Chapter 651 74

The Legalist assassin Xue Fei did not know everything that happened in Nicholson Manor.

This perfectly fits the old saying in the Eastern Land - darkness under the lamp.

When facing foreign enemies, the keen observation of Legalist assassins prevents them from letting go of any useful information. The consequence of focusing all your energy on executing a task is that you are almost blind to everything outside the task.

Several servants in the Nicholson Manor were recruited by the housekeeper Tang Qianye on an impromptu search for the "local dog" Ma Feng. It was almost certain that no one could spy on them in such a short period of time.

After bringing them back to the manor, everyone in Concubine Xue's team ran around all day long and rarely lived in the manor.

Even after a long period of time, Concubine Xue could not even recognize each of their faces.

Because none of this is important to her.

The really important thing is the new mission that Legalist mentor Gu Huaian is about to release in "Tingfeng Pavilion" at this time.

This is also the first time that the Legalist school has reunited everyone since Concubine Xue lurked as an exiled noble.


"In principle, in order to better complete the task, we should minimize our encounters."

"But something happened suddenly today, so we had to use an emergency contact plan to gather you all in Tingfeng Pavilion."

The emergency contact plan mentioned by Gu Huai'an is a practical method for Legalist instructors to contact all hidden stakes in the city when encountering an emergency. Only two kinds of cucumbers will allow the instructors to make this choice.

1. If the Legalist School enters the city, the enemies must be eliminated immediately, and all hidden stakes need to be dispatched at the same time.

2. The Legalist school encountered a strong enemy that it could not handle and needed to evacuate all hidden piles in the shortest possible time.

Today is the second day of the King's birthday celebrations. The sun is shining brightly outside the window and the streets are full of people. The several Tang Dynasty shops on the ground floor of Tingfeng Pavilion were crowded with outsiders from various provinces in the kingdom. Almost every Roman who walked into the shop dropped a large sum of gold and silver to buy silk porcelain from the mysterious East.

They were clearly not in danger in the city.

Concubine Xue turned to look at the crowded attic.

She knew that the Legalist tutors would plant hidden stakes in the city, but she never imagined that the number of Legalist secret talks sent by the tutors would be so large.

After receiving the emergency gathering order, everyone came to Tingfeng Pavilion in their own way in the shortest possible time.

Among them are craftsmen from the Apennine Peninsula, who are wrapped in colorful ribbons; there are shopkeepers from the Eastern Continent, wearing black gowns, and there are prostitutes from the Visigothic Free City-State, wearing heavy makeup.

Of course, there are also a few gang members wearing leather armor and carrying spiked clubs at their waists.

The power of Legalist's hidden pile lies in their superb makeup technology. Among the hidden piles of different shapes in this room, at first glance it is impossible to tell whether it is them themselves or a human skin mask put on after careful makeup.

Or maybe some are simply blond and blue-eyed Westerners.

If it weren't for Gu Huaian and Shang Junzi sitting in the center, Tang Qianye wouldn't be able to identify the true identities of many of them even with Tang Qianye's methods.

"On weekdays, we don't often use emergency contact codes to wake you up. Today, one thing happened suddenly, and two, during the past few days of the King's Celebration, there will be a large influx of merchants in Tingfeng Pavilion every day."

"They can provide us with some excellent cover, so everyone should be safe today."

After a short introduction to each other, refreshments were served to everyone.

Gu Huaian took out a slender scroll from his arms and slowly unfolded it in front of everyone. It is not difficult to tell that the scroll is quite old. The image in the center is drawn using the parallel perspective technique commonly used in the Eastern Land.

A slender figure with red eyes and pitch-black body is vividly drawn in the center of the painting, but from the perspective of foreign trade, you can feel an evil aura coming towards you.

What's even more terrifying is that this thing is not human.

Because there is a pair of broad fleshy wings on his back that look like a giant dragon.

"Dragon tribe,"

"Dragon Shepherd?"

Beside Concubine Xue, an old man holding a fruit preserves box murmured to himself.

Concubine Xue subconsciously looked back.

Among the people in the whole house, this old man almost has the lowest sense of presence.

His ordinaryness first comes from his profession.

On the bustling streets of Constantinople, there are often idle merchants who tie a large wooden box around their necks with a rope.

The man and woman stepped forward to open the box while they were snuggling close to each other. Among them is a piece of colorful candied fruit. In the Western Continent, sweets are a rare luxury for ordinary people. Most people can only buy one piece of honey fruit at a time.

This old man is a low-level businessman who walks on the streets selling candied fruits piece by piece.

This status almost means the most humble survivor in the entire city.

However, his status within the Legalist school is obviously not the same.

In the Vulcan Cult, the high-status fire priest may be a lowly slave in the real world. The Legalist School is also learning from the advanced concepts of different religions when selecting hidden stakes.

This well-informed old man selling sugar is obviously deeply involved in the drama. The sleeves and collar of his clothes have been frayed. If you get closer, you can smell a sour smell emanating from his body.

When the disguise is so detailed, almost no one can tell that he is directly employed by the Eastern Continent's highest ruling group behind his back.

"Mr. Ge is right."

"This is a race that has disappeared for a long time. It is said that the dragon clan that fought with giants to dominate the continent ten thousand years ago was raised by them."

"This race is small in number and had almost disappeared from the planet before the giants appeared."

The 12 sect masters of the Illuminati are all ancient gods who have survived on this planet for a long time. They each have ancient creatures that have survived from different eras.

For example, the "King of Earthsea" who was exposed to the world by Loki 13 years ago, his residence is located on the ancient monster "Desolate Beast".

The mysterious sect leader who is the head of the 12 sect masters, the ancient giant beast "Leviathan" he raised was recorded by observers from different eras.

According to the legalist school’s investigation records, the ‘Lord of Disaster’ Bertug is their key target. According to reliable information, the personal bodyguard following the sect leader is the last dragon priest on the planet.

He is the chief thug under Bertug, the "Lord of Disaster".

An ancient god from two civilizations ago - "The Destroyer" Wang Ergulei.

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