Chapter 613 36

The origin of Mo Kui is quite mysterious in the eyes of people in Xilu.

But for Easterners, it is a simple story.

The research on ghosts and spirits by the sages of Donglu began as early as the pre-Qin period.

The Yin-Yang School was taught by Zou Yan, a native of Qi Dynasty, and its main research directions were Yin-Yang divination, the Five Elements and Bagua, and the art of subduing demons and catching ghosts. Yin-Yang teachers believe that after mortal death, most people's physical bodies perish and their spiritual bodies enter the underworld.

But there will still be a small number of people stranded in the human world. Most of them are people with extremely powerful souls and strong obsessions during their lives. Spiritual bodies that should belong to the underworld are forcibly kept in the Yang world.

They are a terror and a scourge to mortals. But in the eyes of Yin Yang Master, it is a rare and good material on the path of spiritual practice.

They can turn dead souls and evil ghosts into shikigami that can be controlled by mortals through reincarnation rituals, and can be used in battles or as materials to break through.

Gui Huzi, the "yin and yang teacher" who traveled far and wide, accidentally found the spiritually gifted Mo Kui, and took him and other disciples to travel far and wide in the name of a disciple, looking for the ultimate law hidden between heaven and earth.

As the number of his disciples increases, young children with strong qualifications emerge one after another.

Among the many disciples, Mo Kui gradually became a marginalized person.

After reluctantly living with his master for a few years, Mo Kui finally chose to say goodbye to Master Guizi when he found that he could only do chores such as washing, cooking, blacksmithing, and riding horses.

Among the six schools of thought in the Eastern Continent, the "Yin Yang School" is the most mysterious and has the smallest number of people.

Gui Huzi is a powerful hermit who has survived since the pre-Qin era.

By the Kaiyuan period, his life span was close to a thousand years old.

In his long life, Gui Huzi has accepted countless disciples, and for people with mediocre qualifications, he may not even be able to name many of them.

Looking at this strange yet familiar face, he vaguely remembered that this person seemed to have been following him for 10 years.

Gui Huzi has been trying to find a successor to his mantle all his life. He gave up on this young man in the second year after following him. In the following eight long years, although he had the title of disciple, he did nothing It's the job of a servant.

"That's fine."

"Your qualifications are mediocre, but if you continue to hunt ghosts and obey demons, you will most likely be attacked by evil spirits.

It is a blessing in life to have a life left, live in the fireworks of the world with a mortal body, and experience normal birth, old age, illness and death.

I remember that you have been with me for 10 years, and it is not easy to clean and iron every day. Before I leave, I will give you a set of tortoise shell compasses from the pre-Qin era, as well as a few mountain-moving guys. "

From that day on, Mo Kui left Gui Huzi and never saw these wandering brothers again.

After traveling around various countries with his master for 10 years, he unknowingly became accustomed to living a wandering life.

After leaving his master's team, his life was completely different from that of his relatives in the East China Sea. At that time, the Eastern Continent was still in a chaotic situation of feudal vassals. Mo Kui followed a caravan to the Western Continent, and then began to experience the mortal life as a mortal in the Western Continent.

He is 52 years old this year. He has entered many merchant houses and aristocratic mansions in the Western Continent, but he has not seen many "haunted houses".

Although he is an abandoned disciple, Mo Kui has studied and lived with the most orthodox "Yin Yang Master" for 10 years. He has a very mature method for judging Feng Shui, sensing spiritual energy and catching murderers and ghosts.

According to the theory of Yin Yang Master, living people need to generate spiritual energy to survive, and the phantom energy corresponding to spiritual energy is the food of evil spirits and ghosts.

Wherever there is sufficient nether energy, evil ghosts will appear.

The Nicholson Mansion is a place rich in psionic energy.

The most widely circulated version of the story is that 72 years ago, when the poor woman escaped by chance, she was imprisoned in the basement.

When the Crusaders stormed into the Nicholson mansion, they encountered fierce resistance from the Nicholson family. They were indeed a group of necromancers, and the girl who escaped did not lie.

But after the battle, the Crusaders searched the entire manor and did not find the basement the girl mentioned.

According to the girl's description, there are three floors in the basement, which is the same height as the house on the ground. Everyone who was lured into the manor like her was imprisoned and lived like wild beasts.

From time to time, several elders of the Nicholson family would enter the basement, slit their wrists or throats, and kill them in extremely cruel ways. The souls of those who died after enduring extreme torture will be imprisoned by them using strange magic and transformed into powerful evil spirits.

The elders will tame the evil spirits around them, or simply seal them within their bodies.

In the following years, the Nicholson Mansion fell into disrepair, and the Lord of Corner Ridge had been trying to sell the manor for cash. Indeed, many noble businessmen had entered the manor to explore.

To ensure safety, the lord personally led them on a tour.

Whenever the merchant nobles who came to see the house mentioned the mysterious basement, the lord would personally lead them into the mansion to "confirm" that everything they heard was groundless.

Even so, the house remained idle for more than seventy years. It was not until Concubine Xue arrived that it finally welcomed its next owner.

The Crusaders under the Holy Bishop Church have been searching for foreign gods and ancient gods all year round. They think they have enough understanding of the believers of the ancient gods, but they do not know that that is just the tip of the iceberg.

In the eyes of real magicians, they can see if there is anything strange in the mansion just by looking at the air with one hand.

Mo Kui guessed that the evil spirits of the Nicholson family were most likely still hiding inside.

When ordinary people hear the word "evil ghost", they will subconsciously avoid it, but this strange creature is the best casting material for the "soul refiner" of the Yin and Yang School.

Mo Kui urgently needs to find a good-breed ghost to make into a medicine to save his wife who is getting thinner and tortured by the rotten potion.

He couldn't wait any longer.

On the first night that Concubine Xue went out, she chose to take action.

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