Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 187: No return of money (first subscription)

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John Pierpont Morgan is in his prime, unlike the various beards Li Mu has seen. Morgan's beard is trimmed neatly, hazel eyes are calm and deep. Morgan's first wife was four years after marriage. After months of illness, Morgan's eyes are often sad and gloomy.

Morgan was born in a wealthy family. It started with his grandfather's generation. To John Pierpont Morgan, the wealth of the Morgan family has been passed down for three generations, but it is far from reaching its peak.

John Pilpont Morgan, who appeared in front of Li Mu, was tall, wearing a finely crafted British coat and a classic elegant plaid vest, leaving Li Mu a very good first impression.

"Hello Lim—" Morgan offered to reach out to Li Mu.

"Hello Pipa, it's nice to meet you-" Li Mu politely responded.

This is a mansion on Welsh Street. It seems that Morgan attaches great importance to the cooperation with Steed Investment Company. The first time he received the Henry Telegram, Morgan rushed from New York to Springfield to meet Li Mu.

Chu Xue sends tea to Li Mu and coffee to Morgan.

Li Mu noticed that when Chu Xue placed the coffee in front of Morgan, Morgan had an act of giving thanks. Although the magnitude of the action was not large, it was enough to prove that Morgan was well-educated, which deepened Li Mu's affection for Morgan.

"When I came by passing the Kuobin Reservoir, I have to say, Lim, you are really a big hand. When I was your age, all I thought about was to go around two blocks when I was at school, just to look at the girl I liked. . "Morgan's opening remark was self-deprecating, effectively closing the distance with Li Mu.

It seems that Morgan likes to bypass the road because the Broadshore Reservoir is northeast of Springfield. If you do not bypass the road, Morgan does not need to pass through the Broadshore Reservoir to Welsh Street.

"That was just an accident. If it weren't for Amis, I would not have intersected the Kuobin Reservoir." Li Mu made no secret that Amis's downfall had spread throughout the New England area, Morgan must know.

"Oh, the crime will be punished eventually, and Amis is responsible for it." Morgan's reaction was beyond the expectation of Li Mu.

In fact, during this period, the famous big families in the twentieth century had just started, and the most representative ones were: Carnegie, Rockefeller, and then Morgan.

Of these three, Carnegie is a famous "robber tycoon" who is good at attacking quickly after discovering the target, and has fallen into Carnegie's trap before the opponent has responded; Rockefeller is known for his "ruthlessness" In order to achieve its goal, Rockefeller can do whatever it can. Rockefeller's Standard Oil is one of the most hated companies of this era. During the rise of Standard Oil, Standard Oil committed many crimes, including murder.

Morgan is different from them. Morgan is a person with a "protagonist halo". Morgan believes that "the determinant of business credit is moral character", so Morgan's business method is relatively formal. At least Morgan has a moral bottom line and will not serve interests. regardless of costs.

The "ethical bottom line" was valuable in this era, so that Carnegie, who is also a competitor, had to admit: "Unless strict adherence to ethics, great causes are difficult to succeed, and if there are, there are very few! Fame and unscrupulous means are a fatal trap in a big cause. Norm should not be a legal provision, but a moral character .... The key to a permanent victory is that the company should be fair, not just the reputation of legitimate business. In recent years It must be admitted that old-fashioned bankers like Genos are already hard to find! "

Carnegie said "Ginos" is the father of J.P. Morgan.

"Presumably Henry has already introduced to you. I want to issue bonds that are secured by Cuba's mineral resources. What do you think about this?" Li Mu is not in the circle, everyone is busy, time is precious, and no time is spared. war.

"Excuse me, I'm not optimistic, Cuba's resources are very good, but there is no guarantee for it, and although your achievement is amazing, but for the capital market, the horse investment company has no credibility guarantee, So I'm not optimistic. "Morgan's personality is straightforward, or Morgan's moral standards require that Morgan cannot lie, so even in the presence of Li Mu, Morgan did not shy away.

Morgan is right. For the capital market, Li Mu's Steed Weapons Company does not have credibility at all, and Li Mu used improper means in the process of killing Amis. Now this result has gradually begun to appear.

You still have to be honest!

"As long as there is a generous remuneration, naturally someone is willing to take risks, so the interest on the bonds I issue is 8%." Li Mu does not care about credibility. As long as the temptation is large enough, someone is always willing to take risks.

At this time, the interest rate of the national debt is generally about 5%, and Li Mu's breath is increased to 8%, which is really a big deal.

