Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 584 9.6 Vatican Trial

Chapter 584 6 The Holy See Trial

In the center of every ancient Roman city, there must be an open square. Google search reading

This square is closed to carriages and is a gathering place for the elderly, women and children in the city. In the slightly larger ducal fortresses, the square is generally connected to the church and is the only way for parishioners to enter the church for worship every weekend.

The Holy Episcopal Church forcibly controls one-seventh of every prisoner's life.

On Sunday, all citizens must drop everything and go to church to worship. This is the common rule agreed upon by the parishioners.

This is true for all believers from birth, every week.

Prosperous churches would place a long table in the square after weekly services and distribute food to all passers-by for free.

People who eat it, regardless of race or belief, only need to listen to the pastor say a few gospel prayers while eating. Before leaving, the priest would gently hold his hand and tell the pagans that no matter what difficulties they encountered, the Holy Episcopal Church would be their haven of refuge.

For a city of the level of Constantinople, the city was so huge that it was divided into five districts, with a square in each district.

Of course, the largest square is still the "Gate of Victory" adjacent to the "Hagia Sophia".

One end of the square is the Cathedral, and the other end connects the landmark buildings of Constantinople, the Bath Palace and the Colosseum.

The Senate is also not far from the square.

Every morning and evening, a parliament speaker wearing a white robe will stand on a high platform to announce the latest policies of the members and important news in the kingdom.

Early the next morning, a piece of news first detonated the ears of all the people passing by the square.

"Hoval Gannicus", the captain of the walls of Constantinople, and his lover "Xu Lanying" both died in the bedroom of Senator Gannicus.

The City Defense Brigade has begun an investigation into the cause of death.

After preliminary judgment, it may be related to the newly arrived diplomats from East China.


Just an hour later, Shang Junzi and Gu Huaian were already standing in the center of the heresy trial court.

The two Legalist teachers received a summons from the torture acolytes the moment they woke up in the morning.

In the Byzantine Kingdom, the power of the Holy Episcopal Church was so great that the three most important things among mortals: birth, marriage, and death all had to go through the hands of the church.

In this country, the king has no judicial power.

After civilians become criminal suspects in the city, as long as they are not Holy Bishops, they will be handed over to the "Heresy Tribunal".

They will never be merciful to this group of dirty people who have never experienced the baptism of holy water.


The hard gavel struck the thunderbolt wood, signaling that the trial had officially begun.

"Two envoys from the Eastern Continent, this court now suspects that you are related to the murder that occurred at Congressman Ganix's home late last night. Please face the Holy Light and confess your fault!"


Before Gu Huaian could speak, the young and energetic Shang Junzi spoke first.

"Without any investigation, we were directly brought to the court and stood in the center of the court in shackles without even having a chance to defend ourselves."

Is it hard for Rome to treat its friends from afar like this?

The center of civilization in the Western Continent, tsk tsk, I’m really not afraid of people laughing at me! "

Justice Ivo curled his lips contemptuously.

Those who do not understand the power of the Holy Episcopal Church and despise the court.

He has seen a lot over the years.

After leaving the court, Ivo was just an ordinary nobleman, but as long as he entered the "7th Tribunal of the Heretic Tribunal", even if Mikhail III arrived, he would still have to stand under the high platform and listen to his trial.

To put it bluntly, Justice Ivo is the absolute true god in this world.

In his eyes, all pagans cannot be called "human beings".

In the past, when faced with this kind of situation, he would not say another word at all. The torture acolyte would just swing the spiked leather whip to remove a layer of their skin.

He raised his eyelids and glanced at the Crusader Commander "Griffith Sky Flame" not far away. The commander-in-chief gently shook his hand, which meant that he would not use torture for the time being.

Ivo immediately understood what his superior meant.

60 years ago, even if an untouchable from the Tang Dynasty broke the law in this city, they would treat him as a noble.

During the prosperous period of Kaiyuan, the wealth of Tang merchants astonished all Romans.

They couldn't afford to offend the arrogant Tang people.

Nowadays, the Tang Dynasty in the East no longer has the status it once had, but one thing that has to be admitted is that the Tang Empire, which has gradually restored order from the war, is still one of the behemoths in the known world.

Even if they committed huge mistakes, the two people on trial were still diplomats of the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, he was an official of the third rank.

They can't make things look too ugly.

"I sincerely admire you for arresting people without even thinking!" Shang Junzi obviously did not intend to obey the Roman rules of the game.

"The position of Senator Gannicus is the Chief of the City Defense of Constantinople. More than half of the prisoners in the Byzantine Death Row were captured by his subordinates and thrown into prison."

"The news of the congressman's death spread throughout the city. There are not only 8,000 but also 10,000 gang members who want to kill this congressman!

In the end, you arrested two of us.

This operation makes people really dumbfounded!

I would even dare to say that the real gangster might have started drinking ale and celebrating! "

Mr. Shang seriously underestimated the thickness of Justice Ivo's face.

In the Eastern Tang Dynasty, when the Legalist school came back to power, they enacted extremely stringent laws one after another. From nobles to common people, everyone must abide by it unconditionally.

A strict but fair law for the vast majority of people is the prerequisite for the rule of Legalist disciples.

All this originated from Shang Yang, a pre-Qin politician who compiled the "Book of Shang Jun".

Shang Yang's reforms made the originally weak Qin State quickly become powerful. At the same time, because everyone was equal before the law, it also established many powerful enemies for him.

When Duke Xiao of Qin died, Shang Yang lost his backer and was framed for rebellion.

After several twists and turns, he fled alone. When he passed by a hotel and wanted to stay, the owner of the hotel said to him, "The merchant has an order. All merchants who want to stay in the top hotels must show customs clearance documents and proof of identity, otherwise they will not be allowed to stay."

A generation of famous ministers eventually died under the laws formulated by themselves, which shows the power of "Legalist law".

The Western Continent and the Eastern Tang Dynasty at this time were completely different countries.

Here, the law has a strict set of procedures. No matter how much Mu Zhun talks about it, Justice Ivo remains indifferent.

After sneering twice, the gavel was raised again, and the justice gently uttered three words under the gaze of the jury.

"Call the witness!"

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