Chapter 658 82

Gunpowder exploded in the Colosseum, the city walls were thrown high into the sky, and three streets were almost destroyed.

This had never happened since the founding of Constantinople.

Sehgal stood on the remaining ruins of the Colosseum, staring at everything in front of him with dumbfounded eyes. The reason why the Colosseum was named this by Augustus I was precisely because thousands of years ago, strange-looking ancient monsters roamed every continent.

It was not uncommon for giant beasts to be put into the Colosseum to fight with living people. The 10-meter-square wall built from DL City is enough to withstand the impact of the dragon. Even the fully armed mammoth war elephant cannot even think of shaking the fence of the Colosseum.

What on earth could cause an explosion to be so powerful?

In extreme shock and anger, he looked at the members of the Mikhail royal family in the center of the auditorium, and found that the initiator of everything in front of him, Prince Darantel, was still sitting on the throne with an expressionless face, as if what was happening in front of him was just ordinary. things.

Seeing him turn his head, he even raised his glass to him.


Sehgal did not anticipate what was happening before him, which by no means meant that other people in the city also despised the power of the Illuminati.

Legalist mentor Gu Huaian had already predicted that Wang Ergulei would not be an opponent who played according to the rules when he summoned all the hidden stakes to arrange the action.

Now that his lieutenant Shang Junzi has been put on the card table, Gu Huaian is determined to win this battle.

He must take advantage of the time when Wang Ergulei was exposed to the world to kill him permanently.

At this time, the streets of Heshi were in a mess. Near the "Mud Gate" three streets away from Heshi, the Legalist hidden man Ge Laozheng, disguised as a candy seller, led seven or eight of his subordinates against the crowd. Battle center.

The roar of the dragon is already approaching.

Their group was the closest reinforcements to Shang Junzi.

Gu Huaian did not be stingy with his subordinates.

Before the battle began, he had arranged all the practical hidden stakes around the Colosseum.

Concubine Xue led a small team disguised as nobles and attendants to enter, and Mr. Ge led another team disguised as market traders to hide outside the Colosseum. This is to prevent the enemy from breaking through the wall mid-fight.

The fence wall was indeed shattered, but beyond everyone's expectation, the second battle scene was so far away.

Elder Ge could only lead his men to run quickly.

The Roman citizens celebrating the festival had obviously expected something big to happen in the city. When heavy marble began to fall from the sky like meteorites, the dragon's roar sounded everywhere, so citizens fled like a tide.

This greatly increased the time for Ge Lao and his party to provide reinforcements.

"No, Mr. Shang won't be able to hold on for long if he keeps going on like this."

"Many people have been killed by bricks and stones falling from the sky, and many people have been killed by the large-scale stampede. Everyone drew their knives."

"If the number of people fleeing continues to increase, we will fight our way out!"

Upon hearing Elder Ge's order, a group of people behind him pulled out daggers and daggers from under their robes.

When all the citizens around them are fleeing for their lives, their small group of people going upstream are so conspicuous that they no longer need to think too much about how to disguise themselves.

The last two pharmacists in the team have even thrown away the medicine boxes behind their backs, thrown their flying swords, and are about to fly into the sky.

Mr. Ge was anxious because he knew that Legalist assassins were not good at protracted battles.

Assassins focus on killing with one hit and using the most efficient means to kill the most difficult enemies. After learning that the opponent he needed to face in the arena was Wang Ergulei from the "Dragon Shepherd Clan", Gu Huaian arranged for Shang Junzi to enter because he was practicing the silk flying blade, which is the most difficult to master among the six assassin arts. .

Mortals who have not personally experienced the strangulation of silk cannot imagine the power of this strange weapon.

However, once you adapt to the characteristics of the flying blade, you can learn to rely on light observation to quickly destroy the building where the silk is hung. Shang Junzi will immediately lose the support for fighting.

Therefore, their reinforcements must be fast.

We must hurry up before Wang Ergulei completely controls the situation.

While running, Ge Lao took out two short knives from the bottom of the sugar box, then threw away the sugar box hanging on his chest without hesitation, jumped into the air in two or two steps, and stepped directly on the shoulders of the Roman citizens in front of him.

If the killer could move faster, he wouldn't even mind using his knife to kill all the citizens running in the opposite direction in front of him.

All the Legalist hidden stakes following him jumped into the air. Without any concern for the feelings of these noble Romans, they stepped on their heads and shoulders and jumped onto the roofs of surrounding buildings, quickly walking between the buildings. .

Waves of dragon roars kept coming from the front. The closer to the center of the battle between the two sides, the thicker the bloody smell became. Huge boulders fell from the sky and killed many innocent Roman citizens.

An apprentice working at his desk in a shop was hit by a boulder and his roof was shattered while working. He died on the desk without even making a sound.

Many tourists wandering on the streets also died tragically on the spot. A few were smashed on the spot by boulders, and the vast majority died from the trampling caused by the frightened crowds fleeing.

Many of the children, dressed in elaborate costumes, even died with candy in their hands and a smile on their face.

"Boss, pay attention to the left front."

"I heard the sound of the machine turning."

The usual job of these secret agents under Mr. Ge is to hide among the Roman citizens in disguise and to gather information from the most ordinary Roman citizens. Many of them are good at listening to the wind and have extremely keen ears.

Hearing the warning from his subordinates, Mr. Ge immediately stopped.

But it was obviously too late.

The spring machine expanded several large nets and threw them high into the sky, immediately blocking their retreat route.

Among the surrounding ruins of buildings, one after another gleaming golden rapid-fire ballistae was pushed out from dark corners that were invisible to the human eye.

The person controlling the ballista was a Roman magistrate with a neat military appearance.

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