Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 226: Sea power theory

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There is no doubt that the United States in the nineteenth century was a white world. As a foreign group, the Chinese want to make a name for themselves in the United States and become a special class like the 21st century Jews. The Chinese still need more efforts.

As the most successful Chinese in the United States at present, having money-this is a prerequisite, and it is only a prerequisite, but also has strength, which will make people dare not to be despised. The army is obviously the biggest dependency of Li Mu.

In the 21st century, there are several well-known companies in the United States, namely: Heishui, Deyang, and Clover. These companies are strictly privately armed, but why can the United States be called the most powerful force in the world? The reason for its emergence in the country is intriguing.

Even the most powerful country in the world cannot be free to do whatever it wants. There are always some things that are inconvenient to appear in the name of the country. At this time, some organizations or individuals need to be "backed up" by the government.

For example, if the United States wants to support the Republic of Cuba, it is not appropriate for the country to come forward. Therefore, Li Mu, the "arms dealer", was born.

Li Mu now wants to be the "Governor's Pot Man" of the U.S. government, not only this time. If there is anything in the future that is not convenient for the U.S. government, then Li Mu will also take the lead in the US government. It is necessary to retain an armed force, which is the tacit understanding between Li Mu and Grant.

What is certain is that no matter when the US government headed by Grant will definitely not recognize the fact that Li Mu has a private armed force, but as long as Li Mu has sufficient strength, then when it is needed, Washington is the first to remember it. The "fire extinguisher" will be Li Mu.

Regarding the twists and turns, Li Mu would not explain to Ma Han, nor could he explain it.

The smart man is not only Li Mu. If it comes to strategic tactics, Benjamin is much worse than Mahan, but if it is tortuous at the political level, Benjamin can play Mahan alive, Mahan will help Benjamin count money.

As soon as Li Mu's words fell, Benjamin understood Li Mu's "worries", so Benjamin immediately switched off the topic: "Tom, when do you think the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment is capable of combat?"

With combat capabilities!

This standard is really flexible.

"It takes at least three months to reach the level of combat. What I want to explain here is that we should not treat the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment with normal eyes. The members of this unit are completely different from the soldiers in our previous concept. They It should have a better tomorrow. This unit should have a super long combat power. If they are trained for six months, then I can guarantee that this unit will have an amazing combat power. Don't look at them. There is only one regiment, and we can use them as a decisive force. At some special moments, this unit can change the situation on the battlefield. "Tom gave the highest evaluation.

Li Mu's heart is open and hearty. Li Mu decided that starting tomorrow, he would pay Tom three times the special allowance.

The officers Li Mu asked the Ministry of War are strictly speaking the staff employed by the Ministry of War. These officers came from the United States to Cuba. In addition to receiving a normal salary from the United States War Department, they will also receive a copy from Li Mu. Special allowances, in general, are more than twice the normal salary.

Cuba is a war zone, and treatment is definitely different from that of the peaceful era. It is unlikely that these officers would fool Li Mu by relying only on the phrase "for the peace of all mankind."

"Changing the battlefield-will this evaluation be a bit overkill?" Benjamin was surprised by Tom's high evaluation of the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment.

"Maybe it sounds, but it doesn't, it's the same conclusion I and Jerry." Tom pulled Jerry to prove for himself.

"Yes-I can guarantee that Tom isn't saying too much. Even I think if the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment is put in the right place at the right time, then the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment has the ability to end this war." Jerry Prove that Tom is right.

Ah, the cat and mouse would be so harmonious, it feels weird!

Jerry's words did not achieve the desired effect. With Tom and Jerry's two officers who know the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment best, maybe Mahan and Benjamin have accepted the fact that the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment is a powerful force, but when it comes to " "End the war", which sounds a bit overrated.

"Actually we can do it. We can imagine that Willai Nikolau was sent out in a nest. He only had about six colonial infantry divisions and two Spanish infantry divisions. This time, he attacked Santiago, Willis. · Nicolaus dispatched five of these divisions, that is to say, now north of Bayamo, there are only three colonial infantry divisions in Cuba, including the Spanish rule in Havana, Cuba. If we Give the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment for six months of complete training, and then drop the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment into Havana from the sea, so everyone, we can imagine what that would lead to. "Li Mu threw down the last straw.

