Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 2: For subscription)

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Chapter 73 Default Sections [29]

At this time, the villa on Welsh Avenue was like a big hospital. It was a week after Li Mu ’s attack. All the wounded lived here except one who was dead. Li Mu was from Springfield ’s largest hospital. Ten nurses were hired to provide one-on-one care to the ten wounded.

The reason why he was discharged as soon as possible was not that Li Mu did not need treatment, but that he was treated in the hospital. After seeing the treatment and health conditions of the hospital at this time, Li Mu had to leave the hospital. If he continues to stay in the hospital, Li Mu feels that his injury is not about rehabilitation, it is a blessing if it does not worsen.

In fact, in the distant London, England, Florence Nightingale has established a modern medical nursing system, but thanks to the poor information transmission at this time, Nightingale's concept of nursing has not spread to Spring. Field.

Even at Springfield's largest hospital, Li Mu still saw all kinds of mess. In contrast, Will and Burnside smoking and drinking in the ward are trivial matters, and the hospital is stink everywhere. Trash, medical waste are discarded everywhere, sewage flows on the ground, there is no person in charge of cleaning the ward, the patient's bedding will not be changed every day, even the wounded bandages will not be thoroughly cleaned, and disinfection is unheard of.

After looking at the health situation in the hospital, Li Mu immediately decided to let everyone out of the hospital, preferring to hire someone to take care of himself, rather than leaving the wounded in the hospital to die.

After returning to the villa on Welsh Avenue, Li Mu opened the entire second floor of the villa as a ward. Each wounded is a separate ward, and a dedicated nurse is responsible for the care. The nurse's role is not only to care for the wounded, but also to be in the ward. Health, keep the room clean, and regularly ventilate every day. Li Mu even hired a person to be responsible for cleaning. Every day, he used clean sheets for the wounded. As for the bandages that were replaced every day, they were thoroughly cleaned. Disinfection is also required, and no malignant event like infection is allowed.

Treating his own people, Li Mu has always been very generous. Li Mu is very grateful to the gunmen who fought hard that day. For those who were killed in the gun battle, Li Mu gave everyone a ten thousand dollar pension and invited the gunner's family to Springfield. Settled, Steed Weapons Company will be responsible for the resettlement of the gunmen's family.

For those who survive, even if they are disabled due to injuries, Li Mu will not abandon them. In addition to their salary will be doubled, Li Mu prepared for each of them a 50 acres in the Kuobin Reservoir area. The land farm, if calculated according to the Chinese, is a whole 300 acres of land. Even if they rent the land out, it is enough to meet the family's living needs.

Li Mu's generosity has won the favor of everyone. Even the gunmen's family who died in the gunfight, no one has sought Li Mu for death, almost everyone accepted this fact.

To be honest, life is not very valuable these years. Li Mu's pension of 10,000 dollars to each person is already sky-high. Those gunmen who attacked Li Mu came to Springfield at the risk of their lives. Five hundred dollars.

For Li Mu, the problems that can be solved with money are not the problems. The only regret is that Yan Hu has never woke up. The doctor said that if Yan Hu still can't wake up in the past two days, it is best to start preparing for the aftermath.

Until then, all talents realized that Yan Hu might pass away at any time. Although Yan's mother still insisted that Yan Shun follow Li Mu's errands, when Li Mu saw Yan's mother every day, her eyes were always red and swollen.

Chu Xue is the same. In recent days, Chu Xue even ignored Li Mu in order to take care of Yan Hu.

Li Mu didn't care about it. If it wasn't Yan Hu who was furious and thought about the wound on Yan Hu's back, Li Mu shuddered.

In late February, the day before Time Magazine was about to go on sale, Amos Ackerman came to visit Li Mu.

This time, Li Mu did not escape, and hosted Amos Ackerman in the office of Steed Weapon Company.

"Rim, I have to say that you did a great job, except that the results were not satisfactory and the process was impeccable." Amos praised Li Mu when he saw him.

"This is not my credit. Amis is guilty of injustice. If she walks too much at night, she will always encounter ghosts. I often walk by the river without wet shoes."-Li Mu now faces Amos Without any psychological obstacles, Li Mu killed Amis, objectively speaking, he also helped Amos complete the task, although Li Mu did not consider himself and Amos to be the same.

"Yes, you ’ll always encounter ghosts when you walk more at night—I have a proof here that the fire in Amis's house has something to do with your subordinate Ford Benjamin. Do you have any explanation for this? "Sure enough, this Amos is still the same as the one in Li Mu's impression.

