Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 216: Boom (the third one seeking subscription)

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Li Mu bet that Darwin Andrew was afraid to turn his face with Li Mu.

Different identities determine their different ways of doing things. It is true that Li Mu is of Chinese descent. It is also true that Chinese are not high in Cuba, but this does not mean that Li Mu can be at the mercy of Darwin Andrew. If Darwin Andrew I think that Li Mu is young and he can bluff Li Mu in a few words. Darwin Andrew is wrong. As a traversal, being threatened by himself is a shame. If he is unable to make a comeback, then Li Mu can only buy Pieces of tofu were killed.

Bloody fight to the end!

This is indeed a very heroic word. At least when Li Mu said the word, Benjamin's eyes turned to Li Mu immediately, Darwin Andrew and Rayleigh Toynbee looked at Li Mu with suspicion.

"I repeat to you again, I do n’t care who your Cuban President is, I only take what I deserve. If you ca n’t protect my territory, then I will protect myself. If you can fight with me, then I Welcome, but I want to emphasize that if anyone dares to make trouble behind my back, I will let him have nothing! "Li Mu sneered, staring at Darwin Andrew's eyes, no matter what changes Darwin Andrew has now, Li Mu will have nothing at all Do not hesitate to grab the quill pen on the table and insert it into Darwin Andrew's eyes.

Perhaps because of Li Mu's determination, Darwin Andrew could no longer maintain his calm expression.

In fact, all toughness is pretended, and toughness is relatively speaking. For the weak, the strong will certainly be tough, but if you meet the stronger, even the strong will have to show weakness.

Obviously, Darwin Andrew may be a stronger player than Seth Pedes, but Darwin Andrew is an outright weaker than Li Mu.

Nothing, this is the threat from Li Mu. For those who have enjoyed the taste of power, the most uncomfortable thing is not to kill them, but to make them lose power and have nothing, which will make him more uncomfortable than killing him.

Many people have been pursuing longevity in ancient times. In fact, what they are pursuing is to keep the power in their hands forever. If those people are beggars, they definitely don't want to live forever.

The same is true for Darwin Andrew. In Li Mu's view, this guy is a standard insult. Li Mu does not believe that Darwin Andrew has the courage to give up everything he has with Li Mu. It is really necessary to have this courage. Darwin Andrew will not take Cespe Dess stepped down.

"Mr. Riem, you really make me look." Darwin Andrew picked up a cigar and cut his cigarette, his fingers shaking slightly.

"How many troops are left in San Diego? Don't tell me that only those in the barracks are left." Li Mu turned to Rayleigh Toynbee, not wanting to threaten each other with Darwin Andrew.

Rayleigh Toynbee first glanced at Darwin Andrew. After getting Darwin Andrew's gesture, Rayleigh Toynbee answered Li Mu's question: "Including the 6,000 people in the barracks, our original The troops were less than 10,000, and the troops withdrawn from Bayamo were about 30,000, but they did not undergo much training, because the retreat was rushed and the weapons were not sufficient, so we can use about 20,000 now. People around. "


Li Mu really didn't know how to evaluate. As far as Li Mu knew, the Republic of Cuba also deployed 50,000 people in Bayamo just a week ago. Within days, even Rayleigh Toynby ordered the troops to retreat early. Only 30,000 people came back, and most of the soldiers lost their guns during the flight. Li Mu did not believe that all 20,000 people were killed. It is estimated that the probability of escape is relatively high.

It was a defeat.

"That is to say, we still have 40,000 people. Only 20,000 can be used, and there will be at least 50,000 people in Willai Nikolau, of which 20,000 are regular troops from Spain-" Li Mukan With the power on paper, the more I look at it, the less hope I feel.

The combat effectiveness of the colonial army and the regular army is definitely incomparable. From a training perspective, the colonial army must be better than the Cuban army. The reason why the Cuban army could drive the Spaniards out of the courage of **** fighting Now that the courage has been lost, the only advantage of the Cuban army is no longer there.

"So we're heading to Baracoa, temporarily avoiding the Spaniard's edge, and when the Spaniards are exhausted, Santiago and Bayamo are ours." Rayleigh Toynbee seemed to have found a reason to escape, The sound was a little louder.

