Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 418 7.72 The Road Home (6)

When Alfred opened his eyes again, most of the anesthetic's power had receded.

He moved his stiff wrists, just as he was about to remove the black cloth covering his face, but first there was a strong smell of blood in his nose.

He stood up with difficulty and looked around. Although his limbs were still sore and numb, the alertness originating from the depths of his bone marrow made him immediately tighten the nerves in his body.

As far as the eye could see, the entire room had turned into a blood-red hell.

Last night, the fire thief "High Sparrow", who acted like an almighty prophet and made various popular sciences to Alfred, had been cut in half at the waist, with organ fragments and red blood flowing all over the floor.

Opposite him, there were at least three Golden Scale Guards lying on the ground with their heads pierced. The attacker was a middle-aged woman standing on the street who had brought herself into the room.

Her external identity is the mother of the "High Sparrow". Judging from the dead bodies in the house, most of the golden scale guards who suddenly appeared in the house were killed by this woman.

It's a pity that it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. Judging from the death condition, the woman should have been hacked to death under the siege of four golden scale guards. A long silver broadsword pierced her back, and it still hangs on her body after her death.

1, 2,

Alfred stepped on the thick plasma in the room and counted the bodies in the room. The "High Sparrow" and all his men, including two thugs playing his parents and two messengers dressed as workers, died in the room.

As for the dead Golden Scale Guards, they were a full detachment, 12 in total!

In this bloody battle, both sides fought to the last man. Only he, who was lying on the sofa like a corpse, managed to survive in the melee.

The blood flowing out on the ground was still bright red. The color of the blood did not turn red or black, which showed that this battle has not been over for too long until now.

He squatted down and touched their throats, but the bodies were not cool.

This sudden battle should have happened 2-3 hours ago.


Walking in front of a bronze mirror, Alfred immediately understood why he was able to survive this massacre.

The "Fire Thieves" are truly a group of professional organizations specializing in kidnapping, theft, and smuggling people alive. This human skin mask fit his cheeks perfectly, and the clothes that smelled faintly of chicken feces not only completely changed his temperament, but also gave him a sense of harmlessness at all times.

Realizing that his clothes had changed, he subconsciously touched his waist. Sure enough, the usual silver broadsword "Soul Breaker" had disappeared, and even the snake-gut dagger inserted in the boots was gone.

Alfred knew that the "High Sparrow" must have taken away his weapon. They haven't had time to retreat or move, which means that his weapon is still in the house at this time. If he searches carefully, he will definitely be able to find it again.

Unfortunately, "time" is not his friend at this time.

Standing next to the window sill and secretly opening a corner of the curtain, Alfred saw that the street was still brightly lit. A team of Golden Scale Guards were driving horses and pulling a cart of corpses past his window.

"Brothers, please remember this! The order issued by King Edward is to 'capture the Fire Gang and Viking pirates throughout the city'!"

"I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!"

"We have the power to enter anyone's home at will and interrogate anyone! What the hell are you waiting for? Hurry up and find money for me!! Do you still want those bastards under Vance to rob those wealthy businessmen in the West City?"

The firelight reflected the faces of the Golden Scale Guards, each of them flushed with greedy light in their eyes. Under this order, the guardian who originally guarded the city completed the identity change in an instant.

Everyone is a predator, a demon succumbing to greed.

They abandoned the carriage carrying the body and left it parked in the middle of the street. Then, bags after bags of gold and silver jewelry were carried from above the pile of corpses.

The large group of people huffed and puffed through the old city and headed straight for the new city where wealthy businessmen and rich peasants lived, fearing that the innocent wealthy businessmen would be overtaken by others.

Human greed has no limits.

Once you have a gold coin, you will find a way to find one. If you have one bag, you will rack your brains to find another bag.

Persecution of citizens?

Haha, "citizens" are nothing compared to the heavy gold in their hands. Anyway, the Plantagenet family is responsible for everything!

Compared to the Golden Scale Guards rushing through the door, Alfred was more concerned about the corpse on the carriage. Hiding his entire body in the shadows by the window, he discovered that there were both civilians and Golden Scale Guards on the carriage carrying the corpse.

Among them, there are also several Vikings holding big axes!

The one at the top of the pile of corpses is the butler "Wenzov" with a split eye and a big hole in his upper body. Although he wore a French peasant's coat, Alfred still recognized his trademark white beard.

Vintsov is dead.

The Golden Scaled Guard who was placed on the same carriage as his body must have died at the hands of Viking pirates from time to time. Looking back, seeing the High Sparrow's unbending eyes, Alfred instinctively inferred a conclusion.

There is a traitor within the "Vulcan Cult"!

The High Sparrow once made it clear that when the Golden Scale Guards began to search the city, he would sacrifice part of the "Passing Fire Gang" to ensure the safety of the Viking pirates.

If you think about it carefully, there is a huge loophole in this matter.

All members of the Chuanhuo gang depend on information. When they know that they have been betrayed by their companions, some people will inevitably choose to bite back. The "High Sparrow" who seems to have everything under control will eventually have to pay the price for his arrogance and youth.

The dead are dead, but those who survive still have to work hard to survive.

The worst-case scenario has probably already happened.

Alfred had already prepared in his mind that all the Vikings had perished in Versailles. At this time, as the only one left, he must return to the Normandy region alive to bring back the news to his adoptive father's vassals that he has fallen into the hands of the Illuminati.

As the High Sparrow analyzed, only in this way can he save Loki's life.

At this time, he stood alone in a room of blood and corpses

Losing weapons, losing comrades, feeling numb all over, and completely losing the ability to fight.

He is not safe.

There are 12 Golden Scale Guards dead here. Although they are greedy and will attack the rich first, they will not search this area for the time being.

But accidents can happen at any time.

This is a veritable dead end.

He must find a way out of this dead situation.

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