Chapter 617 40

Mo Kui in the main house didn't know what was happening in the courtyard at this time.

After having a simple dinner with his family and making sure that they would not rush out to cause trouble, he shouldered his mahogany dagger, took out the tortoise shell compass given by his master, opened the door to the west wing and entered the courtyard.

"Remember my painting, don't leave the room tonight unless there are very special circumstances."

"Catching ghosts and subduing demons is the duty of my yin and yang disciples. Mortals who mistakenly enter the formation can only cause chaos. You can sleep quietly at home and wait for my good news."

After finishing speaking, Mo Kui gently closed the door and stood in the center of the courtyard.

Tonight is a windless night.


Each Yin Yang teacher has his or her own working method.

If a powerful evil spirit is forced to stay in the mortal world, there must be a way to continuously absorb psionic energy. The weak will choose corpse pits or ancient battlefields where a large number of mortals have died.

As for the powerful Ghost King, he can set up magic circle restrictions on his own like a monk.

All disciples of the Yin Yang School have the ability to perceive psionic energy that is several times greater than that of mortals.

For some yin-yang teachers who pursue the ultimate perception ability, they will even seal their children into the dark earth after birth, and use spiritual energy to stimulate their spiritual consciousness when they are born.

In this way, they can be cultivated from an early age to use their spiritual consciousness to perceive the outside world, instead of relying on their eyes.

This will have a miraculous effect in catching invisible evil spirits with twice the result with half the effort.

The lineage of Guihuzi focuses on using the free psionic energy in the surrounding environment to set up formations and use psionic energy to fight against psionic energy.

Although Mo Kui is an abandoned disciple of the sect, he has followed his master for more than 10 years. He has mastered most of the techniques within the sect, and he is even more familiar with drawing spells and making restraints.

He took out the tortoise shell compass inherited from the Spring and Autumn Period.

Relying partly on perception and partly on the compass, Mo Kui walked around and finally arrived at the wine cellar in the basement of the main house.

All the islands around the Aegean Sea are rich in grapes, and different grapes grow in different areas and will have slightly different flavors. It becomes more obvious after sufficient fermentation.

For nobles, it is impossible to open the door without a few bottles of fine wine in the cellar. It is not difficult to see that the Nicholson family also spent a lot of money to build this underground wine cellar after buying this property.

Although the wine cellar is located underground, it is not blocked. The cracks in the wall above the head follow the carved texture of the house's exterior, and a row of ventilation openings are cleverly left. After hanging the hurricane lamp on the wall, you can see that the goose-yellow marble wall is carved with a huge mural of Bacchus, the Roman god of wine, entertaining the king of gods.

Even though it has been uninhabited for more than seventy years, the dense marble is still smooth and translucent, with no trace of decay visible.

All the wine stored in the wine cellar has long since disappeared, leaving only rows of dark wine racks made of thick iron pine wood. Mo Kui closed his eyes and carefully sensed the looming ghostly energy in the wine cellar.

Finally, I stood in front of a shabby ancient linen painting.

In the Middle Ages, Chinese and Western painting techniques were different, and the materials used were also different. Eastern painters preferred wood pulp paper and rock pigments. Grind colorful stones into absorbing powder, then add some auxiliary materials such as glutinous rice flour, gold and silver powder, and finally mix with water.

The national power of the Western Continent was not as high as that of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and they could not achieve such luxury in the art of painting. Therefore, they were accustomed to using plant pigments to extract colorful juices and blend them with shell powder.

Then draw it on linen cloth.

Uninhabited for 72 years, the shabby linens are full of wormholes. Despite this, Mo Kui could still clearly see the graphics drawn on the cloth.

It was a picture scroll of the Holy Lord Christ reciting the Book of Blessings.

Medieval Western paintings in Chengdu were based on myths, legends or religious stories. By placing such a scroll in a wine cellar, it is not difficult to see that the designer's original intention was to add some color to the monotonous wine cellar.

72 years ago, the Crusaders broke into the Nicholson Mansion, killed all the tribesmen, and then evacuated the entire manor. This linen painting survived not because it was placed in a wine cellar, but because there were so many such paintings in the Holy Episcopal Church.

Perhaps because the Holy Lord Christ himself stood on the canvas with a halo on his back, the Crusaders did not destroy it, but allowed the scroll to remain. It hangs in the wine cellar on the ground floor until today.

Mo Kui could vaguely sense that the looming spiritual energy gathering place in the entire mansion was this linen painting.

In the terms of the Yin Yang School, this scroll is the centerpiece of the entire formation.

He stretched out his withered hands and gently touched the worn scroll on the wall.

"No magic formation can keep operating freely for more than seventy years."

"If you hide behind this door, you must have a unique way to replenish energy for the magic circle."

Mo Kui followed the "yin and yang mentor" Gui Huzi to travel around the world for 10 years. He has seen a lot of all kinds of evil gods and evil spirits, and he also knows how to subdue these demons that should not exist in this plane under various circumstances.

He closed his eyes and carefully recalled the prohibition formation he had set up around the manor, making sure that there were no omissions.

He took out a charm with complex incantations from his arms and muttered something.

Beidou Qiyuanjun, the Great Holy God of Tiangang, the Great Dharma King of Lixie, protect me innocently, enlighten the path of the three realms, and illuminate Beiyou Palace.

Mo Kui could no longer recall the last time he cast a spell how many years ago, but once he spoke, he found that he actually remembered every word of the obscure formula.

As the mantra continued to be recited, pure spiritual energy gathered on his fingers, igniting the spell with a bang.

After the red flames spurted out for no reason, he flicked his hand and threw the spell onto the ancient painting. The Holy Lord Christ holding a Bible in the scroll immediately burned into a black hole.

As the scroll was engulfed in flames, a dark hole suddenly appeared on the wall where the ancient painting hung.


Sure enough, it’s here!”

"I hope that all the skills I learned when I was young were not given back to my master."

Taking a deep breath, Mo Kui pulled out the peach wood dagger on his back with his backhand. A touch that was both familiar and unfamiliar came to him. He raised his left foot and was about to step into the dark hole, when two black winds suddenly shot out, accompanied by a bone-chilling sinister laughter.

Mo Kui raised the rune wooden sword and muttered something again.

A giant beast with a long head, holding an imperial bell in its hand, the three gods Su Xiao, riding the Kui dragon Yan, the god king with a mighty sword, slaying evil and eradicating traces. . . .

Along with a scorching firelight blooming from the peach wood ancient sword, the two black smokes that had just condensed into a human shape realized that they were outmatched and fled in all directions.

Mo Kui was not surprised by the evil spirit's escape.

He had already set up a forbidden formation in the courtyard, turning the entire Nicholson mansion into a huge maze.

Not only that, he also used the "Rebirth Talisman" to cover up the breath of all living people in the manor. As long as the evil spirits don't devour living souls, their abilities won't be too powerful.

Lifting the flaming wooden sword, Mo Kui followed the cold breath out of the wine cellar.

However, as soon as he entered the main house, he immediately secretly said something bad.

Within the confines of the maze, he actually detected several auras belonging to living people.

These living people are not ordinary people yet. ,

Each of them is a chosen one with sufficient spiritual energy!

In a sense, they are the best food for evil spirits!

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