Chapter 660 84

When she noticed that the Holy Bishop monk left behind her quietly, Concubine Xue turned her head and looked at the viewing platform where the Mikhail family was seated, and found that most of the clan members had also left. Google search reading


"This is not just a trap set by the Illuminati. The Holy Bishop must also be involved!"

Concubine Xue’s brain was extremely clear.

At this moment, she suddenly recalled the unjust trial that Gu Huaian and Shang Junzi received before she came to Constantinople.

If Cardinal "Saint" Euseubi hadn't stepped forward to resolve the situation, it's hard to imagine what kind of quagmire they would have fallen into.

(I have been hearing rumors that there is a master of the Illuminati hiding within the Holy Bishop Church. It seems that this may not be groundless)

Where has Euseubi been in recent months?

Why didn't he show up even once on a festival like the King's birthday celebration?

A terrifying grid gradually formed in Concubine Xue's brain, and the shouts of the surrounding crowd suddenly became quiet.

Concubine Xue narrowed her eyes subconsciously.


We got it all wrong!

Senator Gannix died during the family dinner, and Bertug knew that there must be help behind us.

His first move was not to expel Gu Huaian from Constantinople, but to find out our allies hidden in this city and take the opportunity to get rid of them!

In the same way, the purpose of sending "Destroyer" Wang Ergule into the arena this time was definitely not to kill Loki's two subordinates.

Bertug, the Lord of Disaster, has a very clear thinking from beginning to end.

He was sure that once he entered the Inquisition, Gu Huaian would immediately invite allies.

It is also a good idea to throw Wang Ergulei into the Colosseum. The Legalist instructors will definitely rush out when they see this level of bait.

He has only one goal from beginning to end.

That is the Legalist apprentice who just got rid of the "Lord of Twilight" Sardin!


"We need to evacuate immediately and leave the venue immediately!"

Most of the Legalist apprentices sitting next to Concubine Xue were wealthy businessmen with high status in the city. Before entering the Colosseum, they were tasked to hide in the stands and observe where the Illuminati members were seated as much as possible.

Now after hearing Concubine Xue's order, all the hidden stakes moved quickly.

But getting out of a packed stadium is no easy feat.

As early as three days ago, the streets of the city were discussing "Champion Killer" Red Blood Dove and the two brothers of "King of Paris" Loki.

The originally unknown boy immediately became a celebrity in the eyes of all citizens. His show was scheduled to be the finale, and the Colosseum, which could accommodate 10,000 spectators, was packed with seats. When Red appeared, even the staff maintaining order blocked the corridor behind him.

No, I can't get out like this.

We must find a way out!

A thin layer of sweat dripped from Concubine Xue's white forehead. The sound of killing outside the field was loud, and all the citizens who saw the giant dragon descending from Tianer cheered. Concubine Xue looked back at the viewing platform and found that all the Mikhail family members had retreated.

Most of the monks of the Holy Episcopal Church have retreated, and all members of the royal family have also left. But the council members in the city still stood there excitedly and shouted wildly.

This group of congressmen are all abandoned by this plan.


Perhaps they were also part of Bertug's plan.

We need to get out of here immediately!

No longer caring about hiding, Concubine Xue took out the dagger hidden in her sleeves and flew into the air, jumping to the audience stage one level above her.

The Roman magistrate who was maintaining order saw some spectators climbing over the stands and hurriedly drew out the broad sword hanging from his waist. At this time, Concubine Xue only wanted to escape as quickly as possible. Facing the menacing Roman Sheriff, she stepped forward with fluttering clothes. After getting close to give an example, she drew out the pure dagger hidden at her waist without hesitation.

In the flash of lightning, he pierced the throats of three police officers.

The Legalists who followed Concubine Xue obviously did not expect that she would directly kill people with a knife in the Colosseum with such a high density of Roman citizens.

Within the Legalist school, class is above all else. Concubine Xue's status is that of the same age, and her subordinates must abide by all her actions unconditionally.

All the men behind them drew their weapons together, and upon seeing this, the Roman peace officers hurriedly took out their battering whistles from their arms. This bamboo whistle, developed and made by the city's bachelors, can make a sharp and piercing sound.

