Chapter 632 55

The Romans’ courtyard decoration was completely beyond the imagination of the Vikings. Google search reading

In Constantinople, where every inch of land is at a premium, the courtyard of the mansion they entered was not large, but every decoration was extremely elegant. From the main door all the way into the main hall, you can see a picture of perfect proportions no matter where you look in any direction.

Along the way, whether it is the beautifully carved mermaid statues, the exquisitely constructed bouquets of flowers, or the exotic trees, you can see the unique aesthetics of the owner.

Latin, the common language of the Romans, was a new language to everyone who entered the scene. Except for Alfred, who had lived in Rome, no one among the Vikings could understand what the enthusiastic butler said along the way. What.

But for them, being able to have a hot meal for free immediately after entering the city is a beautiful thing no matter how you look at it.

However, after just 3 minutes, the beautiful thing turned into an ordeal.


It must be said that the noble family that Phoenix chose to have dinner with was quite tasteful.

The "Crassus" family was one of the oldest Roman nobles in the Byzantine Empire. Their ancestors can even be traced back to the Roman Republic in 115 BC.

"Marcus Licinius Crassus" was the richest Roman during the Republic. It was known at that time that as long as there was a business with a name in the kingdom, it would be secretly controlled by members of the Crassus family.

Marcus even worked with Caesar and Pompey to form a political alliance known as the "Triumph". Its purpose was to fight against the Senate and restore the republican kingdom to a monarchy.

It is a pity that the old Crassus was prosperous in business, but he was not favored by Ares, the god of war. In the war with the Parthian Empire in 53 BC, he was defeated and died, ending the legend of the richest man in Rome.

Although the old Crassus died, his commercial kingdom throughout the Mediterranean still existed. Thousands of years later, although it has no longer regained the glory of its ancestors, the three words "Crasus" are still a gold sign in Constantinople.

As the oldest noble in the kingdom, the family still firmly controls 3 seats in the Senate, and has tens of millions of properties under his command.

Tomorrow is the king's birthday, and the guests invited by the current patriarch of the Crassus family, Maxima Crassus, are all wealthy businessmen and nobles who have traveled thousands of miles to the royal city to attend the birthday event.

After entering the lobby, a nobleman of about forty or fifty wearing brocade and satin was changing cups.

Sartre, Gulaur and several other villagers from Scandinavia had never seen such a battle before.

After entering the door, before he had time to carefully observe his position, an old Roman man wrapped in luxurious silk and satin hurriedly greeted him.

"Hail Mary!"

Look, what did I see? ! The son of the great "King of Paris" Loki Starago walked into my mansion!

To all my dear friends, today is truly a good day that is destined to be remembered!

Phoenix opened his arms and laughed, and the pudgy old man in front of him hugged him cordially.

"Oh, Brother Gore, you are making good progress!"

The old man did not forget the dozen companions behind Phoenix.

Among all the merchants making a living in Constantinople, the mother and son of the Skylark Chamber of Commerce are the most difficult guests to invite. The Viking princess Mohlantin often appears in the palace, dealing with dignitaries from various countries almost every day to discuss new business routes.

This time they met with Sartre, Gulaur and his entourage. Gol Marash, who was over sixty years old, was still present, but Mohrantin was not.

This is because she was not in the Byzantine Empire at all at this time, but was negotiating a new road on the East-West Continental Bridge thousands of miles away.

When his mother left, Phoenix Starago had to take care of the family business and rarely went out to socialize every day.

In Constantinople, it was never difficult for the upper class nobles to provide money. Anyone can afford to set up dozens or twenty tables of good wine and good food. The real difficulty is how to invite this extremely busy group of guests to the house.

Phoenix appeared in his mansion silently. Not only was this not rude,

On the contrary, it gave me enough face.

Old Crassus suddenly felt that his face was full of energy, and even though there were several tall Vikings standing behind Phoenix, he did not hesitate to hug him.

This was very painful for Gulaur and Sartre who entered the hall together.

After traveling all the way to Constantinople, I thought I would find some Roman women to relive the warmth of the human world. I didn't expect that the first time I touched a human body after entering the city was an old man whose whole body exuded the strong scent of powder.

What's even more frightening is that Roman nobles generally had the habit of wearing makeup.

Not only was this fat old man's whole body fragrant, he had a thick layer of powder on his cheeks, and even a layer of red lipstick on his lips.

This made the Vikings, who had not seen much of the market, almost die on the spot. The two of them forced out false smiles to complete this terrible social etiquette.

But this was just the beginning of a long day.

next chapter

Although Phoenix Starago also has Viking blood flowing in his body.

But from all aspects, he, Sartre, and Gulaur are two completely different Vikings.

Both Sartre and Gulaur were born commoners. Sartre has been worrying about tomorrow's food since he was born. In his impression, it seems that he never spent a day with a full stomach in his entire boyhood.

Even if he occasionally catches wild boars and brown bears, he can only eat a very small part.

There's nothing we can do about it.

There are still many tribesmen in the village who cannot have a hot meal for several days.

Gulao Er is even more miserable.

After all, Sartre was a Viking seaman, but he was plundered from the east coast of the Baltic Sea by "Svein Gonk" of Mistduck Town when he was young.

After entering Foggy Duck Town, he worked as a Slavic serf for 10 years.

If Swain Gonk hadn't chosen to attack Hanshui Village with all his troops, Grauer's fate would most likely have been like that of other Slavic slave workers, living in his twenties amid busyness and hunger.

