take up arms together to protect our territory!"

"The reserve knight leaders around me have never even seen blood. How can they protect this country?"

"Today is a rare opportunity to truly participate in the battle. Even if half of us die on the battlefield, the surviving half will complete the transformation and become real warriors!"

Soldiers were most seriously affected by the lord. Old man Clint didn't know what happened after Alfred followed Bakambusi into Asgard.

But the 15-year-old young man was obviously moving towards the direction of the Slavic king.

It is undeniable that from the perspective of a Viking, what Alfred said was indeed correct.

The school can only train skilled sword operators, but it is not easy to turn them into real warriors.

But the Vikings don't need to worry about this at all.

Their lives have been spent in killing, hunger and cold since they landed. The weak who cannot adapt to the harsh life will be eliminated in various ways, and the survivors who have been trained by the harsh environment are all powerful warriors.

In this tribe, all 8-year-old boys must take up weapons and fight pheasants. If there is no way to defeat the ferocious pheasants in the Tianduan Mountains, they don't deserve to survive and continue to waste food.

The group of young people behind Alfred who are still immature have obviously never seen blood. Since they have already prepared to die in battle, old man Clint can't say anything more.

The strict hierarchy in the Middle Ages made Alfred, who was called the "Prince", the supreme leader among all the people present.

The Viking tribune "Wolf Eye" Sicord had to wait for his orders, not to mention Clint Fuyuki who had no official position.

Alfred respected him and gave him enough face. He could not ignore the huge class gap between the two and take advantage of his seniority.

After all,

everything he had at this time, including his life, was given by Alfred's adoptive father "Loki".

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