"Mr. Rayleigh, I would like to remind you of the fact that if you give up San Diego, you will never be able to come back again because no one will believe that you will succeed, including the 40,000 people now, why they will still Return to San Diego because they have hope for you. If you run away at this time, then they will leave you sooner or later. At that time, I can pat my **** back to Springfield, and give up the money of Wall Street tycoons. Go back, I can make no money, but what do you do? Exile in Britain or France in exile establish a meaningless government in exile but die? Then ten years later, twenty years later, or your life At the last moment, I'm sure you will regret it for today's retreat. "Li Mu tried to make himself indifferent. The more so, the more he can relax Darwin Andrew and Rayleigh Toynbee.

After listening to Li Mu's words, Darwin Andrew and Rayleigh Toynbee looked at each other. Although they were unwilling to admit it, they also knew that the situation that Li Mu said was indeed likely to happen.

"So, Mr. Riem, what would you do if it were you?" Darwin Andrew took a sip of the cigar, sulking his mouth for a long time, and then spat out slowly.

Uh, uh, this action is really not elegant, and it obviously doesn't match the cigar's forcing.

"Gather all the troops, get rid of those who are not determined, and encourage them to fight blood to the end of the Spaniards. Even if they flee, they must flee with dignity. They must not be like a mourning dog. Yu Hui left his head on the battlefield. "Li Mu will also sing high-profile, only half of the words, as for how to fight, I'm sorry, Li Mu does not know, it should be George Dewey's task.

"That is to say, you can't deal with the Spaniards." The disappointment in Darwin Andrew's eyes was fleeting, but he could still bear his temper.

"Mr. Darwin, let me tell you this, if you are going to Baracoa, so light, I can tell you now, I will definitely not go because going to Baracoa is only a dead end, if you want to stay in Santiago, then we can fight with the Spaniards. The outcome is still unpredictable. Even if we lose, we have no complaints. Think about it-do you understand what I mean? " Nai, the Spaniards immediately came to the city, Li Mu did not have much time to deal with these people.

"Mr. Riem, calm down-" Darwin Andrew was still alive.

"I can't calm down--" Li Mu was furious, sweeping the candlesticks and documents on the table to the ground, staring at Darwin Andrew fiercely: "Now you have only two options Either cooperate with me and drive away the Spaniards. I do n’t care if you want to be president or speaker of the parliament, or you go to Baracoa. I stay here and fight the Spaniards, understand? "

Li Mu finally understood that it is useless to talk to people like Darwin Andrew. This kind of person is best at talking with thin mud and then profiting from it, but this person has no ability. Li Mu is now the gold of the Republic of Cuba. Lord, then you have to be a bit arrogant, otherwise, Darwin Andrew may not dare to put Li Mu under house arrest.

"Mr. Riem, watch your attitude, this is Cuba!" Rayleigh Toynbee finally showed a hint of toughness.

"Don't you shut up for me!" Li Mu angered Rayleigh Toynbee, posing a completely torn face: "Look at what you did? I'll tell you very clearly now, if I'm Cuba's investment is completely lost, and I will definitely make you pay. No matter if you are in the UK or France, I will find you and make you die. If you do n’t believe it, you can try it. See the British or Can the French protect you! "

Li Mu doesn't want to be in contempt with Darwin Andrew anymore. When it's time to be tough, you have to be tough, otherwise Li Mu, the "golden master", is too aggrieved.

Rayleigh Toynbee didn't expect Li Mu to be so tough. Although his complexion turned red, he couldn't catch a word.

"I repeat with you again, no matter how you toss, I want Guantanamo and Pine Island. If I ca n’t get these two places, then you are waiting to bear the wrath of all the tycoons on Wall Street. I can assure you, That must be uncomfortable. "Li Mu sang the tiger skin and sang a big show, betting Darwin Andrew and Rayleigh Toynbee did not dare to rip their faces with Li Mu.

Li Mu was right. From leaving the lounge until he left the presidential palace, no one dared to stop Li Mu and Benjamin from leaving. Li Mu was relieved when he got into the carriage. On the surface, Li Mu was calm, but nobody You know, Li Mu's underwear has been soaked.

"Rim, I found out today, you are a real man!" Sitting in the compartment, Benjamin couldn't help but praise Li Mu.

When Darwin Andrew stated that he wanted to take Li Mu and Benjamin as hostages, Benjamin's heart had already mentioned his throat, but he did not expect that Li Mu sent a thunder, and Benjamin and Li Mu left the Presidential House without any damage, which made Benjamin It really looks at Li Mu differently.

The ups and downs of life are so exciting!

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