Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 425 7.79 The Road Home (13)

After running for nearly an hour, Alfred quickly showed his advantage.

Wessex is his hometown.

Compared with the Golden Scale Guard, he is familiar with every inch of the land here. Whether it was mountains, rivers, or the paths opened by merchants to save time, he knew them all.

In contrast, the Golden Scale Guard could only passively follow behind him.

For a short time they were able to bite his back. But as the running time extended, Alfred, who was wearing light cloth, began to quickly leave them behind.

It took him an hour to make a huge circle and return to the border near Stonehelm Fortress.

"This kid didn't choose to run back to his father, but still tried to return to the Normandy region!"

"Faq, we were fooled!"

"It doesn't matter, I believe the brothers stationed on the defense line, these English fools will help us capture their prince!"

“Remember, he is still a wanted criminal!

He still has a human skin mask on his face! "

What the Golden Scale Guard said was correct. Every Wessexian knows the importance of French allies to them. In the medieval era when marriage relations were relatively weak, even if they knew that these big shots had put on cuckolds one after another, Wessex was born a dwarf. The Kex people did not choose to show off their faces and make a big show of it.

On the one hand, people give money.

On the other hand, it is because the Vikings have landed on the English Islands.

If the Principality of France turns its back on Wessex at this time, they will never regain their former glory of ruling the seven kingdoms.

"Brothers, the wanted criminal is running towards us again."

Line up the human wall and let us hold him back for our allies! "

The foremen have already lined up their teams at the end of the official road. The stone bridge that is only 30 meters wide leading to Shilin County is crowded with hundreds of figures. They were armed with crude weapons, but they were stronger in numbers.

When Alfred rushed over, he knew that he had to make a choice again.

It was to reveal his true face to the farm workers of Wessex.

Or continue to risk your life and escape.

After just 3 minutes of thinking, Alfred held the reins and stood on the horse. The horse ran towards the human wall at a very fast speed. Just before it was about to mount the human wall, he jumped up.

The divine power belonging to the "Hurricane Berserker" in his body was activated, and the strong wind lifted his back, allowing him to step on everyone's heads and run wildly.

After a while, he had passed everyone and boarded the stone bridge leading to Shilin County!

On the other side of the bridge is Shilin County, the land of the Vikings.

Alfred, who lost his horse, could only run on his legs. The strength of the Hurricane Berserker can allow him to burst out at a speed that is not inferior to that of a galloping horse in a short period of time. But the power generated by this kind of burning spiritual energy cannot last long.

Even after crossing the stone bridge and officially stepping into the first stalagmite in Shilin County, he could not take it lightly.

Because when he looked around, he didn't see any Viking patrols.


At the bottom of the stone bridge, the pursuing Golden Scale Guards stopped one after another.

It is true that Alfred's head is worth tens of thousands of dollars, but after getting the money, they must first have the life to spend it. Although the number of Vikings is small, the entire Western Continent has experienced their madness.

Having the title of "Golden Scale Guard" is basically equivalent to having a shiny golden rice bowl for future generations. Even if they can't get the bounty, they can still live well.

Elderly people who need to support their families have almost all stopped. Only dozens of young people with no worries chose to risk their lives and press forward.

These fifty-odd riders will completely decide Alfred's fate.

On the stone bridge, he ran with all his strength towards the first stalagmite.

The towering stone bridge was catalyzed by Celtic druids using the power of nature a hundred years ago. The stone bridge connects Stone Forest County to the "Green Valley" where Stonehelm Fortress is located. At the end of the green valley is a cliff, and under the stone bridge is an abyss.

When the power of the strong wind gradually disappeared, Alfred, who was running on both legs, had lost all means of escape. He could only use his legs to mechanically move towards the first stalagmite.

He could hear the crisp sound of horse hooves coming from the pursuers behind him.

The long distance between him and the knight was shortening rapidly.

Alfred's "Hurricane Berserker Path" has only been cultivated to Sequence 7. He still has too many abilities that he has not yet unleashed, and the amount of spiritual energy that can be stored in his blood is extremely limited.

He was not in the best condition after living in the open air for many days, and now he was on the verge of running out of gas due to running around.

Squeezing the last bit of spiritual energy from his blood, he managed to gather a small amount of strong wind again. When the Golden Scale Guard was about to get close to him, he forced himself to distance himself.

Using his last bit of strength, he managed to cross the stone bridge and reach the first stalagmite in Shilin County.

At this time, Alfred was almost completely powerless. Staggering onto the platform, he shouted loudly, but there was no Viking patrol around him.

The crisp sound of horse hooves sounded again, and he knew that he had no way to escape.


The rushing cavalry immediately surrounded him. The young man wielding the sword felt that there were enemies all around him, and he looked in the direction of Luoyu Highland.

He was only a few dozen kilometers away from the finish line, but the last stretch of the road was like a natural chasm.

He could no longer break through the steel wall in front of him.

bring it on!

"We are all sinners living in a dirty world!"

“But even so, someone still has to look up to the sky!”

The Golden Scale Guards surrounded him, but did not immediately wave the weapons in their hands over. The first weapon flying toward him was a long lasso. Alfred blocked it with his broadsword, but the broadsword in his hand was immediately entangled in the chain.

Seeing that he lost his weapon, a man behind him with a heavy hammer immediately smashed the sledgehammer into the back of his head.

Alfred, who had no room to dodge, could only abandon the weapon in his hand.

His body swayed and darted left and right, looking for gaps in the encirclement, but the dense crowd of people did not reveal any gaps for him.

"Brothers, don't hurt him!"

"Mr. Halls, the acting president of the Paris Chamber of Commerce, has spoken. This man is the executioner who killed Mr. Durand, Justice Ethan, and 72 nobles in the Inquisition!"

"They are willing to pay three times the price if we can take them back alive!"


Alfred wiped the blood from his face fiercely.

"It's impossible to give up!"

"Even if I use my fists, I will fight with you until the last moment!"

Alfred made one last flying leap. Facing the dazzling scorching sun, he reached out and clenched his fist to hit the golden scale guard in front of him. He could feel the cold, hard texture of the steel mask as his fist touched it.

The physical body cannot fight against steel.

However, he never expected that Alfred's symbolic resistance would actually send the Golden Scale Guard on horseback flying away with one punch! He looked at the struggling knight on the ground in shock. It was only then that he discovered that a steel spear had pierced the chest of the Golden Scale Guard at the same time as he landed his fist.

Looking back, I saw figures one after another appearing on the top of the towering stalagmites.

Among them, a heroic woman jumped into the air, facing the afterglow of the setting sun, and fell from the sky like a Valkyrie.

Katja, the garrison captain of Falling Rain Highlands, finally arrived just when Alfred was in desperate situation.

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