In the 21st century, Li Mu's method is known to everyone. This is called "Beheading." But in the nineteenth century, in this era of emphasizing courage, formation, and confrontation, it was undoubtedly deafening to put forward such tactical ideas.

"Invested in Havana-" Ma Han was a bit dry in his mouth. Ma Han is an honest soldier. Ma Han's quality requires Ma Han not to lie, so Ma Han is very normal to draw a conclusion: "We may end this Battle. "

Right, that's the end.

"Yes, we may end this war-" Li Mu decided to give Mahan a fatal blow. Mahan will publish "The Influence of Sea Power on History" in the future. This is the first part of the "Trilogy of Sea Power" One, but Ma Han has not yet formed a complete ideological system, so Li Mu wants to supplement Ma Han with this link: "The importance of the navy to a country is beyond doubt, so 'sea power' should be the core interest of a country. On our planet, the ocean area occupies more than 70% of the Earth ’s surface area, so we cannot overemphasize the importance of the navy— "

The moment he heard Li Mu's "sea power theory", Ma Han's eyes suddenly lighted, and his eyes were full of surprise and scorching, which could melt Li Mu.

In the United States these days, there is no systematic strategic thinking. Even in the world, everyone knows the importance of the navy, but no one has clearly stated why the navy is important, and the meaning of a powerful navy is What, in the future, Mahan ’s "Sea Power Theory" will fill this gap, so "Sea Power Theory" has become the guiding ideology of the US Navy. In the future, US President Theodore Roosevelt controls Central America ’s "big stick" "Policy" is based on Mahan's theory. The "Europe and Asia" of the United States in World War II is still based on the "sea power theory". Even after the end of the Cold War until the 21st century, the United States' deployment in the Asia-Pacific region was Based on Mahan theory.

Ma Han was born in the professor's building of West Point Military Academy on September 27, 1840. His father, Ma Han, was the youngest professor at West Point Military Academy. In 1856, sixteen-year-old Ma Han entered the United States Navy Academy in Annapolis. In the first grade, he graduated with the second place in 1859 and entered the Navy.

From 1859 to the present, Mahan has been thinking about what the role of the navy is for a country, and what kind of value would a country have for a strong navy.

Unfortunately, in this respect, no one gave guidance to Ma Han. Because there is no trace of his predecessors, Ma Han has been groping in the dark and has been walking in the thorns. He is like a lone monk. Walking alone in the pursuit of truth,

Until Li Mudang proposed the "sea power theory" to Ma Han.

What is Zhenfa deafness?

What is Moseton Open?

What is 醍醐 initiation?

"Maritime power" is for Mahan.

"Sea power, a very novel term." Benjamin didn't understand what it meant yet.

"That's right, we just need to train him that way, and then put this army in Havana-" Tom was still immersed in Li Mu's strategic vision.

"Yes, that's what I mean." Jerry knew that this might change the course of the war, but Jerry didn't know why, and Jerry didn't want to think.

Ma Han suddenly threw away the knife and fork in his hand, pulled off the napkin on his collar, threw it severely into the dinner plate in front of him, said "missing", and then got up and left.

"This-Alfred-" Benjamin wanted to stop Mahan.

"General, let him go—" Li Mu looked at Ma Han's back with a smile and raised the iced wine in front of him with a sense of accomplishment: "Maybe we have the opportunity to witness the birth of a strategic master. I propose that we should Toast for this. "

"Shouldn't it be the birth of a legend?" Benjamin was still confused, thinking that Li Mu was talking about Yan Hu.

"That's two legends-" Li Mu's smile was profound.

Benjamin scratched his head and gave up thinking about this seemingly complex problem, but instead focused on the rum in front of him: "For the legend!"

This is the difference between genius and ordinary people.

After dinner, Benjamin left as usual, Li Mu, Tom, and Jerry went to the living room seat.

"The training of the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment must not be relaxed. We must strictly require them and train them as a special unit. My requirement is that each of them should be proficient in horse riding, diving, long-range attacks, shooting, Fighting, blasting, and even assassination— "Li Mu's requirements are high, which are all requirements for special forces.

"I'm afraid we need to extend the training time." Tom responded bitterly.

"I have enough time for you for a year?" Li Mu was magnanimous.

"One year-I can only say I will do my best." Tom didn't dare to promise.

One year, this standard has been very loose for Li Mu, but it is not easy for him.

This is also the difference between genius and ordinary people.

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