Hearing Amos' words, Li Mu's heart suddenly hesitated. The fire in Amis's house was indeed made by Li Mu and instructed by Ford Benjamin, but I don't know which part went wrong, but now the wind leaked.

Damn it!

Li Mu cursed, his face was still light and light: "It is nonsense that Sheriff Ford is an upright person. From what I know about Sheriff Ford, Sheriff Ford cannot do this kind of thing. Speaking of which, I want to correct the fact that Sheriff Ford is not under me. He is under Mr. Will. If she has any problems, you should go to Mr. Will. "

Li Mu doesn't know where the problem is, but it looks like Amos's chest is complete. It may not seem to be a fake. Li Mu needs time to find out the source of the problem. Playing a ball is a good idea to delay time.

"Oh, Rim, you are very clever, but no one else is a fool. Everyone knows what role you play in the issue of Mobile Credit. You should understand the fact that Mobile Credit It should not be settled in the dark room. As an illegal income of Amis, the property of Mobilier Credit Company should belong to the federal government. "Amos emphasized that Li Mu and Burnside were in the process of handling Mobilier credit company property. The wrongdoing and deep eyes make people's true intentions unclear.

"Mr. Amos, there is no definitive conclusion about Mobilier Credit Company and Amis. There is no evidence that Amis committed crimes, so Mobilier Credit Company's property is not stolen money, so this is just business The behavior is not a court trial. If you have an opinion on the ownership of the property of Mobilil Credit Company, you can appeal to the Springfield District Court or the Federal Supreme Court— "Li Mu did not accept the call, the voiceover is You can tell if you have the ability, and don't be blind here without me **.

Regarding Amys and Mobile Credit, there is indeed no evidence that Amis committed a crime, and the property of Mobile Credit is certainly not regarded as stolen money.

Burnside is still capable. After returning to Washington, Burnside turned into a distressed boy and shut everyone up with 90,000 North Pacific Railroad shares, so everything that happened in Springfield No one mentioned it, as if there had never been a person like Amis, and everything was gone.

Li Mu is really not afraid of Amos's lawsuit. In the safe of Li Mu ’s office, Burnside ’s list to Li Mu has the name of the Justice of the Springfield District Court Richard Wesley, as well as the Supreme Court. In the name of Judge Salmon Chase, if Amos really sue, Li Mu can guarantee that Amos will blame himself.

"Rim, I used to think you were an upright person, but I found that I was wrong." Amos looked at Li Mu with a sad look.

"Amos, if the U.S. government is a fair and just government, then I can guarantee that I am an upright person. At present it obviously does not look like that. I want to live. I want to live better than others. Since I cannot Change society, then I have to adapt to society. "Li Mu still feels ashamed in the face of honest Amos.

"I understand your mood, but you can't base your happiness on harming society. You just said that multiple injustices must boast. Then look at yourself. Can you now say that your actions represent justice? "Amos was so distressed that his voice was so loud that he did not give Li Mu time to breathe.

"It's you who taught me to compromise—" Li Mu looked indifferent, and righteousness-easier said than done!

"You wait, I will definitely bring you to justice." Amos picked up his hat and prepared to leave.

On the train returning from Washington to Springfield, Amos met Li Mu for the first time, and said that he would stare at Li Mu. As long as Li Mu did anything wrong, Amos would not relent.

"Give up Amos, you ca n’t win, you do n’t know who you are facing, how many people you are facing, maybe this result is the best result now, anyway, Amis has paid the price, this It is also your purpose to come to Springfield. "Li Mu really did not want to go against the court with Amos.

Until now, just like Amos said, Li Mu can't touch his conscience to say that he is an upright person, but this does not mean that Li Mu has been completely blackened. Although he is in this big mud pit, Li Mu also yearns for it Bright, Li Mu also desires good quality. From this perspective, Li Mu does not want to hurt Amos.

Amos does not like people, but Amos's character is also admirable. Not everyone can stand up and cry for justice in the face of collective crimes. Li Mu does not like Amos, but this cannot It became the reason why Li Mu hurt Amos.

"Amis did pay the price, but Amis did not get a fair trial. On the contrary, the crime is continuing. All of this must be curbed. As for what I am about to face, I have long expected that I am Don Quixote, you can laugh at my behavior, but you can't laugh at my ideals. "Amos used this to show his attitude.


This is a luxury in this era.

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