Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 371 7.25 Escape...It is impossible to escape!

"Brother Tuhat, why are you here?"

At high altitudes, it is safest to fly within the clouds. "Flyer" Tuhart, as a veteran among mercenaries, was able to live to the age of 40 in this high-level industry

He was very good at escaping.

"Master Alfred, our generous Majesty Albert is not concerned about your safety."

"Of course, it may be that he saw Lao Tu being handsome and wanted to give me a windfall! Haha!"

The money was so easy to make, it was like 1,000 shiny gold pounds automatically flying into his pocket. Tuhat, who was high in the sky, grinned widely, pulled out the wine bottle from behind and took two sips.

"Master, shall we go back?"

"Let me tell you, if they were ambushed by the 'Dagon Cult', those Vikings would be doomed!"

"How about Lao Tu sending you to the free seaport of Visigoth?"

"Silent, no one needs to know!"

"Find a boat there, and I will send you to the New World to hide for a few years. To the outside world, we will say that you and those Viking bastards were all eaten by the bastards of the Dagon Cult!"

"Anyway, they were buried in the belly of a fish, and even their bodies couldn't be found!"

"Young master, you don't know that although the brown-skinned girls in the New World are a bit weird, some of them are thin and tender, and some of them are very juicy! Although it is a bit damp and hot in that place, I will buy you a snake in summer. , I sleep with the snake in my arms every day, and my life is pretty good!”

"In a few years, when all these Viking bastards are dead, I will bring you back to inherit the throne!"

"I don't ask for much!"

"When the time comes, you will be your king. Lao Tu, just give me a castle and let me have a few beautiful maids who can beat my legs every day when I am too young to fly."

"Well, isn't this more comfortable than being a grandson to those Vikings?"

High in the sky, with the strong wind in his mouth, Alfred raised his ears and barely understood what Tuhart said.

To smuggle a "proton" out of the country is a decision that Tuhart cannot make alone. All of this must have been arranged by his biological father, "Ecobert".

Ecobert was able to run "Wessex" to the top of the seven countries in England, and there is no doubt about his ability. Although he lost a game last summer, he has never been one to give up easily.

In his eyes, this group of Vikings only had a "temporary" small victory. All the conditions he agreed to with the Vikings were nothing more than hypocrisy. Once his wings matured, he would still have to find a way to expel these northerners from the land of England.

They were a nuisance, and Ecbert could hardly sleep for one more day in the English Isles.

The first task is to find a way to retrieve his eldest son without angering them.

Alfred had to admit that the "arrangement" proposed by Turhart was very much in Wessex's interests.

My father is still the same father I once was.


I am no longer the same person I once was.

The Vikings completely liberated his "nature". This young man who grew up in various "schools" felt a sense of "freshness" that he had not seen for a long time.

Especially after entering Asgard to complete the hunt and drink the magic potion.

The enemies lurking in the dark all the time, and the killing that could happen at any time, made him feel the excitement of being an "adventurer" from the bottom of his heart. Living with the Vikings, he felt like living in the great epic adventures sung by the bards.

Every day, I don’t know what will happen tomorrow.

Alfred was only 15 years old.

In his mind, "family, country" and "politics" are boring and boring things. Slash people with swords, experience great adventures, be sung by bards, and be crowded with girls wherever you go.

This is what Alfred is pursuing at this time.

What's more, the evil god is the common enemy of mankind in the Western Continent.

Clint, Secord and other Vikings are still under siege by the followers of the evil god. These people are all the people of their adoptive father and are the backbone of the people who follow him to conquer the world.


After flying hundreds of miles and returning safely to "Normandy", Alfred signaled Tuhart and his men to land near a farm from the clouds.

After landing, he turned over and jumped off the griffon, took a gold medal from his neck and threw it into the hands of the griffin knight.

"Brother, time is running out, so I won't have any more family talk with you!"

"I need you to do two important things for me!

"1. Fly to Dig Harbor in Wessex and give this token to my cousin William!"

"Convey my order and ask him to bring out all the movable ships of the 'Beihai Navy' and sail to Yun Province immediately. Fill every ship with kerosene for me!"

"At the same time, load up all the brothers who want to improve their sequence level. There will be a big fish waiting for them to kill today!"

"I must arrive before dawn tomorrow! As long as they can come, I guarantee that everyone's sequence level will advance at least one level!"

"2. Send a brother to fly to Wanghai Fortress and truthfully report everything you saw in the air to Duke Phoenix."

"After finishing these two things for me, you can fly back to Southampton and take the gold chain to my father, and he will settle the bill with you!"

After saying that, Alfred turned around and walked towards the farm not far away.

"Master, are you sure you don't want to go back with me?"

"I have more important things to do, you go first!"

For mercenaries, "If you have money, don't make a bastard" is the golden rule. In Tuhart's eyes, there is a 90% chance that the young master in front of him will inherit Wessex, and executing his orders will not do any harm to the future "business".

What's more, returning the chain to Ecbert will give him another income.

No one can refuse such a good thing.

He winked at the few moa knights around him. They said no more, vibrated their wings, and took off at the same time. Tuhart knows who he is. In front of Alfred, as a mercenary who was paid to do things, he only had one chance to speak.

After making his proposal, whether the prince accepts or rejects it, he is not qualified to bargain again.

After sending one of his subordinates to Wanghai Fortress, he winked and asked the remaining MOA knights to continue performing escort missions at high altitudes.

As for himself, he drove the griffin with all his strength and flew in the direction of Diggang.


Ecbert knew in his heart that the target of the "Dagon Cult" was most likely to be himself.

But even so, escape is absolutely impossible.

He does have more important things to do,

This thing is to find reinforcements and fight back to Yun Province!

It is true that 80% of Yanjun's troops are stationed in Wanghai Fortress, but a huge army moves extremely slowly. After gathering the army, preparing food and fodder, and setting off for the expedition, it will take at least three days for Duke Phoenix's army to advance into Yun Province.

For three days, Alfred was in the safe zone and he could afford to wait.

But at this time, Clint, "Wolf Eyes" Secord, who was under siege by the followers of the evil god, would not survive that time at all.

Since living with Loki, the Vikings have never felt sorry for him.

At this time, the Duke of Loki was not in Normandy.

He wants to fulfill the duties of a duke in place of his adoptive father——

Rescue a companion in distress.

At the same time, try to completely annihilate this group of rotten fish and shrimps within the boundaries of Yun Province!

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