Then he died in obscurity while working.

and the other side

When Phoenix was born, his biological father Loki had already captured Paris and was on his way to unify the English Isles. The biological mother Mohrantine successfully returned to Constantinople with a huge amount of assets, attracting nobles from all over the city to visit her.

Phoenix grew up in this environment.

Not to mention hunger, even the gold and silver that merchants are so eager for are just rows and rows of shining metal in his eyes. For as long as he can remember, he has had to adapt to a completely new social system.

In other people's perception, the way people interact with each other is just like today, through one banquet after another, horse racing, duels or hunting, using the common etiquette among nobles to expand their network of contacts.

Then try to convert connections into capital.

Sartre and Gulaur had no idea what he was doing, which was actually very normal.

However, this is the king's son after all.

They could only passively follow him and listen to him introduce the guests in the room to them one by one.

"This Donglu native's name is Li Xin. He comes from the Eastern Tang Dynasty. It is said that he is a very powerful swordsman."

Upon hearing the word sword repair, Gulaur and Sartre subconsciously placed their palms on the hilts of their swords at their waists.

This is a subconscious reaction formed by the body during the 13 years of struggling to survive in the underworld.

Phoenix didn't understand these two uncles, but that didn't mean that Mr. Gore, who was following behind him, didn't understand. After sensing the murderous intent, he immediately pulled the two of them aside and walked to the crystal dining table near the wall.

"Two brothers, no one would take the initiative to do business on such an occasion. You must also suppress your impulses and don't let murderous intentions bloom at will."

To survive in this city, we rely on another kind of law.


At any rate, Sartre served as a city lord in England for a few days. He somewhat understands the etiquette of interactions between nobles.

But this is a pain for Gulaul, who knows nothing about it.

Guraul, who was born as a Slavic slave laborer, is a warrior with good roots. Being able to get rid of the status of a slave is already a gift from God for him.

He had never wanted to become a noble, nor did he envy any aristocratic lifestyle.

Among all the guests who can sit on the table, he is a complete outlier.

Standing in front of the crystal dining table, Gulaul picked up a piece of bread that was only as big as a finger.

The bread is quite delicately made, and it seems to be sliced ​​from a long stick. The bread is first spread with a thin layer of sauce, then sprinkled with a thin layer of tomatoes and oregano leaves, and the top is dotted with a few jet black caviar.

This food looks colorful and colorful, but there is an indescribable strange taste in your mouth.


"Good herring roe, what are you doing with so much salt? It's such a waste of material."

In Scandinavia, herring roe was no stranger to the Vikings. Long before Rocky became famous, the main industry of Hanshui Village was salvaging and pickling herring. Every autumn, if there is a disaster, the herring fish along the coast of the North Sea are the main food for the villagers in Hanshui Village to survive the winter.

The fish roe that the Vikings ate in their mouths was fresh from the belly of the fish. How could it be something like this that was picked up with sea salt thousands of miles away?

“What a waste!

It’s a waste of bread and salt, what a pity.”

Despite what he said, the smell of food wafting in the lobby really made the Vikings on the run hungry. A group of fur-clad sweats gathered around crystal dinner plates, popping them into their mouths like peanuts.

Old Gore had just picked up a glass of white wine. Before he could exchange a few words with the aristocratic lady next to him, he suddenly saw his companion eating in the corner. He immediately put down the wine glass in his hand and came to the side of Brother Runway a few steps away.

"Brothers, these are appetizers before the meal, and they should be eaten with the appetizing wine."

"How can you eat like this?"

Although the English Islands and Scandinavia also had nobles, most of them were not even squires compared with the Roman nobles.

In terms of artistic taste, language and conversation, even the most ordinary dining standards are far out of reach.

Take the appetizers served by the Crassus family for their guests as an example. This seemingly ordinary food actually contains quite a lot of scholarship.

In Constantinople, among the domestic slaves maintained by high-ranking nobles, "tasters" were quite important. Sommeliers only study one thing in their lives - how to distinguish red wines from different origins, different techniques and different vintages.

For the Roman aristocrats who drank wine all day long, any subtle difference in red wine could not escape their taste buds. With the amount of rainfall, the movement of production sites and subtle changes in fermentation stability can make a difference.

There is no such thing as "perfect" wine.

Just as a chef needs to arrange spices according to the properties of the ingredients, the best wines also need to be arranged accordingly according to the year, origin and storage method.

The caviar roll that Gulaul threw into his mouth while being disgusted was meant to be eaten with the white wine on the other side of the table. It is almost certain that before Old Gore picked up the bread, the sommelier must have tried her best to hint to him that it was to be eaten with white wine.

But these old men couldn't understand Latin, so they naturally didn't understand what the mysterious language in the maid's mouth was saying.

"My day, put it down first!"

“This thing is meant to be eaten with sweet wine. If you just eat up all the rice bread, what will you do with the sweet wine next to it?

Not having table manners is a very serious matter in this city. Doing so will make His Royal Highness look ugly. After all, the people who came to the banquet today are all high-ranking nobles."

Mr. Gore tried hard to dissuade him, but he didn't expect that this was just the beginning of this nightmare dinner.

Phoenix faithfully carries out the tasks assigned by his father, but after all, he is only a 13-year-old boy.

Growing up in Constantinople, he thought that the world of aristocrats should be like this.

What kind of life did our predecessors live before.

This was something he had never imagined.

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