The blow whistle sounded, and all the Roman peace officers who maintained order from all directions came together. Concubine Xue raised her sword and killed several people in succession.

The goose-yellow silk dress and fair, delicate face are now stained with blood. The Roman magistrates looked at each other and gradually backed away in hesitation.

"I don't want to hurt your lives."

"As long as I can leave the Colosseum quickly, I am willing to lay down my weapons and give everyone an explanation."

The small commotion that suddenly broke out in the stands began to attract more and more attention from the surrounding spectators, and the Roman magistrates looked at each other.

The security captain hid his right hand behind his back and made a gesture to prepare for the enemy. Just as he was about to pull out the hand crossbow from his waist, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the arena.

An explosive wave of air rose from the seat where Concubine Xue had just sat. The fire that shot into the sky directly smashed the half-left city wall and threw it high into the sky.

The giant dragon and several black figures admired the sky together under the cover of firelight.

Concubine Xue looked back

There was blood behind him.

next chapter

When she discovered that the Holy Bishop monks and the Mikhail family had evacuated from the Colosseum, Concubine Xue knew that something big was going to happen in this venue.

But she could never have imagined that Bertug would even want to destroy half of the Colosseum and even bury thousands of Roman citizens with him.

The sudden explosion raised smoke and dust several meters high, temporarily providing a layer of cover for Concubine Xue. Taking advantage of this short time difference, she raised her dagger and slashed several people, finally carving a bloody path and rushing to the outskirts of the Colosseum.

Looking back, one after another giant dragons rushed into the sky together with several dark figures.

"Your Highness, what should we do next?"

Concubine Xue looked at the direction of the flying dragon in the sky and said in a deep voice: "I understand the character of Mr. Shang."

"Although this guy is cynical on the surface and pretends to know nothing about anything all day long, in his heart he is really an extremely loyal person to the school of thought."

"The task Gu Huai'an gave to all of us is to kill the Destroyer Wang Ergulei at all costs. This guy must have followed the dragon's escape."

"We have no time to hesitate, we need reinforcements immediately!"

At this point. It no longer matters what kind of lurking, disguise, or infiltration. The biggest reason why the Legalist school has been able to quietly pass on in the Eastern Continent for hundreds of years and always has a lot of talents is that they have a strict system comparable to that of the army.

In a gang, all subordinates carry out the orders of their superiors unconditionally, no matter whether the order is right or wrong, no matter what the price is.

During the popular gladiatorial competition, a large number of lower-class citizens will inevitably gather outside the Colosseum. In their eyes, spending three or five silver coins to buy tickets is far inferior to investing the money in bets.

In case of victory, three or five silver coins can be doubled immediately. Although the amount is not much, it can at least be used for living expenses for several months.

Once the killing begins, Legalist disciples no longer have the need to hide themselves

Ge Laoshang knew the weaknesses of Shang Junzi, and Concubine Xue, who came from the same school as him, must be equally aware of them. Legalist assassins emphasize sneaking in and killing with one strike. As long as they are fully prepared, even an old god of the level of "Lord of Twilight" Sardin can be killed with a single blow.

A strong burst means they are not good at long-lasting battles.

Once caught in a tug-of-war, and the enemy figures out all the offensive tactics, all the advantages of the Legalist Assassin are immediately gone.

The sudden change caused the crowded Roman citizens to immediately fall into chaos. If they wanted to move forward quickly in this noisy environment, killing was the most direct and effective way.

In a red mist of blood, Concubine Xue's team crossed the square at a very high speed. As long as they walked out of the noisy square and entered the street, they could climb onto the roof and use the slopes on the top of the roof for quick rescue.

However, as Concubine Xue expected, everything arranged by Bertug, the Lord of Disaster, was to wipe out the Legalist apprentices hidden in the city.

Especially Concubine Xue who silently devoured three of his elite subordinates.

Bertug didn't know how Sophie did all this, but this woman was extremely dangerous. This was an easy conclusion.

At the end of the square, there was already a group of fully armed Crusaders cavalry waiting in line for them to get into their pockets.

