Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 430 7.84 “Land of Fire” Muspelheim

Alfred didn't express much surprise. After all, just a few months ago, he and Bakanbusi fought here for two months. In two months, he had become accustomed to this Jedi place.

He knew where Buchan Bush was.

As expected, he should be challenging the tall giant holding the flaming sword.

Especially when he learned that the "Plantagenet Family" was actually the "King of Earthsea" Mutu of the "Illuminati" secretly pretending to be the "King of Earthsea", this made him feel a sense of crisis like a ray of light on his back.

Humans can be ruled by humans and even succumb to new gods born into human groups.

But you must not let this group of lizard monsters lead you by the nose.

There was a faint smell of burning fire in the air, and a row of simple tents were set up not far from the entrance.

Many Slavic warriors who were injured or had to be put back to rest due to fatigue were sleeping in the tent. They grabbed two Slavic servants who were responsible for cooking and briefly asked Bakambusch about the direction of his advance.

Alfred plunged headlong into this red burning hell.

This is a completely different world from the human world.

Therefore, he gave Alfred all the help he needed.

If he can really find allies, if this group of Vikings can really perform miracles again and defeat the French army on the battlefield, as long as he sees a glimmer of hope to overthrow the tyranny, Ecbert is willing to risk his life and the death of the Principality of France. knock.

But he also knew that this journey would definitely not be as smooth as he imagined.

as expected

Seven days later, Alfred encountered his first trouble as soon as he set foot on Murmansk.

The person responsible for receiving him was Oleg, who was temporarily sitting in the big tent.

He is in charge of this country again because Bakan Bush has not come out since he entered Asgard last winter.

After bidding farewell to his biological father, Alfred briefly met with his mother, queen, younger brothers and sisters, and immediately rushed to the dock that afternoon.

On the dock, Ecbert had prepared a brigantine for him. On top of the clipper, there are 10 moa knights, 20 sailors, and 12 personal guards who can deal with various situations.

At the end of the camp, he indeed saw the Asgard portal that was always open.

The Slavs did absolutely nothing to hide. The Asgard portal is placed so generously in Bakan Bushi's tent, and anyone can enter at will.

The eldest son was running around trying to win allies for the Vikings. Instead of blocking it, he secretly supported it as much as possible in his own way.

In terms of managing the country, he has a much longer-term vision than Jerome.

There was hot dark red soil under his feet, and not far from him, there was a river made of flames. What flows in the river is a liquid that looks like strong liquor.

When the hot rocks on the shore are touched, the entire river will burst into flames at the same time. In the flames, flying fish would rush out of the water and fly through the air from time to time.

In Ecbert's mind, the Vikings who temporarily occupied two provinces were not considered a big threat to the kingdom. They are just a group of survivors trying to obtain land to thrive.

But the Principality of France and the Vikings are completely different

They already have everything they need, but they still greedily exploit all the countries around them.

If these two groups were compared to wild beasts, the Vikings were just hungry wolves who were forced to hunt because of hunger.

France, on the other hand, is a monster who has already had its stomach full and takes pleasure in killing.

This kind of enemy is a thorn in your side.

Alfred and Buchan Bush were friends for a long time, and he knew very well where his "master" might be hiding.

Because don’t talk about Vulcanism in this land.

Even the Holy Bishop never appeared.


Murmansk Province does not have the soil required for the Fire Worshipers to establish the "Fire Sacrifice Site".

The members of the Chuanhuo gang need to sell information to survive. But in this remote and cold place, not to mention there are only a few castles and even private houses. The vast majority of Slavs (even Slavic kings) lived in tents all year round.

Even if there were "fire priests" who were willing to condescend to come to this desolate ice hell, they would not have a basement or a hidden house where they could hide.

As for the Holy Bishop

The rough Slavs have never taken these white-robed monks seriously. This may have a lot to do with their long-term "anti-civilization". The Slavs had no desire to be literate and did not embrace order and structure at all.

More like a beast than a living person.

There is no business here either, because Buchan Bush is a man who doesn't care about the sand in his eyes.

Two years ago in the spring, just because he was deceived by "Prophet" Sheamus, he was able to rush into the church in Southampton and crush his head.

The Slavs' supervision of the portal was so lax that Alfred strode in without anyone asking a question.

The portal is like an extremely ordinary house door, almost always open in front of the Slavs.


After stepping onto the elevating platform entering the seven divine realms, a large amount of food and daily necessities were piled here.

There were even a few old mottled dogs chained up here.

Seeing Alfred entering, they stood up alertly, but when they smelled the very familiar smell, they immediately squatted down.

Alfred knew where Buchan Bush was.

The other buttons on the lifting platform are all as clean as new, except for the button leading to Niflheim, the "Land of Fire", which is covered with dust, mud and even blood.

A few months ago, when they came out of Asgard, the two of them explored the entire Land of Fire. He ordered the chosen ones under the "Eagle Path" of the Hahoran Temple to possess birds that could fly at high altitudes and draw the map of this flaming hell from above.

For businessmen who can't afford to start early, Slavia is a real desert. Let’s not talk about whether we can cross the icy tundra where there are no roads or coordinates at all.

Even if you successfully enter Murmansk, any business with the Slavs is a business with your head in your pants. The "deception" and "calculation" that businessmen rely on for survival simply cannot be implemented here.

Block out the "Volcan Cult" and the "Holy Bishop", and then dissuade all merchants. Slavia is a truly "isolated" land. With no messages coming in or flying out, they didn't need to hide anything about the Asgard portal.

The 7 Great God Realms are rare toys that Buchan Bush discovered with great difficulty. Unlike the Vikings who entered just to obtain potions, Buchanbusi enjoyed the process of exploration and the fun of combat.

He wanted to get through each layer completely.

The Slavs, who are as wild as beasts, do not recognize the concept of "buying and leaving" or "paying and receiving goods" at all.

As long as they think they are being cheated.

The next second, a pair of big hands will grab your head.

Walk through every inch of land and defeat all monsters.

The elevator started to operate, and the vast starry sky began to appear in front of his eyes. Traveling among the stars, Alfred opened his eyes when his eyes were washed away by darkness.

As far as the eye can see, there is a dark red world.

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