"And this is not my personal act. I have been authorized by the Ministry of War to hire volunteers from the United States to go to Cuba to help the Republic of Cuba train its troops and drive away the Spaniards trapped in Cuba. So all this is not without guarantee. Risk, financial investment is inherently risky. It is said that the French government bonds currently operated by J.P. Morgan also have risks, and the return on capital is obviously not as high as 8%. Since it is also risky, why not choose a return rate? What about the higher one? "Li Mu's tongue is like a spring, and he must overcome the key point of Morgan.

"After all, France and Cuba are different--" Morgan was also very savvy, and immediately grasped the core of the problem.

Of course it is different. Although the French failed in the Franco-Prussian war, the Germans could not swallow France at one go. Cuba is different. Cuba seems to be dying, so French bonds are barely regarded as high-quality assets, and Cuba ’s bonds are divided. Minutes can become waste paper.

"It's all the same from a risk perspective. Everyone wants to buy North Pacific Railroad bonds before Christmas, but now those bonds are waste paper. Jake Cook may jump from London's highest building tomorrow. . "Li Mu gave an example.

Just before Christmas, Jack Cook was still one of Wall Street's financial oligarchs. Jack Cook's company underwritten the North Pacific Railroad's $ 100 million bond. It was a good business but now it is a hot potato. .

In fact, this matter has something to do with Li Mu, and it can even be said that it is precisely because of Li Mu that Jay Cook has fallen into the field today.

Mobilier Credit Co., Ltd. holds a large number of North Pacific Railroad bonds. After Li Mu's downfall of Amis, although this matter is not over, Amis once instructed Mobilier Credit Co. to use the North Pacific Railroad. It is well known that corporate bonds bribe MPs.

This is undoubtedly a big scandal. So far, the matter is still fermenting. The general manager of North Pacific Railroad has been forced to resign. It is rumored that North Pacific Railroad is facing a spin-off. In this case, North Pacific Railroad Company. No one's bonds were attracted.

Of course, this economic downturn is also relevant. Li Mu's downfall of Amis is just a fuse.

Jack Cook was also sadly reminder. He held a lot of bonds in his hands and went to Europe if he could not sell it in the United States, but it is estimated that the outlook is not optimistic. The London financial market and the New York financial market are wearing a pair of pants. The United States can't sell it, and there is no hope in Europe.

Li Mu can't pity Jake Cook. Although Li Mu didn't kill Jake Cook, Jake Cook died because of Li Mu, but the financial oligarchs of this era are basically original sins. Pulling them all together may be similar. Morgan was wronged like this, there must have been a leak from one to the other.

Many are missing.

"If you raise the interest rate to ten percent, I can help you sell-two million bonds." Morgan opened the bidding code.

In fact, the so-called "risks" are all excuses. If Morgan is not interested in Cuban bonds, then Morgan will not come to Springfield at all. Morgan's time is also very valuable. Although it is not auctioned to dinner, Morgan Nor would I have dinner with anyone.

"Eight percent, at least 10 million US dollars, I can buy 2 million US dollars in French bonds." Li Mu also gave the price code.

A very good start, at least Li Mu and Morgan have cooperation intentions, this is a good start.

Similar negotiations like this are actually protracted. Generally speaking, Li Mu and Morgan should form a negotiating team, and then let the negotiating team talk. Li Mu and Morgan wait for the final signing.

However, the situation is a bit special now. Li Mu will go to Cuba in April. He does n’t have much time with Morgan's ink, so Li Mu went to battle in person, even if he suffered a loss.

In fact, what kind of losses are owed to the investors who are not aware of the losses, and Li Mu is waiting to get the money.

In just half an hour, Li Mu and Morgan reached an agreement. Li Mu purchased five million US dollars of French national debt and guaranteed to hold these national debts for at least two years; Morgan was responsible for underwriting the Cuban national debt valued at eight million US dollars at 100% interest. Nine, two years later began to cash.

In order to ensure that Li Mu has the ability to pay, Li Mu has been patented on a smokeless powder. If Li Mu cannot cash it after two years, the patent for smokeless powder will automatically belong to Morgan Commercial Bank.

This business is still very cost-effective, with a patent selling for $ 8 million, which is estimated to be the most expensive patent ever.

After signing the contract, Morgan was much more positive: "In order to ensure that the investment of the investor will not be a problem, the Morgan firm will send someone to go to Cuba with you. You don't mind Lim."

To be honest, Li Mu's reputation is not bad now. Although the process of overthrowing Amis is a bit disgraceful, Li Mu is also wearing a halo of "inventor". If this is not because of this It is estimated that Morgan would not agree so happily.

"Of course, we started in New York in April. If the person you send is more important to you, then you'd better get him more bodyguards." Li Mu was finally satisfied.

After signing this contract with Morgan, Li Mu is equivalent to tying half of the American financial community to his chariot. If these investors do not want to see their investment in the water, then they had better support Li Mu, otherwise Li Mu Don't mind letting them die.

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