Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 232: Win-win

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The United States does not have a standing army, but Guantanamo Bay has a need for land defense. So what should we do at this time?

Finding a hard-working mercenary seems like the best solution.

The point is that this Guantanamo Infantry Regiment is a Chinese unit, so according to the Chinese's usual character analysis, the asking price of this unit is definitely not high; and although the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment is a Cuban army in name, it is actually covered by Li Mu Li Mu himself is an American and has inextricably linked with Washington. With such a comprehensive analysis, the answer is almost ready.

"Trust-It depends on which aspect. If they are allowed to attack San Diego, I believe they will not hesitate, but if they are allowed to attack the Qing Empire in the Far East, they are likely to fall apart." It is ugly to talk about the front, so as not to later say that Li Mu's people cannot work.

It should not face that kind of extreme situation. In Li Mu's memory, it seems that the U.S. emperor did not mean to wage war against the Qing Empire before the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China. That is, even if the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment was incorporated, Li Mu did not need to Worried to meet with the sovereign state soldiers.

Of course, it ’s better to say clearly. With the emergence of Li Mu in this era, the pace of many things has greatly accelerated. God knows what will happen in the future. Will the original historical trajectory change. Although Li Mu did not like the Qing Empire, but Li Mu was still reluctant to be the vanguard of the imperialist aggression against China. After all, after the war, the victims were still the common people.

"It will definitely not attack the Qing Empire. This is inconsistent with our core interests. I mean the Republic of Cuba. If-I mean, if one day they are going to confront the Republic of Cuba for the benefit of a certain country, will they Contradictory? "Will was still carefully testing.

Still "a certain country", just say that the United States is not over. You have muscle giants in your head. Being a lobbyist is really not your old business.

"Surely not! I have already told you that the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment was besieged by the Spanish for three days and three nights, but no one came to the rescue, so you can still count on this unit to give its heart and soul to the Republic of Cuba? Don't be foolish Come on. "Li Mu spoke thoroughly and completely dispelled Will and some people's doubts.

People are not dogs. If they are dogs, they may be hard to find once abandoned by the owner. If they are abandoned once, it is not easy to appease them. Even if they do n’t seem to say it, they will still buy mustard.

"Very good." Will praised and stopped paying attention to the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment, quickly opening the subject.

Li Mu is not in a hurry, such a big thing is definitely not something that someone can decide. Li Mu has already expressed his attitude, so just wait for Washington's response.

After dinner, Li Mu invited Langer and Will to sit in the study.

Runkel is still as elegant as ever. Although the fatigue between the eyebrows has not been resolved, the spirit is excellent. In fact, the researcher has done a little research in the direction of the night owl, and the spirit at night is often better than the daytime.

"Still you are clean here, there are no endless experiments, no endless invitations-maybe you can hardly imagine that in Boston, I have no time to relax and have a drink after a meal." Runkel is also a bit greedy And, like Will, did n’t drink enough while eating, then went to the study to continue drinking.

Li Mu didn't drink. Now he asked Chu Xue for a cup of tea, and listened to Langer's complaining with a smile.

The dean of MIT, the MIT dean, recently put on the title of "Big Inventor" when spring breeze was so proud of horseshoe disease, so don't look at the old man now complaining, maybe how beautiful it is.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You are too busy to prove that your level of social participation is relatively high. What do you think of my leisure? No one invited me to dinner, and no one invited me to a meeting. If you are willing to live like this Days, the two of us can change-"Li Mu is also cheap and sells well. He has a different understanding of life and different pursuits. It doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong.

Compared with Runkel, Li Mu's biggest dependency is age.

Runkel is in his fifties. According to the average life expectancy of this era, there are not many days left, so he must seize every opportunity to work hard to glow, and after death he has time to rest.

Li Mu is only in his teens this year. Although Li Mu himself does not know how old his bones are, he will never be more than fifteen years old. This age can be achieved now. This achievement is already against the sky. When Li Mu is over fifty, Li Mu did not know how much influence he would have.

Of course, compared to Runkel, Li Mu's disadvantage is age.

