Chapter 665 89

"Destroyer" Wang Ergulei was the first person to wake up in the ruins after all.

This stems from his own strong physical skills.

Gods who can enter the earth from other worlds generally need a strong body to resist the turbulence of time and space. Wang Ergulei is one of the first pioneers among his tribe to land on this planet.

This is not an easy task.

Before that, the "Dragon Shepherd" clan had experienced a millennium-long war and the destruction of their home planet. The remaining clan members hid in the rifts of time and space and relied on the resources obtained from plundering to survive.

Only a very small number of tribesmen followed Wang Ergulei and successfully came to earth.

Landing on a new planet is not the end of the journey, but just the beginning. At that time, the rulers of the planet were giants and dragons. They needed to fight against the joint encirclement and suppression of the two ferocious groups, as well as other ancient gods and alien gods on the planet.

"Survival" is always the first problem that all living creatures need to face.

All gods that have survived from the previous era to the present have extremely powerful survival skills, and Wang Ergulei, who has a life span of more than 16,000 years, is no exception.

Even after experiencing the joint siege of three top human race experts, killing one person and severely injuring two others, he was still the one who recovered the fastest from the near-death state.

Micronia looked at the tall figure in darkness behind him in horror.

The "Fire Demon Pather" is not a phoenix composed of violent fire elements, nor is he a possessed person who spits out flames.

King Xin gave them bodies that could separate them thousands of miles apart and share their consciousness, making them the most difficult opponents to kill on the planet.

But at the same time, the mirror body composed of fire elements has almost no ability to protect itself.

Microa could see Wang Ergulei’s miserable face at this time.

His entire face seemed to have been split open by a giant flaming axe, and all the flesh and blood that had been turned out were charred and turned black by the blasting flames.

However, even so, he still opened his only eyeball with force and looked at the water of God in Microa's hand.

He knows what this thing is.

What a huge amount of energy it contains.

"it's useless"

"We've already reached this point, so don't let the cockroaches from the Vulcan Cult come in to make up the numbers, hehe."

Micronia could feel the palm on his wrist tighten suddenly. It was obvious that this ancient god used the only time he had to quickly recover his spiritual energy, and now has the most basic combat ability again.

and the other side

"Mirror Master" Microa's combat ability is no more powerful than that of ordinary mortals.

As Wang Ergulei's arm muscles retracted, her fragile wrist was quickly crushed. The bones condensed from the pure fire element broke first, followed by the muscles and skin.

This elemental body cannot feel much pain, but Micronya knows that if this continues, all of them will inevitably be harvested by this powerful ancient god one by one.

"That old guy!"

"Don't think that because you are a person from Ember, this trick can't do anything to you!"

"I have been afraid in the ruins for so long, now it's time to come forward!"

Using all the strength in his body, Microloa shouted loudly. Wang Ergulei's huge body was immediately shocked.

He suddenly seemed to have forgotten something.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt something crawling up his back. Turning his only remaining eyeball to look back, a ball of mud with a pungent smell slapped his forehead firmly.

Wang Ergulei's only remaining eye was covered in mud, and his world suddenly fell into darkness.


Today is undoubtedly an unlucky day for Old Hash.

The god of fate will not favor the same person forever. After good luck, there will inevitably be some unlucky moments.

Today, all of Lao Hash's luck is obviously gone.

After returning from the northern continent, he shipped back 7 shiploads of goods from the five major temples. Among them are many priceless ancient relics.

He was able to harvest so many goods first of all without Loki's gifts.

Another point is that the five major temples that have just been liberated from the hands of the Illuminati are in full swing. As the new pharaoh who controls the Black Desert, Sophie needs a lot of living materials to develop people's livelihood.

This is of course inseparable from the Hash caravan and all the subsequent cavalry that entered the desert.

One can imagine how high-spirited Old Hash was at this time.

A large number of scarce goods are hoarded in the stores, especially in time for the king's birthday. Every item in his hands can be sold for a price that would make you laugh in your dreams.

Today, however, his luck finally ran out.

While shopping, people suddenly encountered a half-cast city wall flying over their heads. This kind of thing must not be seen by the vast majority of Western Continent citizens once in their lifetime.

Surviving the impact of the city wall is even more difficult.

As an "Ember Man", Old Hash did it.

He pretended to be dead and hid in the ruins of the building, hoping to wait until everything calmed down and then crawl away from the ruins like a maggot.

Mortals may not be able to find Old Hash under the ruins, but all this cannot be hidden from "Mirror Master" Microa.

As a former Fire Bishop, she is as familiar with the Xin Wang 6 path as the palm of her hand.

She could feel that there was a high-ranking Ember person hidden under the ruins.

In desperation, he shouted loudly, and sure enough, Old Hash was shocked out from under the rubble.

However, the fighting ability of the Ember People is not much better than that of Microloa.

Fortunately, he is a businessman.

He knows how to use his brain.

In desperation, Old Hash grabbed a ball of mud from the ground and immediately blinded his only remaining eye.

Wang Ergulei only has one arm.

To regain his sight, he must release Microloa immediately.

Amid the roars of the black-skinned giant, Fire Bishop Mycroya used Mohammed Harsh to buy her a limited few seconds to open the cap of the potion.

A layer of pale golden water mist spread into the air.

She inserted the leveling potion into Red's mouth.

A golden glow suddenly appeared in the dark night sky.

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