Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 396 7.50 Francis’s Decision (2)

When the braziers on the street were lit one after another, and the fragrant scent of peach wood fire coals began to fill the street, Priest Francis, wearing a low-key linen black robe and carrying a hurricane lantern, left the house through the back door of the mansion.

As soon as he went out, he immediately felt two shadows following him in the sky and not far from the corner of the street.

Since entering this city, being followed has become a common occurrence for him.

The old dean had his own way of getting rid of his tail.

He walked calmly through the crowded streets of Paris. Passing through the rows of black slaves carrying packages on their shoulders, he walked out of Tatsuohua Street and entered the Cross Square.

Here, there is the Holy Main Church of Xicheng District.

Passing through the people praying at night, he calmly stretched out his hand, opened the wooden door, and walked into a confession room.

"Lost lamb, what have you"

The priest opposite had just finished speaking when the old dean took out three "Emperor Flower Silver Coins" from his arms and handed them over along the hidden compartment in the middle of the partition.

This is obviously not the first time the two have made such a deal.

The priest coughed dryly and took away the silver coins. He stood up, opened the back door, and the two exchanged positions and then their clothes.

Just five minutes later, the priest, wearing a linen black robe, left the confessional with a kerosene lamp in his hand. The old dean lay down in the secret compartment and observed carefully, and found that "Tail" was successfully lassoed. He put on his priest's hat generously, opened the door of the confessional, and followed the congregants who had just finished the "Bible Study Class" to leave. church.

Paris was brightly lit at night. The old imam, who had thrown away his eyeliner, first went into a second-hand clothing store and used three copper leaves to buy a set of spring evening clothes commonly worn by civilians. He also bought a black cloth robe.

In the astonishingly large city of Paris, he walked around in circles for nearly an hour and made sure that there were no pursuers behind him before heading towards his final goal.

That is the "Temple of Fire" located in the "Abraham District" in the city.


Looking at the entire Western Continent, the only one that can exert heavy pressure on the "Holy Bishop" in the religious field is the "Volcan Cult" that originated in Persia.

The Holy Bishop has regarded the "Volcan Cult" as a mortal enemy thousands of years ago. In most countries that are controlled by the Holy Bishop, the Fire Sacrifice can only be hidden underground.

Only in the huge commercial centers of Paris, Venice, Sevia and Constantinople, can the "Temple of Fire" stand upright opposite the Holy Cathedral.

The reason is very simple.

Zoroastrianism was the state religion of the Arab Empire. The Arab Empire is also one of the three major powers in human civilization.

When the number of Arab merchants crossing the Mediterranean and heading to Paris for investment and trade gradually increased, Central Asian merchants formed a decisive force.

In all commercial cities, the rich are the rich.

In the eyes of businessmen, gold coins are above all else.


The first time the Arabs sat on the card table to compete for hegemony in the Western Continent was in AD 639.

When they used the "Volcan Cult" to secretly infiltrate, the extra powerful Fire Knight Legion crushed Syria, and then immediately prepared to invade Egypt, the most fertile land in the Northern Continent.

Since Octavian captured Alexandria in AD 30, the Romans were keenly aware of the power of Egyptian faith.

They demolished all the temples of the ancient gods and massacred all the Egyptian believers who served the ancient gods. From then on, the Scorpion Temple, the Sphinx Temple, the Anubis Temple, and the Horus Temple disappeared one after another.

The disappearance of the belief in the ancient gods brought about the extinction of the chosen ones.

At first, scattered believers of the ancient gods could still migrate and flee to various parts of the world. However, after six hundred years, Westerners in the Middle Ages had forgotten that there was once a great ancient civilization hidden in this yellow sand.

The Arabs had worked hard for decades and made adequate preparations. However, when they actually set foot on this land, they discovered that the once great Egyptians were now surprisingly weak.

All the ancient gods who once protected Egypt are gone. In its place stood the neglected Holy Mother Church.

The Egyptians simply did not promote the beliefs of their invaders.

Therefore, all of Egypt at this time was filled with mortals.

It took the Arab cavalry less than 2 years to wipe out all the Byzantine garrisons.

"Mohanil", the then commander-in-chief of the "Fire Knights Legion", uprooted all the Holy Cathedrals and replaced them with "Fire Temples" in every city.

Thus was born the "Principality of Ramses", a puppet regime that was completely obedient to the Arabs.

What's ridiculous is that "Mohan El" still uses the name of a great Egyptian pharaoh.

He hoped that the seeds of resistance deep within the Egyptian people would be awakened.

He knew that from the Eastern Continent all the way to the Mediterranean, the territory of the Arab Empire had been stretched too long.

Egypt seems to be under the control of the empire, but due to its extreme geographical distance, their independence is only a matter of time.

As long as they don't return to Byzantium. The Arab Empire could accept this outcome.


If splitting Egypt from the hands of Byzantium was just a small test, 39 years ago, when the Eastern Land and the Tang Dynasty fell into the civil war of the Anshi Rebellion,

The Arab Empire wooed the "Western Turks", "Tubo" and "Tochar", and took the opportunity to take away the two key nodes on the Silk Road, "Anxi Protector's Palace" and "Beiting Protector's Palace" from the hands of the Tang State.

This is proof that a powerful government was born!

Especially 10 years ago, they successfully took the "Hexi Corridor" into their hands, allowing the two divided vassal states of Western Turks and Tubo to officially border.

This is equivalent to biting off a large chunk of flesh from an immortal dragon.

Losing the "Hexi Corridor" and all peripheral fiefdoms, the Tang State was like a soldier whose shield had been knocked off, exposing a large area of ​​​​the country to the Tubo and Western Turkic Kingdoms.

Regarding the control of the Silk Road, they are no longer as strong as in previous years.

Relying on the civil strife in Tang Dynasty, the Arab Empire, which successfully occupied a large area of ​​land for the vassal states, was at its peak!

Although the Tang Dynasty's status as the world's most powerful country is still unshakable, the Arab Empire has been catching up and has the momentum to catch up.

A large number of believers poured into the "Holy Temple of Fire Worshipers", and the status of the "Vulcan Cult" naturally increased.

Driven by the increasingly wealthy and powerful Arab caravans, the Arab merchants were numerous and getting richer day by day.

In the past three years, this group of brown-skinned men who drive camels and wrap their heads at all times have contributed nearly 40% of Paris's shipments every year.

Seeing that the status of Arab merchants was getting higher and higher, even the proud Holy Episcopal Church had to make concessions and allowed them to build the "Temple of Fire" in the city, which symbolized the eternal flame.

After passing through the main city, you walk onto an arch bridge. On the other side of the river is the gathering place of Arabs. Once you reach the other side of the river, the style of the building changes immediately.

All the Roman buildings originally made of snow-white marble disappeared. Instead, there are semicircular domes built of black and yellow volcanic rocks, and huge stone pillars stand on both sides of the street.

On it are the "Behistun Inscription" praising "King Darius" for his unification of Persia, and relief murals of "King Xerxes" sacking Athens.

At the top of the stone pillar, there is a golden holy fire that will never go out.

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