Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 463 7.117 The Light of Humanity (Part 1)

Chapter 463 117 The Light of Humanity (Part 1)

Azriamo exploded into flying insects again and rushed forward.

When he appeared in front of the old priest again, his eyes were cold, without a trace of the joy just now.

"My dear Mr. Francis"

"Until now, you still treat me as a fool!"

"Mikuloa, a woman who only thinks about stealing and cheating, will believe you, but don't think that I will be treated as a fool by you like her!"

Stretching out his big hand and grabbing his hair, Azriamo stared at his eyes tightly.

"You have never betrayed Loki!"

"Not before, not now, and from your eyes, I see that you will not betray me in the future!"

"After returning to Paris, you first found me, and then obeyed my orders and lurked beside Microa. All of this was to re-enter the Grand Palais in Paris, and then find an opportunity to rescue him!"

"I have to admit in all conscience that you are a very terrible opponent. You have made the most of our ignorance of you. Let us mistakenly believe that you are a fence-sitter who can betray anyone at any time, just like the intelligence we have collected!"

"But my dear Mr. Francis"

"People are group creatures!

"Living in the crowd for a long time, no one is destined to be unable to hide their true colors! Especially when you have friends!"

Azriamo looked at Abi Jean behind Francis.

"Friends are the most dangerous for people like us, because in long-term interactions, they will inevitably know the deepest secrets hidden in your heart, and then infer your true thoughts!"

"Master, it's unfortunate. Your friends see through you! "So I can't let you go out alive!" "But after all, you helped us temporarily eliminate the 'Mirror Master' Microa. It can be regarded as a contribution to my 'Firefly Swarm'." "If you have any last words, you can say them now." Abi Jean relaxed his control over Father Francis. Surrounded by the "Firefly Swarm", he had no room for maneuver. Moreover, he knew very well that this man had no fighting ability at all after years of personal friendship. Francis was not used to being promoted to a "Demon Summoner", and Azriamo kicked him in the soft abdomen with all his strength. At this time, it was quite difficult for Francis to stand up. However, he still stood up tremblingly, showed the back of his hand, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth fiercely. .

At this point, he had to admit that "Mushi Master" Azriamo was much more dangerous than "Mirror Master" Microa.

Compared with Microa, he was more like a cold machine without emotion. Such people were extremely difficult to be influenced by any performance or words. They only believed in the coldest evidence and logic.

Francis did not have much capital to pretend in front of him.


Azriamo's analysis was completely correct. When Francis drove the carriage carrying the corpse back to Paris alone, he had to face a Deep despair.

Alone, without reinforcements or helpers.

In this situation, he also needs to face the interrogation of 10,000 Golden Scale Guards in the entire city, and thousands of members of the Fire Transmission Gang trying to find his whereabouts.

Withstanding all this, he also has to try to find Loki's trace and rescue him from Mutu's hands.

And Mutu's identity is the king of Paris City.

This is an impossible task.

But Bishop Francis relied on his keen sense of intelligence to turn the impossible into an opportunity. Fire Transmission Priest "Abi. Jean" once mentioned casually that he was the man of "Archbishop Susas".

He came to the trading place where the two secretly met, and successfully found "Mushi Master" through Abi Jean, and then followed his orders and lurked in the "Fire Thief" Corps.

Taking advantage of the two hostile organizations, he has even successfully sneaked into the Grand Palais in Paris.

As long as he can continue to hide beside Mushi Master, he will even be able to see the mysterious king soon.

Bishop Francis is only one step away from victory.

"Sir, I admit that you are very strong." Francis grinned, revealing a mouthful of bloody teeth, "You are the most dangerous person I have ever seen in my 32 years of life, you are the most dangerous person I have ever seen in my 32 years of life."

"You guessed right, I am a loyal person!"

"For you, a group of dirty rats shuttling through the underworld, I watch you fight each other to death for the empty fame and fortune and camps, and I pity you. "Ha! Hearing this, Azriamo laughed instead of getting angry. He held the golden scepter, tapped his left hand gently with the crystal skull on the top, and slowly squatted down. "Why, my respected Patriarch has come to this, do you still want to hold a mass for me?" Kneeling Francis lowered his head and whispered softly. A long string of blood beads flowed out of his mouth, making his voice sound unusually turbid. "Our Father in heaven-" "May your name be honored-" "In the year 797 of the new calendar, I saw Seraphim descending on the temple, holding up the sun flame, and the fire covered the temple-" "Angels descended, each with six wings, covering their faces with two wings, covering their feet with two wings, and flying with two wings. They hummed to each other: Arise! Shine! Because your light has come"

From all the information gathered by the Zoroastrian Cult, Patriarch Francis had never been a devout believer. He appears to be sanctimonious on the surface, but secretly he hires members of the Fire Passing Gang to help him dig tunnels, and arranges for women to sneak into the church for dates late at night.

Since he got acquainted with the fire priest Abi Jean, he has expressed doubts about the existence of "Holy Lord Christ" in private meetings more than once. This is a deep-seated skeptic.

This kind of person is not difficult to control.

However, at this time, when his life was on the verge of death, this long list of gospel prayers came out of his mouth, which actually made all the fire spreaders present feel a chill in their hearts.

Unable to remain calm any longer, Azriamo grabbed the rest of his hair. Pulling back hard, the old dean's neck was exposed.

Even so, Francis did not stop singing.

"That light, give us bread on the table, forgive our sins as we forgive others! Keep your fellow men away from temptation and out of the hand of the devil!"

“Moses stood above the people and opened the Book of Isaiah before the eyes of the people!”

“As soon as he unfolded it, all the people stood up.”

"Everyone raises their hands and praises the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit——"

"——Believe in the Holy Light!"

This last sentence made Azriamo feel an indescribable sense of crisis in his heart. He looked around hesitantly, and finally locked his eyes on the golden scepter in his hand.

Only then did he discover many strange things about this scepter.

Why is this thing so heavy? !

Why is the crystal skull on it as smooth as cheap glass? !

Although doubts arose in my mind, it was already too late.

Father Francis has said the last two prayers.

"When darkness covers the earth

Then I will say - Woe to you!

I perish!

But the light will last forever! "

A blazing sun suddenly rose between Azriamo's hands.

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