Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 376 7.30 Hunting Time (2)

Of the 1,000 troops brought by Mr. Clint from Salt County, Vikings only accounted for a small part.

But the combat capability of the entire unit is not weak.

Even in the face of heavy siege from "drowned people", sea monsters, and floating corpses, the vast majority of people still survived tenaciously.

Only when the high-sequence strongmen among the "Drowned People" joined the battlefield did his subordinates begin to rapidly reduce their numbers.

Because this group of tentacle monsters with fish heads are even much more powerful than the Chosen Ones of the Hall of Valor in terms of combat power!


The sound of heavy footsteps could be heard clearly, and the back end of the ax was pulled out in front of him. When Mr. Clint turned around, the tall figure had already walked to a position only 5 meters away from him.

This is a humanoid monster nearly 3 meters tall.

This thing has a shark-like head, but the rest of the body under the head is very similar to humans.

It has evolved to this level, and the four tentacles that make up the arm can freely coil together to form an arm that is no different from ordinary humans. It can even differentiate into four fingers at the end of the arm, which can be used as a palm that can grasp weapons. .

As for the six tentacles that were originally lumped together to serve as the "base", now every three tentacles are merged together to form two long legs. The thick and powerful tentacles can merge and separate at any time, making this thing able to fight flexibly no matter in the sea or on land.

At this time, the shark monster standing behind Clint was dragging a huge dead fish that was 2 meters long in its hand.

This thing is its weapon.

What it was waiting for was the moment when Clint turned around.

Just as he turned his head, before Clint could make any defensive moves, the shark monster picked up the dead fish, and the row of sharp tail spines mixed with the fishy wind had already blown in front of him!

In a hurry, Clint raised the ax in his hand and tried to block. However, the wooden ax handle had no room for resistance against this huge fish weighing nearly a hundred pounds.

There was a crisp sound of cracking wood, and the two-handed ax immediately broke into two pieces.

This is just the beginning of the attack.

After the sharp dorsal fin cut off the axe, the shark monster let out a high-pitched roar. At the same time, the gray dead fish in his hand came back to life and opened its mouth at the same time!

The fish mouth with a sharp thorn bit into the bear skin on his body, but after touching the smooth fur, it was difficult to move forward.

"You ugly thing, is that all you have?"

Clint has fought for years and still survives to this day. This heavy, one-piece piece of bearskin did a lot of the work.

The old bear who grows in the cold coniferous forest is a veritable overlord in the mountains. Even if they encounter giant monsters that have survived to this day in prehistoric times, they will still be able to fight with the help of their thick fur. The simple weight of bear skin is close to 50 kilograms, which is not much different from a set of knight armor made of fine steel.

After unloading the first wave of attacks from the dead fish, Clint clenched half of the ax in his hand and chopped hard.

His target was the head of the dead fish that had just tried to bite him.

Fighting from dawn to dusk in Yun Province, this was not the first time he encountered such a fish-headed monster. The God's Choice under the "Drowned Path" generally has strong defense but weak attack.

They are undead bodies, immortal and immortal.

It's difficult to kill them completely.

But as long as they break the weapons in their hands and simply use those soft tentacles and a fish head, their destructive power is not very strong.

The head of the dead fish was chopped off with an axe, and the ax was embedded in the bone seam. Before Clint had time to pull the weapon out of the dead fish's skeleton, he had already raised the half-hand ax handle he was holding tightly in his left hand.

A flame ignited on the cold hard pine wood with a sharp spike, and Clint thrust the ax handle into the huge shark's head in front of him.

The monster let out a high-pitched howl again.

It has no sense of pain and is only afraid of fire.

The high-temperature wildfire formed by Mr. Clint's burning spiritual energy is the only way to make the "drowned people" feel the pain. Six tentacles covered its head, and the shark monster began to run aimlessly.

When he reached the balcony, Clint stretched out his feet and kicked him hard.

The shark monster was immediately kicked by him into the endless sea water outside the castle.


"Old guy, hold on"

"you can!"

The monster's high-pitched roar made it impossible for him to hide his figure again. After stepping on the head of the dead fish and pulling out the half-cut ax, Clint picked up all the weapons scattered on the ground and walked towards the room where a little fire was coming from.

open the door

He saw a tall figure wrapped in damp felt. Although his body was stooped, he was still over 3 meters tall. Seawater kept pouring out from under his feet, making the whole room wet.

Seeing Clint walking in, he turned his head silently, but did not show his face.

Under the damp hood, an ancient bluestone mask loomed in the firelight, and Clint could only see that its eyes were bright orange through the slits of the eyes.

Among them, the light of greed shines.

Looking into those orange eyes, Clint showed no fear

"So you are the leader of this group of rotten fish and shrimps?"

"Very good! You didn't hide behind my little brother. This shows that you are as ugly as you are, and at least you are still a person with eggs!

Odin's people can see you as a rival! "

After finishing speaking, with a soft bang, blazing flames appeared from his hands and quickly covered the entire axe.

Squeezing out the last bit of strength from his body, he threw the axe, and a huge orange fire wheel flew towards the head of the "Deep Diver".

It's a pity that they are both believers in ancient gods, Sequence 7 and Sequence Dzogchen, and they have huge trenches like a natural moat.

The "Deep Diver" didn't dodge or evade, and didn't even blink. Seeing the blazing flying ax approaching his head very quickly, at a strange moment, an afterimage seemed to suddenly slide through the air.

The next second, a tentacle flashed out from under the damp felt cloth and had firmly caught the flying ax in the air!

The broad-bladed ax that has lost half of its handle weighs about 30 kilograms. It can use its tentacles to grab the flying ax firmly in mid-air. This skill cannot be accomplished by any "drowned people".

However, grabbing the big ax is only the first step for the "deep diver" to play with the tiny human in front of him.

It did not launch any offensive, nor did it move even half a step from its original position. The wet tentacles grasped the burning axe, and it held up the fire like a lamp.

Only then, with the help of the burning ax, did Clint see that the entire room was densely composed of thick and wriggling tentacles!

The Deep One stands seemingly silently in the center of the house.

In fact, he had already surrounded the entire house with hundreds of tentacles.

From the moment he opened the door and walked into the house, he was already in a cage!

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