"Dear Miss Li Xueyi, you have caused such a large number of killings in my city, do you really think that all of my Crusaders are useless decorations?"

Concubine Xue clenched the dagger in her hand and looked coldly at the heavily armored knight in front of her.

They covered their entire bodies in cold iron armor forged from fine steel, with no flaws except for a cross gap between their eyes.

Concubine Xue expected that the Lord of Disaster, Bertug, could mobilize the Roman Sheriff. However, she never expected that he would be able to mobilize the Crusaders.

This is an army that only takes orders from the Pope himself. It claims to have undergone the most rigorous military training in the Western Continent and has extremely strong comprehensive combat capabilities. On weekdays, the Crusaders rarely participate in various battles in the mortal world.

Most of what they undertake is exploring ancient ruins, searching for old gods, fighting alien gods descending from the sky, and other arduous tasks that mortals cannot complete. Only when the church is besieged by mortals will they show up to stop it.

"Duke Falcao, don't talk nonsense, everyone with eyes has seen it."

Concubine Xue wanted to defend herself, but after half a sentence she immediately felt that there was no need to continue.

It is obvious that the Legalists have stepped into the trap carefully laid by the Illuminati.

Bertug deliberately arranged the seat of the holy bishop monk behind Concubine Xue.

He was sure that with Concubine Xue's intelligence, she would be able to detect clues.

If she didn't leave, the explosives buried under the seat would blow her to pieces.

And once Practical Violence leaves the arena, the eyes of all survivors will witness the carnage she has caused. A large group of Crusaders had already been ambushed outside the door, waiting for her to fall into the trap.

Once she falls into the hands of the Crusaders, one can imagine what kind of ending will happen to her in the "Inquisition".

This is a seamless dead end.

As for Gu Huaian, Shang Junzi, and all the Legalist teachers, none of them saw through this deadlock.

"Your Highness, Concubine Xue, retreat first."

"Did you see the place where the dragon roared in the distance? If my guess is correct, it was the battlefield where Shang Touer and Wang Ergulei fought. We were stopped, and Mr. Ge was probably stopped as well.

If you don't recruit him, this operation will be a complete failure! We can't do such stupid things as losing my wife and then losing our troops.

The speaker was an East China businessman who was wrapped in a jet-black cloth robe. They had not known each other for a long time, and Concubine Xue could not remember his name yet. She only knew that this man seemed to be a monk in the foundation building stage.

Not everyone is qualified to be a legalist who understands aristocratic etiquette and can freely walk in Byzantine upper class society. They are all Tang elites who have made great achievements in the fields of business and culture. They usually do more mental work.

If the targets captured this time were not too precious, Gu Huaian would not even arrange for them to reveal their identities.

Donglu monks of this level can indeed buy time for Concubine Xue to escape, but what awaits them is most likely the end of the entire army being annihilated.

But then I thought about it, what else could they do?

Having stepped into a trap from which they could not escape, the Legalist apprentices had no other way out except to apply more strength to see if they could crush the trap.

"Your Highness, it's still too late to escape while the square is in chaos."

"As long as we can kill Wang Ergulei, we will still lose!"

"Let's leave quickly. If we don't leave, we'll be too late by the time these beasts evacuate the square!"

The Crusaders lined up neatly on the opposite side have already driven their horses to surround them. Concubine Xue saw close to two hundred cavalry. Behind them were countless heavy infantrymen armed with flails and heavy hammers.

What his subordinates said was correct, and forcing him to stay here was also the way to go. In the end, everyone was inevitably taken back to the Inquisition and tried in public.

Finally, looking back at the group of subordinates she had just met, Concubine Xue drew out her swords and charged towards the heavy armored cavalry.

When the cavalry captain saw the legendary and powerful assassin taking such an unreasonable action, he smiled and raised his broadsword. Not to mention being a weak woman, even a golden elixir sword cultivator may not be able to achieve any good results when faced with the siege of 500 Holy Religious Army.

More than a dozen groups of heavily armored military horses raised their hooves and charged in unison. Just as the spears were about to pierce their chests, the originally condensed running figures quickly became blurry.

Then like a wisp of smoke, it quickly dissipated in the air.

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