Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 470 7.124 Viking Fury (6)

Chapter 470 124 Viking Fury (6)

In this land, simply relying on a body of hard scales does not mean you are invincible!

Even if their skin cannot be penetrated by any weapon, the Vikings still have a thousand ways to kill him.

He was tied up tightly and thrown into the pit of fire, where he was burned day and night for a hundred days.

Even the ancient gods must succumb to the power of fire.

If it doesn't burn to death, it doesn't matter.

Make a steel coffin, throw him in it and fill it with molten iron.

Living in the center of such a solid "iron coffin", when all the gaps around you are filled with flexible steel.

No one can escape from it.

Mutu's invulnerability did not scare anyone away at all, but instead inspired the bravery deep in their blood. Leather nooses tied him tightly one after another.

Fighting alone and having his hands controlled at the same time, Mutu, as an old god, could not help but be tightly bound in an instant.

However, the difference is that he still did not show any panic in this situation. There wasn't even a trace of fear or hatred in his eyes. He looked at the Viking pirates who were desperately attacking him, just like looking at the gentle sheep on the grassland.

"Haha, you think that by controlling the hands of the true god, you can make the god helpless?"

"All I can say is that you know nothing about gods."

His hands and feet were tightly bound by more than a dozen nooses, and the only thing that could move at this time was his neck. Mutu raised his golden lizard head and let out a low-frequency roar that did not exist in this world.

Everyone felt that the hair on their bodies stood up at the same time and trembled slightly. At the same time, what was even more terrifying was that the golden light pouring onto the wall began to bend as if it had substance, forming golden halberds one after another.

"My time is tight, and I have more valuable work to do than fighting."

"So goodbye!"

The thick voice shook the soul, but what was even more terrifying was the rain of golden swords falling from the sky.

The Vikings raised their shields, only to find that the spear of light composed of pure spiritual energy could not be blocked at all. The beams of light mercilessly penetrated their bodies, instantly knocking down all the Viking pirates who rushed into the stone chamber!

The light that fell to the ground illuminated every blind spot in the cave, and even Sartre, who was hiding in the blind spot, could not avoid it.

He watched helplessly as the golden sword rain fell from the sky and cut off the nooses in Mutu's hands. With just one move, all the early tactics of the Vikings looked like child's play.

There is indeed a huge gap between gods and humans that is difficult to bridge.


The light giant recorded in the obsidian pyramid murals is undoubtedly the strongest god the Vikings have ever seen. He faced the sky and opened his arms, which actually caused flames and meteorites to fall from the sky, completely cleaning the planet.

Except for Leviathan hiding in the ice cap, all life on earth was ruthlessly wiped out. It is not until millions of years pass that the next cycle of life begins again.

Gods can be created.

Frost giants and mountain giants were both created by the Æsir.

In the fantasy world of blood mist, Loki once saw the bloody creator forging gods with his own eyes. In the same way, Lizardmen and Leviathan are also life forms created by powerful light giants.

Their divine power all comes from their Creator.

That is a true god who can destroy planets with a single move. The lizardmen he designed for the purpose of being "pets" were already very weak in his eyes.

But for humans at this time, they are also invincible and terrifying gods.

This is like a hound raised by humans.

Humans don't feel how powerful hounds are, but if you change the perspective to crawling ants.

The hound stuck out his tongue and licked it, and hundreds of ants died instantly.

It is the true god of the ant world.

The golden spears of light are like eyes, and each person is evenly distributed with four or five spears. The light spear accurately penetrated their hand and knee joints, as well as their vital heart.

200 million years of survival experience tells Mutu that if he doesn't take action, he must kill them all!

When everyone fell to the ground at the same time, he stretched out his right hand again.

The spear of light that penetrated the human body immediately became void and transparent, and finally regrouped into light and returned to Mutu's hand. He turned his head and looked at the crystal coffin behind him, and found that inside it, Loki had woken up.

He witnessed the battle that just happened, and was furiously punching the lid of the crystal coffin, which was not heavy. However, the coffin lid, which had been sealed by a secret technique, could not be broken with brute force from the inside.

"It's useless, my precious treasure." Mutu half-crouched next to the crystal coffin and said softly.

"Mortals cannot look at gods"

"If they see me, they will die!"

Stretching out his golden scaly claws, Mutu lightly knocked on the crystal coffin wall.

"If attacked from the outside, this layer of crystal is not difficult to break. But my magic circle is engraved on the inside of the crystal coffin lid, so you are wasting your efforts."

"But all of your subordinates were pierced through the heart and their limbs were disabled. It won't be long before they die slowly from blood loss."

"This is not a pleasant way to die, but the fact that I can generously grant them death is already a hard-earned gift!"

Loki in the crystal coffin opened his mouth to curse and struggled desperately. Mutu shook his head helplessly when he saw this.

"Believe me, since I am willing to send you back from the future, I will naturally have a way to deal with you group of desperadoes!"

"Everyone is dead and they won't get up."

Mutu stood up again.

The mountain peak without the protection of the illusion has been exposed to everyone's eyes, and the noisy mob at the foot of the mountain shouting for death is getting closer and closer. At this time, Mutu didn't have much time to delay.

After erecting the crystal coffin containing Loki, he found a rope and tied the entire coffin behind him. Before he was about to leave, he glanced at the blood ax in the corner of the grotto.

Intelligence analysis from the Illuminati revealed that the blood ax in Loki's hand also seemed to contain extraordinary power. After thinking about it, he took the blood ax and the backpack that Loki carried behind him next to the blood axe.

Since Loki fell into his hands, he was so excited that he didn't carefully search what items were in the backpack. At this time, he subconsciously held it in his hand, just thinking that if he hid the key to activate the portal here, it would be better than searching for it all over again.

But now it seems that everything that happened before does not matter.

When he found a new shelter, he had plenty of time to re-enter his consciousness and carefully search every piece of soil in it. The greatest benefit of a long and almost endless life is that he never feels sad because of "loss".

Even though what he lost today was the city of Paris, the shining pearl of the Western Continent, and what he lost was the throne of the Principality of France.

This glory and power are not worth mentioning in the face of time.

After putting away the blood ax and picking up Loki's package, Mutu stepped on the sticky blood and just wanted to step out of the grotto door.

Among the immobile corpses lying on the ground

A figure without legs climbed up from a pool of blood.

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