Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 480 7.134 Monologue of the Sect Master (Part 1)

Chapter 480 134 Monologue of the Sect Leader (Part 1)

My name is Mutu.

Mutu is the name given to me by "Father of Light". In this desolate land, he hated the group of large lizards without intelligence. He grabs them and injects his own blood, turning us into creatures with the same appearance as himself.

In those years, Father Guang was our common master.

He likes to wander around this planet full of giant lizards.

In the early morning, he would jump into the warm ocean and swim, letting his hot body evaporate into the sea, forming an endless heavy rain covering the sky and the earth.

At noon, he would randomly grab lizards, rocks, mountain peaks, and even our tribesmen and stuff them into his mouth, and continue to shine and heat us.

In the evening, he would watch our people fight with Leviathan.

Sometimes, he also likes Leviathan to transport us on camels and compete with other huge lizards for territory.

When he feels depressed, he turns over and falls asleep, where he stays asleep for hundreds of years. Sometimes it has even turned into a mountain peak, and there are groups of large lizards living on the peak.

We have lived in this state for millions of years.


The first companion to awaken is the "Clan Leader".

He was the first companion fabricated by "Father of Light".

He is the eldest son of "Father of Light".

He is also the eldest brother of all our clansmen.

That day, he watched Father Guang sleep with his own eyes, and then turned to us and said:

"We must become real living beings, not playthings to please the Father of Light."

"We live, survive, and fight not to make Father Guang smile, but for a more glorious mission."

The 11 brothers looked at him with confusion or confusion in their eyes.

But in the end, everyone stood with the clan leader.

Because the patriarch is always right.

In battles with giant lizards, he always leads us to victory.

He could always put a smile on Father Guang's face.

Father Guang loves him.

We love him too.


The escape was set on a sunny afternoon.

The sleeping father of light has turned into a mountain, and the "head" is standing next to Leviathan holding a golden scepter.

"You are the mount that helps us all survive the disaster."

"From today on, we will raise you, but please remember that we are not your masters, and I will not force you to do anything you don't want to do.

On the road to conquering the stars and oceans, you and I are not servants, but companions. "

Leviathan nodded, seemingly very happy.

I can relate to how he feels.

This feeling is called "freedom".

The clan leader had already broken the restrictions set by Guang's father without anyone knowing. After we left, hundreds of years passed before Father Guang discovered that we were missing.

Father Guang's anger was palpable. He roared and lowered the divine fire that awakened the world.

All the lizards on the planet were destroyed at the same time, the river water evaporated, and even the rocks melted into hot magma.

Even though we sheltered from the rain of fire under the thick ice cap.

But the brothers around him were not very happy.

Because we know that from today on, life becomes a lonely journey with no end in sight.


The patriarch taught us to keep a low profile.

We followed his advice.

Living in a hazy state, I didn't know how much time had passed until that day when I saw him.

He said 200 million years have passed.

That day, I knew it.

We are trapped on this planet.

The planet is huge and the scenery is beautiful. The rounds of life seem endless, and the knowledge brought by the endless external gods also adds a bit of color to the boring life.

But I gradually discovered a huge problem.

No matter what portals brought by the gods I open, we can never really get out of this planet. The feeling after entering the portal is not like entering a real world, but rather entering a hidden partition in a large room.

No matter what kind of god's hometown we enter, it seems that there is always a door of nothingness standing up, blocking us from truly stepping out of this planet.

The worlds may seem prosperous, but in the end they are nothing but mirror images.

And we have been wandering on this planet for 200 million years.

Everyone is like a lonely ghost. No scenery can interest our eyes anymore.

Fighting and killing all make me feel boring.

Even continuing to live has become a heavy responsibility.

Life is meaningless.

A person as smart as the "clan leader" naturally discovered this problem. But the clan leader’s speculation made me even more uneasy.

The patriarch believes that we have never truly escaped from the "Father of Light".

We are just pretending to be smart and jumping from the fish tank into the fish pond. Although a fish pond is wider than a fish tank, it is still essentially a cage! All the alien gods who came to this planet were test subjects thrown in by the Father of Light.

This is just like when he watched us standing on the back of Leviathan and slaughtering those big lizards!

It's all just a game!

Mortals cannot fight against gods!

What we need to do is to find a way to invite the Father of Light back, like a hound guarding the hunter, following the Father of Light.

Only in this way can we rely on the mercy of Father Guang to escape from this prison!


Frankly speaking, what the clan leader said does make sense.

In nature, the huge scavenging vultures with sharp teeth and beaks only have a lifespan of 2 years, while the unknown gray birds that pick the teeth of rhinos and crocodiles can survive for 5 years without worrying about food and clothing.

During these five years, they only need to follow a certain creature and serve him diligently.

There is no need to think about other issues at all.

In the same way, in terms of quality of life, the hounds guarding the hunters are a hundred times happier than their hungry counterparts in the barren mountains. They have warm homes and regular food. Hunters raise their young.

Even after death, there is no need to worry about the body being exposed in the wilderness and being chewed by wild beasts.

More and more companions tend to believe that these 200 million years of captivity are all divine punishments imposed on us by Father Light.

He waits outside the void for us to admit our mistakes.

Only if we call upon the Father of Light again to come, will He free us from this painful cycle of endless reincarnation.

The 12 sect leaders who were originally close to each other gradually fell apart. More and more companions are beginning to join this new team called the "Advent Sect", and they are trying to find a way to make Father Light come again.

They firmly believe that only by following Father Light can they find the true meaning of survival.


Up to now, 11 brothers have gathered in the "Adventist".

I am the only one who still firmly believes that "Father of Light" is not reliable. We spent all our efforts to escape from him 200 million years ago. Now, returning to his control is simply a way of suicide!

And all of this is the inspiration brought to me by the Eastern Land Qi Practitioners flying in the sky.

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