Chapter 675 99

Being able to remain immobile under the threat of explosives cannot be achieved simply by relying on the power of divine choice. Google search reading

The walls of the Byzantine Senate are made of complete marble with a thickness of more than 1 meter. If explosives are detonated in such a confined space, all mortals will be crushed by the air waves like juicy fruits.

Only one kind of person can survive, and that is the Illuminati Lizardman with a body of hard scales.

"Haha, it seems that you are the legendary His Highness Bertug!"

Loki gently threw the detonator with the burned fuse aside, turned over and sat up, looking in the direction of the lonely figure.


"But it's almost there."

The rest of the members either pressed their entire bodies to the ground, or retreated to the gate to look at the burning corpse in the center of the square. Only this man stood calmly and had no intention of running away.

It is not difficult to see that his eyes are firmly attracted to the Xuanyuan Sword, and he is looking at the stone sword in Loki's hand without hiding the greed in his eyes.

“I know what you are holding in your hands must not be real gunpowder.

Because suicide is not in your character.

But I never thought that you would dare to bring the real Xuanyuan Sword into Constantinople alone.

Do you really think this is still your imperial city, Paris?

Loki expected it to be true.

If the Illuminati masters want to hide themselves in this city, they will definitely find ways to sneak into the council members. Under the skin of the old man in white is Fitzroy, the "Lord of Twilight" who changed his body a few days ago.

A 1V1 situation briefly formed, and Fitzroy was quite confident in his own strength. However, just as he took a step forward, Loki stretched out his hand as big as a leaf fan and grasped the stone sword with force.

The killing intent spread quickly, and Fitzroy immediately understood what he wanted to do.

The right foot he just extended immediately retracted.

Fitzroy performed perfectly as Rocky expected.

The 12 masters of the Illuminati have endlessly long lifespans. In the history of 200 million years, they have led the ethnic group through more than ten rounds of civilization changes. During the great cataclysm between civilizations, they took an ark to escape the disaster, and they must possess a treasure like the Xuanyuan Sword that can change the feng shui of the world.

There are thousands of ancient creatures from various civilizations living under Leviathan's turtle shell. Although there is a vast land hidden under the turtle's back, if you want such a number of creatures to survive the long harsh winter and heat, Xuanyuan Sword No treasure can replace the power it can exert.

In such a passive situation, this ancient stone sword is the only bargaining chip in Loki's hand that can turn the situation around. He came to Constantinople alone, betting that the Illuminati masters would not give up the sword.

Fitzroy stopped now, and Loki had placed the right chips.

In the showdown with the Illuminati, he finally got the upper hand again.

"The situation is very simple. My brother is in your hands, and I happen to have something you need in my hands."

"The respected King of Byzantium asked me to come up with a 'compensation method' myself. I just said that I can give him an unprecedented gladiatorial fight while passing through the city on my birthday."

"What event could be more exciting than the great 'King of Paris' versus the Illuminati master?"

The high-pitched dragon roar suddenly stopped at this moment. The nervously fleeing council members gradually regained their composure after discovering that the detonator in Loki's hand had no power.

However, this short sentence once again attracted everyone's attention.

Loki was right.

The unprecedented decisive battle that took place in Paris 13 years ago has been written into the scripts by all the bards in the Western Continent. In this bustling city, whether it is the exquisite clubs located in the Uptown District, the cafes where the bachelors gather in the Xuecheng District, or the fly taverns located in the "Glass Alley" and Honeysuckle Street

In every crowded building, you can hear opera scripts sung in local dialects, comprehensively introducing various scenes of Loki leading the frost giant army to invade Paris.

If Loki walked into the duel in person.

If the 12 sect leaders can really think about his proposal.

This is indeed an unprecedented gladiatorial event.

dong dong dong

Uniform footsteps sounded from the outside of the square, and the Crusaders under the Pope finally rushed to the center of the city. The dragon flames sprayed from the mouth of the red flame dragon can block the Roman Sheriff, but there is no way to penetrate the rune plate armor on the heavily armored knight.

The Crusaders were born to fight against ancient monsters.

Facing the blazing dragon's breath, thick tower shields were stacked one after another, quickly forming a hard and smooth shield wall.

The dragon's breath could not burn through the silver shield, and the Crusaders hiding behind the shield wall quickly advanced step by step. When they finally got close to the parliament, the shield wall separated, and two huge dragon-killing ballistae were pushed out from the rear of the formation by the soldiers.

This is not a rapid-fire crossbow made by the Mohist school, but a siege giant crossbow finally designed by the bachelors who are proficient in mechanical crafts in the city after more than a dozen versions of improvements.

In terms of size alone, the giant crossbow is almost three times the size of the rapid-fire ballista. After sacrificing the rate of fire, it brings absolutely powerful single-shot damage. The reason why it is named the Siege Crossbow is that this thing can even shoot through the iron gate of Constantinople that is nearly half a meter thick with one arrow.

A dull bombardment sounded, and two giant silver arrows easily pierced the fire dragon's throat in the dark smoke.

Bathed in the dragon's blood falling from the sky, the Crusaders roared into the council hall.

They raised their weapons and were about to chop at Loki's head when they suddenly saw an agile white figure blocking the sword.

The crisp sound of metal and stone clashing continued to sound, and the snow-white linen robe and warm human skin were chopped to pieces by the sword. The figure remained motionless.

Finally, the golden scales under the skin were revealed, as well as the strange demon eyes belonging to the lizard man.

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