Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 599 9.21 Nicholson Manor (6)

Chapter 599 21 Nicholson Manor (6)

"I seem to have heard of the Nicholson Family Mansion. Google search to read"

"Oh my god! This can't be one of the seven most haunted houses in the storyteller's book! My old brother, do you dare to buy this kind of house?"

"Haha, it's really hard to describe, my boss Ma Feng."

Tang Qianye took out two exquisite straw paper cigarettes from his arms and handed one over.

The "Yabuli" tobacco from the hands of Tang merchants was mixed with some "Arabian leaves" from the Arabian Peninsula. This soft drug is dried and mixed into tobacco leaves. It not only refreshes the mind, but also makes people feel endless energy.

"I'm not satisfied with you saying that my boss 'Li Xueyi' fled from the Eastern Continent. The place where he stayed was purchased in advance by several fellow villagers.

They were obviously looking for cheap, and finally ended up like this. "

"The prices of the estates around Constantinople are too high. We can no longer afford to buy separate properties. We can only live in them first to see if they are as scary as the legends say."

"Perhaps all of this is just a rumor. After all, more than seventy years have passed. The dead soul of the Necromancer may not be able to bear the loneliness and wander to other places."

Tang Qianye entered the Gate of Steel to look for the "local dog" Ma Feng precisely because of his understanding of him during his trip to the Northern Continent.

Although this man is vulgar and greedy, his character bears the imprint of a lower-class citizen that is difficult to erase. But at the critical moment, he drew his sword to fend off the enemy, and his work of feeding the horse and carrying water was not ambiguous.

The porters in the caravan were not easy-to-manage subordinates, but Ma Feng actually managed the group of hedgehogs obediently along the way.

Without his presence in the caravan, Old Hash would not have been able to reach the Mbia Oasis so smoothly.

It can be inferred from this that the job of "finding a servant" is completed in his shop, which is at least more reliable than opening the door of a stranger.

Time passed slowly as the two chatted.

When the sun set and gloomy dusk fell, Ma Feng lit a candle. The dancing firelight reflected the outline of his face. In deep contemplation, he glanced at Tang Qianye beside him.

Help them find a few servants who are willing to work in the haunted house. This kind of thing is not difficult to do in Ma Feng's opinion.

Every day, among the merchant ships that docked in Constantinople, there were rat-like stowaways who came ashore in the dark. They were either burdened with huge debts, suffered disasters in their hometowns, or were deserters from the army.

Of course, there are also people who have simply heard that Constantinople is full of gold and want to try their luck.

Being able to work in the residence of a noble in the Eastern Continent means having neat clothes, a clean bed, and endless food every day.

For the foreign women who came here illegally, this is almost the best job in the world.

Who cares that there might be a ghost in the house?

For the poor, poverty and hunger are the most terrifying evil spirits!

It is indeed not easy for Tang Qianye to find the group of old migrant workers with high ambitions and low abilities in the middle of the city, but in Ma Feng's shop, he can meet his requirements in minutes.

The temporary hesitation stemmed from his thinking about how to benefit from this transaction.

He thought of someone.


After returning from the Black Desert, Ma Feng reunited with his long-lost "Badger Party" brothers and found that most of them used their own routines to clear themselves of their identity as "murderers."

Even though a few of them failed to explain clearly where they were, on the day of the decisive battle with the "skin-picking gang", they used thick velvet felt to cover their faces the entire time.

Without showing their faces, even if the Sheriff has doubts, the rest of his accomplices can use various excuses to excuse them.

Of all the people, there was only one young man from France.

Among all the members of the "Badger Party", he was the youngest, but the most evil-minded. Of the more than fifty names that were made that night, more than half died under his broad sword.

Ma Feng repeatedly ordered that if the moment comes to draw a knife and fight, everyone must put on a mask.

When the young man became red-eyed, he didn't take it with him.

In Ma Feng's view, he didn't look like a smooth Visigoth gangster at all. The fiery killing intent exuding from his body when wielding the sword is more like a crazy Viking pirate.

However, no matter how he was asked about his name and origin, he would only answer that he, his biological mother and adoptive father had lived in the "Holy Principality of France" since childhood and relied on doing odd jobs to make a living.

Five months later, when Ma Feng returned to Constantinople, he was surprised to find that the boy's head was still hanging on the noticeboard in the Hagia Sophia Square.

All citizens living in this city know that the "Skin-picking Party" is a group of thugs who do all kinds of evil, but it is undeniable that they are also a big money tree for individual members of Congress.

The Roman magistrate posted a reward of 30 gold dinars for him, because he was the only perpetrator in the "Honeysuckle Street Massacre" who was witnessed by citizens.

Ma Feng is a sinister and cunning person, and his business is also mixed with many careless and bright parts.

But just like the ancient Donglu proverb, "A ruler is short, an inch is long."

There must be something special about him being able to live tenaciously as a gang member in this city for more than 20 years.

Ma Feng's only advantage is that he is very loyal.

Whether it's dealing with your boss or your subordinates.

When he is short of money and needs to go out to work, even if other bosses offer higher prices, he will still choose Mohammad Hash.

He will be as cruel as a devil to his "popular votes", but he will treat his subordinates in the "Badger Party", especially those who have shed blood and sweat for the gang.

Ma Feng will try his best to help.

After returning to the city, the destruction of the "skin-picking gang" and a sudden windfall made all Ma Feng's men immediately change their appearance and live a life of meat every meal.

On the other side, the biggest hero among the "Badger Party" now needs his family to hide in a dark and damp cellar to avoid the city's bounty lists and the Sheriff's search.

Sending them to this noble mansion far away from the city seems to be a very good choice!

In the eyes of Eastlanders, all blond and blue-eyed Westerners look almost the same. Even if they saw the notice, they might not be able to tell that the boy was the murderer on the reward list.

What's more, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

In the eyes of ordinary people, 30 gold coins is a lot of reward, but in the eyes of this group of Eastern Continent nobles, they can easily spend 100,000 gold to buy real estate.

No one in this class studies the bounty list posted on the street corner.

After finishing a cigarette, with his eyes rolling around, Ma Feng finally thought of his words.

"Tsk tsk"

"Your house is indeed difficult to manage. The reputation of the haunted house is too loud. As long as anyone in this city can breathe, no one has heard of several legends about the old Nicholson house!"

"You don't have to think about the disciples of the Holy Lord, you can't find them at all, but if you don't mind the servants of God King Odin, I have a family of candidates here!"

"There are three people in this family: the adoptive father, the biological mother, and the son."

"My adoptive father is from the East China. No one knows which country he comes from. Although his origin is a bit mysterious, he knows some blacksmithing and carpentry skills. I feel like this man has worked in a wealthy family."

"Their son is fifteen or sixteen years old. He is a strong young Frenchman."

"But this person feels more like one of Odin's people to me."

"As a young man, you don't have many skills in your hands, but you always have some strength. Repairing the house and weeding, there is no problem in completing these tasks."

"The most valuable thing is the woman in the family of three."

"In addition to washing and rinsing, which most women can do, she is also good at singing."

Ma Feng leaned into Tang Qianye's ear and said seriously.

"Never mind that she is a servant now. When she was young, she was once a subordinate of the 'King of Paris' Loki Starrag."

"Her name is called 'Siren' Gelin!"

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