After all, this world is an adult world. Although Li Mu has now become one of the first-rate rich, but after all, he is still a teenage child. He has nothing to do with his lips. The trust that other people give to Li Mu will be because of Li Mu ’s age and Li Mu ’s ownership. Disproportionate in strength.

This is understandable, don't look at Li Mu as a "bully" in Springfield, but if Li Mu enters the Springfield City Council and participates in politics with the old men with a big beard and eyebrows, let alone other people See, Li Mu can't stop himself.

"Regarding the light bulb, how are you going to use Rim?" Langer also didn't waste time and directly talked to Li Mu to work.

There is no doubt that the light bulb is an epoch-making product, a product that can completely change people's lives. Li Mu estimates that the news of the successful development of the light bulb has now spread, and now many people should be ready to get involved in this industry.

Although Runkel is the inventor of the light bulb, the patent right of the light bulb belongs to Li Mu. Therefore, in the aspect of commercial development, Runkel has no right to decide, so this may be the real reason for him to come to Li Mu.

"I have already discussed with Henry. Within a week, I will set up a lighting company in Springfield, and I will provide lighting equipment for the public or individuals." Li Mu is prepared and confident to rely on light bulbs to win a higher society status.

In fact, at this stage, it is unlikely that a light bulb will provide lighting for ordinary people. It is one thing to research a successful light bulb. It is another thing to manage the stable transmission of electricity to millions of households. Li Mu told Edison and Tesla about AC power. A series of lawsuits against DC have been heard. Although Edison could not compete with Li Mu at this stage, the trouble can be foreseen. It will take time to resolve it completely.

Although there are various problems, this does not prevent Li Mu from relying on light bulbs for profit. There is no shortage of people who are willing to try new things in the world, so even if the price of the lighting system is relatively high at this stage, it will definitely not be lacking. The market, which is why Li Mu chose the company in Springfield.

In the current Springfield, Steed Investment Company has already had enough influence. With the deputy mayor of Henry, Steed Investment Company can get involved in urban public construction, and this happens to be the best opportunity for the light bulb to be “amazing”. If Junma Investment Co. installs street lights throughout Springfield, then there is no need for Junma Investment Co. to propagate. Those big and small city bosses in other cities will come to the door with a check.

"So about this company's shares-" Runkel was a little embarrassed, but still mentioned the key parts.

"Rest assured John, part of the profits belong to you." Li Mu's attitude towards money is not indifferent. Of course, with regard to Runkel, Li Mu is willing to invest.

Runkel intends to develop in the direction of politics. Money is an essential booster. If you want to mingle in the American politics, strong financial resources are essential. Look at the old guys in Congress. They are either rich people or As a rich man's agent, it is impossible for a grassroots to make a fool of American politics.

Regarding this last point, look at Benjamin's genealogy to know what is going on in American politics. This guy has been a politician since the grandfather's generation, and will still be his father's generation. Benjamin himself will be in the future. Is the standard hereditary system, what about good democracy and freedom?

Although Langer wears the halo of "big inventor", if he does not have enough economic strength, it is not easy to mix his head in the American political arena. Li Mu knew that Langer had this plan after he took office. Langer himself Although there is no money, Li Mu is now poor and has only money left. It is not a problem to take part to support Runkel. Li Mu believes that in the future, Runkel will definitely give Li Mu sufficient returns.

"Thank you very much, Riem, and hope that our cooperation can continue." Langer was satisfied and thanked Mu Mu with sincerity.

In fact, the cooperation between Junma Investment Company and MIT has been very deep. Just last month, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology officially set up a "Marathon Lab", which completely tied MIT and Junma Investment Company together. .

Runkel will step down as the dean of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in September this year. At that time, Franklin, the former director of the Department of Chemistry and the current director of the Steed Lab, will succeed him as the dean. Send another trip to ensure that there is no problem in the cooperation between MIT and Junma Investment, which is good for both Junma Investment and MIT.

"Of course, I also believe that our cooperation will continue." Li Mu is also willing to maintain this close relationship with MIT, not only for scientific research considerations, but also for future investment.

Li Mu is running a school in Springfield. All the children recruited by Junma Investment are children. Most of them are Chinese, but there are also many white Westerners. Li Mu now has a good relationship with MIT. With a special path to school, when these kids reach the age of college, MIT will be their best choice.

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