Chapter 622 45

Within the magic sealing circle, Red Blood Pigeon was also running wildly with a knife in hand.

After the "Song of the Siren" sounded, all the mortals in the magic sealing circle were bewitched by the song.

Now, it's time to slay demons and eliminate ghosts.

Ever since "Siren" Gelin escaped from Scandinavia, she has lived a stable life away from killing for more than ten years. Although he lives a comfortable life, the experience of growing up in blood and fire has been deeply rooted in his bones.

In the barren and cold Scandinavia, if ordinary people want to live, they will face bloody battles one after another every day when they open their eyes.

Fight with beasts, fight with Slavs.

Even, many times, fighting against their own kind.

For all the Vikings who managed to survive to adulthood, the word "fight" had already become as physical as being unable to eat or drink. Once it happens, it can be done subconsciously without thinking or reacting.

After waking up in the dark night, Ge Lin saw the man in black wandering around in the wind magic circle, and immediately began to exert the power of God's Choice and sing the song of the Siren.

Her intuition told her that in this situation where the enemy could not get close and was already trapped in the magic circle.

Siren's Song can be extremely effective.

Mother and son have a spiritual connection.

Red immediately knew what Ge Lin's purpose was.

Their biggest enemies were not the few mortals wandering around in the circle like headless flies, but the four "Nicholson Family Revenants" who had just burst out of the dungeon.

These two old ghosts managed to survive in some unknown way while being surrounded by the Crusaders. Then he continued to live in an empty and deserted mansion for more than seventy years, and was still alive and well after being released.

This cannot be accomplished simply by luck.

Caught off guard, the two bodyless spirits had turned into blood skeletons with torsos by hunting a high-level God's Chosen One.

Standing outside the magic circle and seeing the blood-red skeleton of An, Reid had subconsciously begun to feel danger.

If these two old ghosts are allowed to kill a few more chosen ones, God knows what they will eventually evolve into.

While the situation is temporarily under control, taking action immediately is the easiest way to kill them.

After entering the Nicholson mansion, Mo Kui and Ge Lin confiscated Red's weapons in order to suppress the growing desire to kill in his heart. At this time, there was a hasty battle, and Red only had a hand ax used for chopping firewood in the manor.

For a 15-year-old Viking boy, this was enough.

Holding the ax in both hands, he could feel the blood all over his body heating up rapidly. During the process of rushing into the magic-sealing array at high speed, there was even a faint snow-white steam spurting out from his body surface and mouth.

"Don't look up at the sky after entering the magic circle! If you don't look at the bright moon, you won't fall into an illusion!"

Before he was about to rush into the magic circle, Mo Kui shouted loudly behind him.

In the magic circle, the talisman smeared with chalk is just a "blind cover" commonly used by Eastern mainland warlocks. When mortal evil spirits are lost in the magic circle, they see the recurring white curse seals appearing continuously, and subconsciously form psychological hints to themselves, thinking that everything is caused by these spells.

As everyone knows, the real "eye" of the magic circle set up by Gui Huzi's group is the furry full moon above the head.

If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that there is only a full moon in the dark sky, but no stars.

Mokui specifically chose a dark night without a moon in order to make these people subconsciously think that the full moon above their heads was a natural formation. This thing will appear regularly every night, and the brain will subconsciously form a thought pattern.

Especially when you are tired and scared, it is even harder to notice the details of "the stars have disappeared".

Reid nodded, but did not stop.

Speeding down the gravel slope inside the manor, he quickly locked onto a blood-red skeleton that was fighting the Chosen One.

This thing has obviously evolved again, and strands of muscles and tendons have begun to grow on the blood-red bones. It is not difficult to see that as muscles appear on the bones, the fighting ability that this evil spirit can unleash begins to increase as seen with the naked eye.

The scarlet skeletal giant stretched its hand toward the sky, followed by a harsh cry from the jaws of the skeleton. Red blood energy continued to emanate from its palms.

collected on the ground and then flowed underground. Not long after, bursts of shrill cries came from the ground. The thick bones dug through the soil and crawled out from the ground. It was a skeleton soldier whose whole body was made of rotting flesh.

Not surprisingly, they are all undead slaves who died under the necromancy of the Nicholson family.

Judging from the appearance, the Chosen One who was currently struggling with the Necromancer was not much better than the Necromancer who was covered in blood.

After the power of divine choice was activated, two strangely shaped flesh wings grew on his back. This kind of wings is completely different from the light wings woven by angels using spiritual energy. Instead, they are fleshy wings that grow from the bodies of mortals and have flesh and blood fascia.

The translucent fleshy wings turn pink under the moonlight, and are densely covered with blood vessels as fine as a spider web. When the battle begins, this weirdo can fly high into the sky briefly with the help of its flesh wings.

It can be seen that he has been tied up in the magic sealing array for quite some time. Due to extreme fatigue and the dissipation of spiritual energy, the pair of fleshy wings made of flesh and blood were obviously too heavy. He could only briefly lift into the air like a bat and could not move forward very far.

A large group of undead chased him in the direction of his escape.

Their skeletons let out shrill cries, fearlessly jumped on his body, grabbed his limbs and bitten hard. This strange-looking birdman was obviously unable to cope with this situation.

The two fleshy wings kept flapping, and he pulled out the broadsword he carried with him to make the final resistance.

The blood-red skeleton was about 10 meters away from him, pacing patiently from side to side. This thing obviously has considerable combat experience. He could see that the strange bird-man in front of him surpassed "Crowfeather" Magda by an unknown amount in terms of combat power.

It is not wise to go head-on.

You can first use this group of undead summoned from the soil to continuously consume the opponent's power, and then complete the final blow when he is exhausted.

However, at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up behind him.

When the siren's song stopped, Red Blood Dove, who was holding the wood-cutting ax high, had already raised the sharp ax blade and rushed in front of the red skeleton!

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